Tuesday, March 31, 2015


I forgive everyone and everything for all time, including myself.
My single function is to forgive.
The more I forgive, the more freedom and trust I have.
I am here to forgive all fear and return to live in Love.

Forgiveness Works

Forgiveness works for me.
Forgiveness is an eraser filled with Love.
Forgiveness clears the past.
Forgiveness clears all apparent blocks to Love.

Forgiveness deletes what is not here.
Forgiveness undoes what we no longer want.
Forgiveness clears our vision.
Forgiveness washes away imagined hurt, fear and lack.

Forgiveness is the gift of returning to Love.
Forgiveness is the way we remember Who We Are.
Forgiveness is our willingness to see things differently.
Forgiveness is learning to trust again.

When we block ourselves with judgment, we need to forgive.
When we remember what is hurtful, we need to forgive.
When we have stopped loving, we need to forgive our lack of love.
When we think we are not here to Love, we need to forgive.

Life may teach us to judge to be safe.
Experiences may convince us it is foolish to love.
History may show us that we must stop loving.
But our heart knows Love is safety, wisdom and purpose in living.

When we block love, we block happiness.
When we stop giving, we stop being healthy.
When we decide to condemn, we condemn ourselves.
When we will not forgive, we cannot forgive ourselves.

Forgiveness is a choice, and not an emotion.
Forgiveness is opening up, and not shutting down.
Forgiveness is returning to Love, not being lost in fear.
Forgiveness is a tool, we can use whenever we want.

Forgiveness heals us.
Forgiveness teaches us.
Forgiveness empowers us.
Forgiveness returns us to wholeness.

Forgiveness offers us everything we want.
Forgiveness is the key to perfect happiness.
Forgiveness opens the door to Truth and Understanding.
Forgiveness is our function, our purpose and our life.

Forgiving is the key to fully living!
Betty Lue

Monday, March 30, 2015


I forgive everyone and everything for all time, including myself.
My single function is to forgive.
The more I forgive, the more freedom and trust I have.
I am here to forgive all fear and return to live in Love.

Forgiveness Works

Forgiveness works for me.
Forgiveness is an eraser filled with Love.
Forgiveness clears the past.
Forgiveness clears all apparent blocks to Love.

Forgiveness deletes what is not here.
Forgiveness undoes what we no longer want.
Forgiveness clears our vision.
Forgiveness washes away imagined hurt, fear and lack.

Forgiveness is the gift of returning to Love.
Forgiveness is the way we remember Who We Are.
Forgiveness is our willingness to see things differently.
Forgiveness is learning to trust again.

When we block ourselves with judgment, we need to forgive.
When we remember what is hurtful, we need to forgive.
When we have stopped loving, we need to forgive our lack of love.
When we think we are not here to Love, we need to forgive.

Life may teach us to judge to be safe.
Experiences may convince us it is foolish to love.
History may show us that we must stop loving.
But our heart knows Love is safety, wisdom and purpose in living.

When we block love, we block happiness.
When we stop giving, we stop being healthy.
When we decide to condemn, we condemn ourselves.
When we will not forgive, we cannot forgive ourselves.

Forgiveness is a choice, and not an emotion.
Forgiveness is opening up, and not shutting down.
Forgiveness is returning to Love, not being lost in fear.
Forgiveness is a tool, we can use whenever we want.

Forgiveness heals us.
Forgiveness teaches us.
Forgiveness empowers us.
Forgiveness returns us to wholeness.

Forgiveness offers us everything we want.
Forgiveness is the key to perfect happiness.
Forgiveness opens the door to Truth and Understanding.
Forgiveness is our function, our purpose and our life.

Forgiving is the key to fully living!
Betty Lue

Sunday, March 29, 2015


I use time to do what I love.
I live in present moment and have plenty of time.
There is Divine timing for everything Divine.
Everything always happens in perfect timing.

No Time or Unlimited Time?

What is time but a measurement?
What are we measuring?
Are we using our time wisely?
Is there enough time?

When we measure what we have, we may find that we think more or less time.
When we lose track of time, we find we have not been paying attention to time.
When we think we don’t have enough time, we may feel rushed or anxious.
When we imagine that we are out of time, we may even feel panicky or desperate.

What if time is our imagined measure of what limits us.
What if we use time as a way to motivate or depress ourselves.
What if we see time as a power that we need to manage.
What if time is our own created adversary or friend.

It took no time at all.
I better hurry because I am running out of time.
I just wasted all that time.
What time is it anyway?
I didn’t know what time it was.
I need to take my time.
Time is money.
That was good timing.
There is never enough time.
I need to learn to be on time.

All of these expressions indicate that time is significant.
Whatever our attitude about time, it challenges us to pay attention.
What we think or say about time, we apparently need it .
However we use time, we seem to find it important to master.

When we measure time as begin perfect, it is.
When we see time as running out, it does.
When we know there is enough time, we have enough.
When we are fear wasting time, we do.

What we think and say, we create.
Do we get it?
Are we learning?
Let’s practice using time for learning how to create and master time.

Enjoy this moment in time, minute by minute.
Betty Lue

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Happy Willing Learning!

I learn quickly and easily all I seek to know.
I trust that everything I need to know comes to me with ease and grace.
I am a happy willing learner.
Life is an exquisite teacher of all things for the Greater Good.

Learn From Everyone and Everything!

When we are happy, we learn.
When we are willing, we learn.
When we are open, we learn.
Life is for learning from everything and everyone.

Each relationship is teaching us about ourselves.
Each job, project or endeavor teaches us something.
Each day is an opportunity to learn.
Our life is for learning.

What are you learning?
Are you learning what works for you?
Are you learning what makes you happy?
Are you learning how to love?
Are you learning what helps?
Are you learning what hurts?
Are you learning to forgive?
Are you learning how to correct mistakes?
Are you learning how to achieve?
Are you learning what to give?
Are you learning how to succeed and excel?
Are you learning to get approval?
Are you learning how to seduce and attract?
Are you learning how to win and lose?
Are you learning how to fight to be right?
Are you learning which makes you happy and sad?
Are you learning how to create and enjoy?
Are you learning how to play and not work?
Are you learning how to work and not play?
Are you learning How to master time and energy and resources?
Are you learning what makes you sick and what makes you well?
Are you learning to create an effortless life?
Are you learning to build a strong family and community?
Are you learning how to see things differently?
Are you learning to be more tolerant, patient and trusting?
Are you learning to be more gentle, joyful and faithful?
Are you learning to see, accept and embrace differences?
Are you learning your path to honesty, integrity and respect?

There are infinite ways to learn and unlimited experiences to have.
There is always your happy willingness and open-mindedness from which to enjoy the learning.
Consider how you want to experience life and choose for what is it you want to learn.
Life is for learning and you are the student and guide for your own experience, knowledge and wisdom.

Loving us for our willingness to learn.
Betty Lue

Friday, March 27, 2015

Pain and Problems

I seek and find the way that works for me.
I relinquish all need to complain, criticize and worry.
I allow myself the freedom to choose what I can do.
I trust the power of love with wisdom within me to easily solve all problems each day.

Stop Covering Up the Pain

Stop pretending and see what is really there.
Stop covering up the holes and fill them up.
Stop numbing yourself and face what is missing.
Stop being lazy and get to work.

In a world of quick fixes, we often want a pill or pleasure.
In a world of experts, we often want someone else to give us the answer.
In a world of specialists, we may seek another to do the fixing.
In a world where we play victim, we often seek others to blame.

It is time we face our problems.
It is time we see what is wrong.
It is time we look for original cause.
It is time we start taking responsibility.

Most solutions for problems are based on what we can do ourselves.
Most problems have come from not taking care of the basics.
Most people have forgotten or never learned how to be responsible.
Most of life, liberty and happiness is available now.

Have you loved yourself today?
Have you appreciated where you live?
Have you shared the food you have?
Have you gone to work and helped someone else?

Do you know how to prepare a simple meal, wash your clothes and make your bed?
This is what an 8 yr old can easily do.
Do you pick up your clothes and put your stuff away everyday?
This is what a one year old can easily learn to do.

Do you do your chores without a fuss, resistance or resentment?
This is what a 4 year old can easily do with encouragement and love.
Do you answer people with respectful words, saying “please” and ”thank you”?
This is what every little child learns from listening to respectful adults.

Have you learned how to love easily and well?
Have you learned to use your body with appreciation and kindness?
Have you done the work you need to do each day to feel good about your accomplishment?
Have you taken time to really value who you are, where you live and what you do?

When you look at your life, do you see what you can do?
Ask YourSelf each day how you can respond to each area of pain and/or problems.
Look at your life as a university to learn how to respond to life’s lessons.
Observe, study and practice what works to find your path to alleviate pain and problems.

Learn from everything and everyone, all the time.

Appreciating us all  as we learn from one another and from ourselves,
Betty Lue

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Basic Needs

I respect my needs and the needs of others.
I love, trust and respect myself.
The more I love, trust and respect myself, the more I love trust and respect others.
The more I love, trust and respect myself, the more others love, trust and respect me.

What Do You Need?

What do our children need?
What do our families need?
What do our partners need?
What does our world need?

When we are giving ourselves what we need, we will be happy, healthy and fulfilled.
Life can be simply fun, safe and easy when we honor our own needs and the needs of others.
What we “need” is totally different from our “wants”.
People are often taking care of what they want, but neglecting their basic needs.

It is time we return to basics.
It is time to learn to begin at the beginning.
It is time to listen to what is important.
It is time to honor ourselves and others.

Needs are not pleasures.
Needs are not whims.
Needs are not temporary happiness.
Needs are basic and primary to being and feeling safe, secure and strong.

We each need to be fed and sheltered and safe.
We each need to be educated and socialized.
We each need to be loved and to belong.
We each need to have something to do.

The priorities for children are not entertainment and toys.
The priorities in families are not chores and doing homework.
The priorities in partnerships are not partying and sexual intimacy.
When the media feeds us with what sells, we often forget and neglect the basics.

In a privileged and affluent nation, we have impoverished ourselves and our children.
When we work to provide temporary pleasures, spending time and money on nonessentials, we make ourselves poor in love, inspiration and healthy living.
We need Love, Love for ourselves, for others and for the beauty and bounty all around us.
We need gratitude for those we love and those who love us.
We need to know we are safe and secure, with a bed to sleep in and bills paid.
We need to eat regular meals prepared by someone who cares.
We need relationships that are respectful, reassuring and valuing who we are.

Good living comes from feeling grateful for the people in our lives and showing we love them.
Good living is taking care of our bodies, our clothing, our homes and what we have that serves us.
Good living is reading a book to our kids and tucking them in at night.
Good living is laughing at ourselves and enjoying the fun we have everyday.
Good living is breathing deep the fresh spring air and being grateful to be alive.
Good living is thanking Creator, Source, Universe for the unlimited life we have.
Good living is remembering Who We are and why we are here.
Good living is natural for those who see and trust in the Good that is theirs.

Let us remember to give ourselves and others the basics we need with full appreciation.
Life work when we take care of our needs.
Loving ourselves, Betty Lue

Ten Keys to a Good Life:

Be Responsible for the entirety of your life.
Be Open to learn from everything and everyone.
Be Forgiving of all mistakes, yours and others.
Be Truly helpful by thinking, speaking and giving your best.
Be Impeccable in caring for your body, relationships, home, work, finances.
Be Willing to live with moderation in all things.
Be Aware of the Gift of Love and the Call for Love.
Be Exact with your thoughts and words; they create your life.
Be Hard-working with wisdom, gratitude and joy.
Be Good.  
See Good.
Think Good.
Speak Good. 
Give Good.