Monday, September 30, 2019

Smooth or Bumpy?

I choose to live the highest values and ethics I know.
I live by the golden rule of treating others as I would like.
I listen to inner guidance for choices and direction.
I love, trust and respect myself in all I say and do.

What Do You Want?

Where are you going?
If you don’t have a clear goal, how can you achieve?
If you don’t have energy to move anywhere, how can you go?
If you don’t have a vision, mission or purpose, life will take you wherever it goes.

Life is under your direction.
Life is yours to decide where, when, how and with whom you choose.
Life is the opportunity to achieve, create, survive or thrive.
Life is an ever-present opportunity to clarify, choose, change, correct and commit.

You choose the outcome you desire.
You choose the where and set your course.
You choose to steer you thoughts, words and actions.
You choose to support yourself every step of the way.

We are in the ocean of life.
If you use your time and mind well, you will know how to reach your destination.
If you expect others to get you where and how you get there, you may take many detours.
If you are adrift in the ocean of life, you may feel lost, afraid, disappointed.

Involving others in your life journey, you will experience their Karma and yours.
Creating teamwork or partnership without a joined vision, you may find conflict.
Without mutual respect and open communication, you may be confused in direction.
When no one is ready willing or able to be responsible, there will be major confusion.

Family planning, business plans, and life goals help gather people together to succeed.
Without adequate preparation for the life journey of marriage it is difficult to cooperate.
With problems, failing, arguments and drama, there will be many bumps and rough sailing.
It is essential that people in families, businesses, politics and life begin to create common vision.

Be clear in your communication about your values, ethics and ideals.
Listen accept and to determine if you are going in the same direction.
If you are a solo traveler, respectfully accept that others may go their own way.
When you honor your own life path, you will navigate easily and smoothly.

Choose the way of loving kindness, respectful communication and conscious choice.
Live by your inner guidance to find the path of the heart.
Give always the very best you have and step away to renew yourself as needed.
Honor the life adventure you choose by correcting your path as needed.

Wanting what feels good for all of us,
Betty Lue

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Respectful Listening

I listen to differences with respect and learn more.
I listen without a need to blame or make others wrong.
I trust everyone has their own perception and opinion.
The more I respect and accept differences, the more I am respected.

 Listen with Respect!

Listen without interrupting.
Listen with out arguing.
Listen with consideration.
Listen without defensiveness.

When we learn to listen to one another with an open mind, we will learn to be kind.
When we learn to see what others see we will broaden our reality.
When we open to find a way to agree, we begin to feel our unity.
When we stop to consider everyone see differently, we find our respect for humanity.

It is essential to begin a different way to communicate.
The word “communicate” is finding the unity within our way to listen and speak.
We are able to seek the agreement within our different perceptions.
We can understand and respect our differences, without doing blaming or shaming.

Communication in families and friendships is often unconsciously based on what we have learned.
Without changing our negative habits, we are doomed to repeat them.
When we do to others what we want them to do for us, we learn a better way.
When we become conscious in choosing respectful communication, we change fear to love.

All of us have unconscious and limiting habits, excuses and justifications, beliefs and rules.
We have adopted what we say and do from what we learned and used from past encounters.
Parents, authorizes, teachers, etc override children and those with lesser education or experience.
The seemingly powerful often fail to listen and learn from those who seem quiet or inexperienced.

It is essential to harmonize, to heal and grow, to create a better world with harmonious relationships.
We can stop fighting and harmful communication with the simple pattern interrupt of “time out”.
Take time to take care of ourselves, step away and find the calm center within.
Ask yourself to really care enough to listen to what is needed to bring peace.

There is no need to win at another’s expense.
It is not helpful to override the other.
It will not be beneficial to either to build resentment and fear.
It is problematic to continue behaviors which are disrespectful to both.

What is the helpful encouraging way to begin.
Listen first to understand.
Stop making up your mind “to be right.
Let go of the need to win and to fight.

Choose the goal of coming together with kindness and respect.
Seek to bring peace and consideration.
Give to the other the time and space to be heard.
Learn to love one another and give them your respect.

This is the way to bring peace to all relationships.
Communicate with respect.
I trust you to respect yourself and others.
Loving you,
Betty Lue

Saturday, September 28, 2019


I love my life and my life loves me.
 I choose to treat my whole life with respect and appreciation.
The more I value and appreciate my life, the more meaning I experience.
 I  give meaning and value to everything I think, say and do.

Meaning in Life

What do you value?
What is important to you?
Where do you contribute?
How do you give?

Purpose gives meaning.
Meaning inspires life.
Life energy feels valuable.
What is valuable sustains us.

And so it is to live with meaning is essential to all life.
Do you live to survive or thrive?
Do you live to defend or feel safe?
Do you live to get by or prosper?

When we know what we value, we can find meaning.
We can give everything we do and say the meaning we give it.
We give meaning to what we value.
When we do not value ourselves and our lives, life is meaningless.

Connect with people who have found meaning in life.
Notice the compassion they have for those around them.
Feel the passion they feel for being helpful and caring.
Be aware of how they spend their rime, money and energy.

Take time to clarify what you value.
Pay attention to the people, places and things you value most.
Give more of yourself to what you value.
When you contribute, you find more meaning in life.

Give to your health if you value health.
Give to your family, if you value family.
Invest in your financial future if you value abundance.
Give to your environment, if you value the earth and its bounty.

Where you give, you will receive the benefit.
When you give, your life has meaning.
How you give, you feel the passion.
Contribution is how we find and receive meaning.

When life is meaningless, you feel empty, disconnected and alone.
When your life is meaningful, you feel fulfilled, connected and at one.
Bless yourself by contributing to a meaningful and purposeful life.
Value your life and you will know your are valuable.

Valuing you in all you are and do,
Betty Lue

Friday, September 27, 2019

Listen and Learn

I choose to believe what is inspiring and encourages the best in us.
I listen with an open-mind and believe what is trustworthy.
I learn who and what to trust by listening within.
I watch, listen and learn to what brings more love and joy and peace.

Listen and Learn!

I have the privilege of hearing many people, young and old, believe what others say.
I notice that many believe what they read, see and hear without checking the facts.
Our youth are often misguided by what is shown on u tube, in movies and from books.
We all must begin to check ourselves for what we choose to believe.

Believing is seeing!
We have often said “seeing is believing”.
Yet now we actually sell, teach, and proselytize what to believe.
While we have many resources to check facts, we often bypass in favor of just being convinced.

When we believe someone or something, we have a tendency to prove ourselves right.
The mind convinces us to seek supporting evidence without regard to rational research.
Perhaps we are ignorant, gullible and lazy about looking further for the actual evidence.
Consider encouraging yourself and your children to questions what they believe and buy.

Scientists are continually looking further and finding more than they knew existed.
Children believe in fairy tales, Santa Claus and unlimited amounts of money from parents.
Young adults sometimes believe visioning and willing for what they believe is enough.
Our culture seems to believe using credit and then bankruptcy will be OK for them.

Where is the rational and practical teaching and behavior of times before media?
How can we encourage asking questions before we believe someone or something.
Are we able to discern a lie, a half truth, a made up fact or a something made to scare us?
Recently a smart fifth grader tried to convince me with “facts” that “zombies” are real.

What does it take for you to buy a commercial?
How do you judge who to believe?
Who do you know what you can trust?
When everyone is preaching their own beliefs, what will you believe?

Facts are facts.
Beliefs are beliefs.
Truth is in the mind of the beholder.
Everyone will tend to convince themselves of what they want to believe.

How do you find or create what you believe?
What is the purpose for the beliefs you hold?
When do you question and what do you seek?
How can you feel safe and confident when the facts change?

My choice is to listen with an open mind.
My recommendation is to learn from everything.
My work is to forgive what is not helpful or inspiring for me.
Your work is to decide how you want to use what you think, hear and believe you see.

These are interesting times to learn to trust yourself from your own inner Guidance.
Encouraging you to discern what you want to learn and believe,
Betty Lue

“Life is for learning.
Education leads out of ignorance.
The more we learn, the more we know.
The more we know, the better our resources.
The more  resources, the more choice we have.”
The more choices, the more enjoyable life can be.”