Tuesday, October 31, 2023

A New Day!




I believe and declare what I really want.

I seek the highest truth for all in me.

I have a new perception of a better way to be.

I choose today as the first day of my life.

A New Day!


Bring each day the best you have.

Bring today the best in you.

Bring everyday a new beginning.

Bring right now what you really are.

Every day you can put on a new face.

You can choose a new costume for you right way to be.

It is time we select what is ours to wear and reflect.

Step out into the light with what you wish to be.

We must declare our intention.

We must be our own perception.

We must wear our own projection.

We must live our true reflection.

Do you think about what you really want?

Have you chosen where you are going with your life?

Are you aware of how you express what you believe?

Is there anyway you attract or reject others view of you?

We all can be responsible for what we think, speak and activate.

We can honestly provide all around us with clarity and conscious choice.

We can bring more hope, inspiration and faith to our offerings.

We all can be more selective in what we say and do to everyone.

Why hide behind the veils of illusion with guilt and blame, fear and hate?

Why continue the masks of uncertainty, insecurity and pity for what seems to be?

Why not step forward in fearlessness and simply change our right perception?

What we believe is what we see and what we see becomes our fake news.

Some seek for peace.

Some choose for healing.

Some want to create anew.

Some just complain and negate.

Why not step out from the shadows of silence?

Why can we not reveal our true positive prayer?

Why always be quiet in the face of resistance?

Perhaps we can change the course of our destiny.

Be the voice that speaks with courage and Love.

Be the one who sings out with peaceful prayer.

Be the opportunity to create more helpfulness.

Be the joy that issues hope for humanity.

Everyday is a new day.

May this day be the one to put on the face of hope, faith and radical kindness.

Loving you in all you are and say and do.

Betty Lue

Halloween, contraction of All Hallows’ Eve, a holiday observed on October 31, the evening before All Saint’s (or All Hallows’) Day. The celebration marks the day before the Western Christian feast of All Saints and initiates the season of Allhallowtide, which lasts three days and concludes with All Soul’s Day. In much of Europe and most of North America, observance of Halloween is largely nonreligious.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Always Enough!




My thoughts create the experience I want to have.

I live my life as though everything matters.

There is always enough to do what I choose.

My thoughts, words and actions are expressing my truth.

There Is Always Enough!

You have what you think you have.

You believe what you choose to believe.

You create the experience you have chosen.

You use your thoughts to create your feelings.

When we know we are at choice, we can begin.

When you think you can change your experience, you can.

When you know there is enough, you will experience enough.

You are the most powerful creator in your own life.

What do you believe?

Are you wanting more?

More time and money?

More freedom and trust?

There is an infinite supply when you see life as ever-creating itself.

Your mind can imagine and perceive what you want yourself to believe.

“What you conceive and believe, you can achieve.” You may have heard.

You may have changed your mind and noticed how the results have changed.

Begin to notice your thoughts and your words.

They create the experiences you have when you are aware.

You may notice how some think positive and some negative.

You might even see your happiness is related to your thinking.

The key to practicing the use of your mind is to erase what you don’t want.

Forgive, erase and delete what is not your choice.

Choose imagination, thoughts, words, and actions that demonstrate what you do want.

Clear the fearful memories and limited thinking and begin believing in the power of mind.

It is true that we are created to create.

It is real that what we think about we will feel.

It is helpful to realize past programming becomes our experience.

We all can change what we no longer want or need to be free.

Watch what you allow to “run your life”.

Notice the limiting beliefs about time, money, love and work.

Recognize that when people join to believe, they support the experience in lack or fulfillment.

You can lead the change to what is good and true and loving for all.

Begin to read, watch and practice unlimited thinking, speaking and doing.

You can change your health, wealth and happiness with a consistent change of mind.

Now is your time to begin. 

No need to wait on anyone. 

Choose the highest and best right now.

Loving and Believing in us.

Betty Lue

There is no lack.

There is always plenty.

There is always enough for everyone.

Forgive the fear and everyone has enough.

When you believe it, you will see it!

Love is freedom to share and trust in Abundance.

Betty Lue

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Seek Forgiveness




I forgive to clear all fear and sorrow.

I release and let go to allow Love to show.

I let go of what is not my desired sight.

I see things differently when I stop judging.

Forgive First!

No matter what the circumstance…..

Forgive and you will see things differently.

Forgive first before you ask questions.

Forgive and erase with Love.

When we are judging any situation, we cannot see clearly.

When we are criticizing anyone, we cannot understand them.

When we are blaming the circumstances, we cannot come to peace.

When we are feeling guilty or resentful, we cannot trust ourselves or others.

When we are expressing negativity, our vision is distorted.

When we cannot see, we will not be willing to move forward.

When we are stuck in the same situation, we cannot see things differently.

When we are lost in our fear and doubt, we feel alone in the dark.

Get in the habit of forgiving.

Erase the past and remember Love.

Let go of fear and clear what is negative and false.

Undo what brings constriction and free yourself to love again.

Before we get into the habit of judging, analyzing, and making up stuff, may we forgive.

Before we get into accusing, abusing and confusing others, may we stop and seek peace.

Before we start questioning, gathering evidence and making ourselves right, may we choose happiness.

Before we gather an emotional mob, let us assume innocence before making guilty.

Why not choose the habit of forgiveness?

Why not make up everyone is doing their best?

Why not trust the call for love and respond with Love?

Why not show up, speak up and see the Good and choose for Good?

The cranky person may have pain and problems.

The thoughtless person may have important matters on their mind.

The impolite kid may not remember their manners.

The pushy person may be rushed and in a hurry.

Our response-ability is to forgive and respond with love.

Our response-ability is to take nothing personally.

Our response-ability is to let go of our judgment and offer peace.

Our response-ability is to remind, offer help, be present and allow whatever is to be.

What we resist blocks our way.

What we fear will interfere.

What we judge will be sludge inside us.

So let us forgive first. And see things differently!

Loving us all as we choose to forgive.

Betty Lue

Life is forgiving .

You are the gift.

It is in freeing and being the gift you are, that you recognize the gift.

Set yourself free with forgiveness.

Loving you, Betty Lue

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Forgive and Learn




What I forgive, I let go.

I choose to let go of what I no longer value.

I forgive the past and choose to learn.

What I affirm, I remember,

Full Moon today 10/28 at 1:24 PM PDT

Forgiveness Allows Learning.

When you judge, you get stuck.

When you forgive, you open the doors to learn.

When you make others wrong, you shut your own mind.

When you seek to see things differently, you learn more and love more.

The value of learning is not repeating the same behavior I no longer want.

The problem with judging is repeating the same behavior again and again.

I choose to let go of what I no longer desire.

I allow myself to easily and quickly release what is not good for me.

I easily and quickly release and let go of what is no longer valuable.

I open and allow all good in my life.

I trust in the natural goodness within my mind, body and spirit.

My life is constant learning to choose what is good and whole.

When we learn to let go, we quickly release what is not healthy and valuable.

We can release the past and make new choices in this moment.

Others may remind us of the past and trigger our emotional history.

We are able to freely choose a new attitude and healthy thinking.

Forgiveness is the key to happiness.

Forgiveness offers the opportunity to choose what we want.

Forgiveness is clearing our own negative and limited thinking.

Forgiveness sets us free to choose again.

Holding onto our judgments, fears and failures, closes our mind.

Filled with regrets, hurt and grievances we cannot think clearly.

What we hold against ourselves prevents creativity and new perceptions.

Our real work is to undo what doesn't work.

Why would we continue to hurt ourselves with our hurtful history?

Why should we continue to deny ourselves the opportunity to change?

How could we continue to scare ourselves with memories of pain and denial?

We can choose to begin again with a new heart and open mind.

Let us learn from past mistakes and misunderstandings.

Let us remember we can always begin again in new ways.

Let us open our thinking and allow the joy of inspiration to fill us.

Let us be the ones who live with letting go, learning and loving again and again.

Trusting in our renewing process of forgiveness and change of mind and heart.

Betty Lue

“Life is for learning.

Education leads out of ignorance.

The more we learn, the more we know.

The more we know, the better our resources.

The more  resources, the more choice we have.”

The more choices, the more enjoyable life can be.”