Saturday, December 31, 2016

Seek DELight!

I believe in You and Me!
I clear the fear with faith and trust.
I seek the Light and be enlightened.
I trust in only the Highest Good for all.

See 2017 Visioning and Preparation Below!

Seek The Light!

Stop blocking the Light!
Stop clouding your mind.
Relinquish insanity.
Choose for humanity.

Dump the trash.
Bury the deadness.
Cling to nothing.
Honor everything.

Behold the Light that guides your way.
Give life to what gives life energy to you.
Choose the mind that is meaningful and kind.
Seek only what brings joy and gratitude.

You are here to be clear.
You have love and wisdom in you.
Wipe away the tears and fears.
Choose for joy and gratitude.

Lift yourself up in faith.
Stop putting yourself down with doubt.
Remember who you are in truth.
Eliminate what is not true with forgiveness.

Dare to dream.
Set your goals.
Believe in you.
Live the Best.

You can be what you can see within.
Feel the joy of what is in you.
Trust your highest vision.
Don’t buy into worldly limitation.

You can because you dare to do.
Choose what you want to be true.
Open your heart to everything good.
Bless and let go of what depletes you.

Expand your mind.
Trust your heart.
Listen to what’s possible.
Follow the highest Light.

Love is the Answer.
Whatever the question.
If it is yours to do, do it now.
With faith, all things are possible.

Let’s go for it!
Love works!
I say “”YES!”
Betty Lue

2017 New Year’s Visioning.

To start any path, purpose or project, begin with a goal or desired outcome in mind.
Look for what has heart and meaning, what inspires and motivates you!
Ie: Peace, success, gratitude, prosperity, well-being, freedom, etc.
What has the highest value for you and why you do what you do?

Choose the highest priority and focus with an open mind and grateful heart.
Keep you choices simply and able to remember, by repeating, written and spoken daily.
Give it time to feel right and true for you, believable and achievable.
Take the time to write and post where you can read it daily.

Celebrate with full enthusiasm and joy daily every win to be grateful for.
Gratitude works by expanding your faith and increasing the trust.
Put your heart and soul into what it is you are choosing to be so.
Know the goal is for the Highest Good of All. No loss or lack or limitation.

Align everything you do with your highest values and your priorities.
Begin with what is of highest value.

Write 10-20 wants for you in 2017.

Create your highest most inclusive desire to be experienced in each primary area.
What do you want to experience in the areas listed below?

Your highest goals for 2017.
Spiritually: What do I desire to experience?
Personally: What do I desire to experience?
Health/Energ:  What do I desire to experience?
Relationship:  What do I desire to experience?
Family What do I desire to experience?
Work: What do I desire to experience?
Money: What do I desire to experience?
Community: What do I desire to experience?
Environment: What do I desire to experience?
Contribution: What do I desire to experience?

This is your year to do what is highest and best for you.
Feel Good and be Grateful!
All Good and Only Good.
Wishing you happiness, health and fulfillment.
Betty Lue

Friday, December 30, 2016

Time to Let Go!

Letting go is fun, safe and easy.
I relinquish what is not mine to carry.
I lighten up and live with mindfulness.
I choose to free myself from all that holds me back.

See 30 Day Program below to clear the way.

Letting Go!

Is it time for you to let go of the past?
Are you ready to finish what is done?
Are you open to a new beginning?
Can you see what you must do to be true?

Are you haunted by incompletion?
Do you stay in conflict with someone?
Are you open to resolving problems?
Do you withhold true forgiveness?

Letting go stops all wasted time and energy.
Undoing the past is the first step to a positive future.
Forgive yourself for blocking your way to creativity.
Open up to see what is before you to accept and enjoy.

There is only Good when we wash away the reminders of past pain.
There is learning and creating when we open our channel to wisdom and Love.
There is the joy of reviewing and renewing ourselves when we let go.
There is affirmation, acceptance and appreciation when we are ready to receive.

Open the space in your home with letting go.
Open the room in your heart to love even more.
Open the visions in your mind when you relinquish disappointment.
Open the joy of relationships when choose to love again no matter what.

You can have a new beginning everyday when you are willing to let go.
Erase the canvas and white out your mistakes and others. too.
You can be the healing presence when you stop the wounding.
You can learn from everything and everyone when you can fully see.

Let go of the weight and the hate.
Let go of the criticism and resentment.
Let go of what hurts and disappoints you.
Let go of negative pictures and projections.
Let go of what blinds and confounds you.
Let go of what blocks the light and love.

Everything you store, takes a piece of your energy.
You can be the one who sets you free to be.
We may not see all we carry, but letting for will lighten your load.
Lighten up to bring health and happiness, youth and wisdom.

You know what is too much so let it go.
You feel what is good for you, so choose it now.
You trust what is best, so live it everyday.
You want what you deserve, so relinquish what is not for you.

Always Loving you and all,
Betty Lue

30 Days to Healing and Seeing things Differently!
This exercise has a profound impact on how we see and live our lives.
This daily practice will heal and transform your life
With continued practice, there will be a spiritual awakening.

Forgiveness heals our perception and gives us Response-Ability.
Choice empowers us to Create our Experience Consciously.
Gratitude expands what we Choose and increases our Joy.

Daily Practice:

Begin each morning with a pad of lined paper and a pen.
Write and say 30 forgivenesses as they come to mind.
Simply write “I forgive”…and let the rest just come from within.
(No need to understand or feel anything.)
I forgive you for being mean.
I forgive myself for letting anyone hurt me.
I forgive my body’s limitation.
I forgive myself for being late.
I forgive everything.
Make the sound “AAAH” for 1minutes.
Imagine that you are opening your mind.
Now write and say 30 Choices.
I choose to be happy.
I choose to be free.  
I choose to do what I love.
I choose to forgive….

In the Evening (before bed)
Write and say 30 Gratitudes
I appreciate the energy I have.
I love being happy.
I am grateful I have you in my life.
I thank God.
Make the  sound “OM” the Universal sound for Love and God for 1 minute.

Even a few of each is better than none.  
Do what you can and trust it is working.
Even when you are driving to work, you can do this process aloud.
The key is your willingness to DO THE WORK!

Thursday, December 29, 2016


I forgive myself for being thoughtless or inconsiderate.
I choose to care and be aware of all I think, do and say.
I am respectful and considerate of myself and others.
I always give my very best with kindness and consideration.

Please Consider!

Do you consider others’ feelings?
Are you considerate of what others think and believe?
Do you care about what others have and don’t have?
Are you considerate of what you want or choose?

If you were not born into a home which chose to consider one other, you may not know.
If you live in a culture where people are ego-centered, you may not even understand.
If you go to school or work with inconsiderate adults or children, this may not be familiar.
Consider how you feel, what you think and choose if you are truly considerate of yourself.

Do you reflect on what you say and do?
Are you mindful of what comes through your choices?
Do you honor what is right for you?
Are you aware of what your words and feelings express to others?

Consideration is a conscious way to live.
When you are considerate, you have a positive intention for what you think, say and do.
You are thoughtful about your choices.
You reflect on your words and the impact they may have.

When you allow yourself to listen to your inner Self, you recognize what may be misinterpreted.
When you make a mistake, you apologize and correct it immediately.
When you observe someone is upset or hurt, you consider how to respond.
When you notice your own hurt feelings, you are mindful about how to heal.

Being too busy may disconnect you from your Higher Self.
Being afraid may separate you from your sensitive loving Self.
Worrying about what others judgments may create your own defensiveness.
Being mindful requires finding the best in you and following your highest intentions.

Consideration requires pausing and listening to what feels helpful and kind.
Consideration asks that you consider everyone involved.
Consideration is saying NO to what is hurtful, unkind or negative.
Consideration invites us all to choose the high way.

Take the time to consider how you want to feel.
Listen to your heart to know what you want to hear.
Honor your innocence and be conscious of what is best.
Love yourself enough to give yourself the best experiences.

Time to give up childish and thoughtless behavior.
Time to wake up and choose what is helpful and healthy.
Time to grow up and align with functional relationships.
Time to show up, pay attention and tell the Highest Truth.

Encouraging you to be your best everyday with everyone.
Loving you,
Betty Lue 

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Effective Living

Giving my best is Effective.
I pay attentions to what works best.
I am on purpose in my life.
Everything works best when I live my best.

Live Effectively

Everything I think, say and do is teaching others.
My life is an expression and reflection of who I Am.
I live my life reminding myself of what I choose.
I learn from my mistakes, my corrections and all my experiences.

Pay attention to what you say to others.
Are you focused on problems or solutions?
Are you looking to the past or to the future?
Are you constantly judging what is wrong or enjoy what is right?

Our focus of attention determines where we are going.
The more we are looking in the rear view mirror, the more likely we lose our way.
The back seat drivers only confuse, overwhelm and distract us.
We are here to know our destination and stay focused on the path.

Have you kept yourself in good condition, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually?
Are you staying positive or cause in “Misery loves company.”?
Will you step out of the fog of doom and gloom and seek the light?
Are you willing to find the most effective way to encourage and support you everyday?

Consider your options.
1. Fear for the future and build a wall of defense.
2. Wait and see what happens.
3. Find the best way to life fully each and everyday.

You can use your thoughts and vision to create a better way.
You can use your words to inspire and encourage others.
You can begin creating, building and watching Good grow.
You can live your life, inspired, teaching and enjoying  today.

Effectiveness knows where to go and what to do.
Effective living begins at the beginning, one step at a time.
Effective living stays committed to the desired outcome.
Effective living considers the Highest Good for all concerned.

You can create what is good and right and true for you.
This is your life to live, effectively with integrity, love and wisdom.
Be of great courage and joy as you choose the best way for you.
Honor the best in you in all you say and do and give.
Loving you for the contributions you make,
Betty Lue

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Dedicate Your Life to Love!

Love is the truth from which I forgive.
Love is the strength in which I trust.
Love is the mind with which I think.
Love is the way I live in gratitude.

Love Is The Answer!

What is most valuable to you?
What works best for you?
What matters to your world?
What serves your purpose?

Learn to respond to what you want most.
Understand how you can be all you seek.
Observe when everything becomes good.
Awaken to each day with what brings peace.

When you end this year, what have you learned?
When you complete 2016, what has been achieved?
When you look back, what is missing for you?
When you don’t know what to do, choose what is good for you?

Most are caught in the chaos of family. media, politics and fear.
Many are looking for a way out of what does not work.
You may be trying to understand the insanity of humanity.
This is your time to step away for some answer for today.

Consider what you can do to create peace for you.
Ask yourself, “When do you feel best, think best and have good rest?”
Consider all the options and explore and experiment.
Practice and do what seems to be consistently good for you.

Love works, because it heals the pain.
Love works, because your can offer it again and again.
Love works, because it never runs out.
Love works, because it is what life is about.

This Love is consistent and persistent.
This Love is all consuming and never fail.
This Love is within you and every present.
This Love hope, believes and receives for all good.

Let go of defensiveness and withholding.
Forgive those who fear love for they do not know.
Delete the resistance and be willing to Love anyway.
Walk with Love in your heart and Peace in your mind.

Love is pure and light.
Love is open and bright.                                 
Love loves no matter what.
Love is your comfort and your friend.

Love never ends.
Always Loving you,
Betty Lue

Do It Anyway by Kent M. Keith

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered.  
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.  
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies.  Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you.  
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy it all overnight.  
Build anyway.  

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous.  
Be happy anyway.  

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow.  
Do good anyway.  

Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough.  
Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.  

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God.  
It was never between you and them anyway.

Monday, December 26, 2016

The First Day!

I begin today to live in the Light.
I know what I want and I go for it.
I love myself in being truly happy.
I awaken the light within me to show the way.

Today Is the First Day

Begin Today!
Everyday is the first day.
When you are in the light, you know what is right.
When you are in Love, you follow your heart.

Let go of the past and let love last.
Remember who you are and follow that start.
When you are shining, you stop whining.
Be willing to do what is really right for you.

Listen within to begin.
Trust yourself to know.
Be free and let go.
Breathe and be open and willing.

Take a chance and be free.
Allow your true self to actually be.
Remember your Presence is You.
You can be happy and true.

Consider what you always wanted.
Begin planning how it can happen.
Relinquish your baggage.
The lighter you are, the faster you can travel.

Often folks get stuck because of what others say.
Maybe this time you can say, “Nay, this is my choice.”
Of course you have the only real voice.
Hear what you say to others around you.

Let this be the beginning and not the end.
You can love yourself and be your own friend.
Let go and fly free.
Find your voice and let yourself be.

The Christmas present you seek is not under the tree.
It lives in your heart and mind.
Listen and let it all be.
Your life is waiting to love you let go and let be.

I encourage and facilitate us in al being truly happy.
I know this is how we are meant to truly be.
Follow the light within you to show the way
Let love fill you and you awaken and see.

I believe in you, and trust you can live you true way.
Betty Lue

The Week After Christmas

T’was the week after Christmas and all through the land
Things were all settled, it was all pretty bland.
The gifts put away, the sales all complete
Settled down by the tube in my favorite seat.
I had my awareness written down in my book
Had my insights, ideas and whatever it took.

The spiritual lessons had been easy to share
They were all filed away (I’m not really sure where).
When deep down inside me there arose such a clatter
It was really unfair. Now what was the matter?

Away from my chair I flew like a flash
I looked in the mirror and then came the crash.
My life was unsettled with nothing the same
And the worst of it all—there was no one to blame.

When what to my wondering eye should appear
But a glowing white light, from behind my left ear.
With a little old angel so lively and quick
I’d seen him before. I was going to be sick.

More rapid than eagles his pronouncements they came
And he whistled and shouted and called me some names.
More action and faith and tolerance and trust
Now listen within, be responsible, you must.
To topple complacency and breach the fear wall
Now dash away, smash away, drop away all.”

As leaves caught up in a hurricane fly
All of my thoughts were thrown up to the sky.
And as they were jumbled and tumbled and swirled
I knew when they landed, it would be a new world.

And then in a twinkling, I felt it all start
The seeds of awareness awakening my heart.
As I came to my senses (picked myself off the floor)
I saw in my mind’s eye, a picture of more.

A world bathed in light, from the south to the north
With every one on it aware of his worth.
No one was waiting for others to do,
Or to fix or to heal or to make it all new.

Their eyes how they twinkled, their dimples how merry
When they each played their part,
The world was easy to carry.

The smile on each mouth was drawn up like a bow
Shining laughter and love wherever they’d go.
The aura of kindness bespoke inner peace
Letting each individual experience release.

Oh the bright shiny faces, wherever you’d look
It seemed—to be willing was all that it took.
To start with ourselves, from deep down inside
To give our true gifts, not to withhold or hide.

With no blame, shame or guilt for our seeming mistakes,
A little forgiveness is all that it takes.
To clean up our world from inside to out
It was simple and happy and I wanted to shout.

Once I see the Christ presence in each person’s face
We all become one, with no distance or space.
I recalled in that moment just what my gift was
To love all of my brothers, with no “why” or “because”.

And I’m here to exclaim as I set myself free
I remember the truth—It all starts with me.

                         Adapted by Robert Waldon