Thursday, February 06, 2025

Letting Go




I let go with honorable closure. (See below how!!)

I release pettiness and let Love lead my life.

I say “good-bye” (“God be with Ye”) as I move on.

I free myself and others to trust ourselves to choose.

Learn to Let Go!

Have you hung on too long?

Have you been willing to let go?

Are you ready to surrender and give up?

Are you willing to allow the end to come?

Some stay too long.

Hanging on hurts and builds resentment.

Clinging to what was, limits what is to be.

Set yourself free to see what really can be yours.

The flow of life and health and happiness changes naturally.

When we long for feelings that we had, we may feel mad.

Wishing for what was may make us crazy and desperate.

Stay with what is right now and see if it still fits for you.

Be honest with yourself.

What is best for you is best for others.

You cannot turn the tide.

But you can take precaution when the tide turns.

Be awake and aware.

Be real and see what is true.

Do not pretend and close your eyes,

Be willing to take positive action.

Some leave too soon.

Leaving early may cause regret and sorrow.

All things change form.

Nothing stays the same.

Look again at what you have committed to.

Some relationships are forever.

Some are temporary.

Relationships help us discern what we really want.

We each deserve what is right and true for us.

When we have paid a debt, we can move on.

When we have healed our wounds, we can let go.

When we have taught and learned, we graduate.

Listen within to see what is true.

Clean up after yourself to the finish.

Leave no one hurting or lost in your leaving.

Make honorable closure in all relationships.

Life calls us to be respectful and responsible in all things.

Loving us all to allow the flow of trust and freedom in all things.

Betty Lue

Honorable Closure         

How do you complete a relationship, marriage, teaching-learning experience, job or friendship? 

How do you know you are really complete?

People may walk away without really finishing the healing work, because it is easier emotionally.   

People don’t know how to come to a truly peaceful place, where “good-bye” is “God be with You”. 

When we are complete, we are at peace and in love.  

We have no regrets, no resentments, no unhappy memories. 

Honorable closure acknowledges:

1)   the learning and growth received, 

2)   challenges and difficulties experienced, 

3)   appreciation of gifts and blessings, 

4)   forgiveness and amends made. 

**Acknowledge within your self and with the other person all that you have learned and how you have grown and benefited from the experience. 

**Honor and express the challenges and difficulties that occurred and perhaps were endured during the time together. 

**Offer your gratitude and appreciation to the other for the benefits you received.

**Share your forgiveness and/or make amends for those places of unconscious or conscious errors of omission or commission.  Often neither party is aware of what went unexpressed until the two have an opportunity to talk together.  This is very valuable when done with the conscious intention for a peaceful conclusion.  

**And lastly, give your full appreciation and blessings to those whom you are leaving.   

Honorable closure includes a face to face or heart to heart connection so that all parties have a full opportunity to express their piece of the whole. Incompletion is never one sided. If one party loses and is in grief neither person is at peace.   If you cannot complete in person, write out your thoughts and feeling respectfully and with gratitude.  

I am grateful I have learned…  

I am grateful I was challenged……

I am grateful to have regrets which I can apologize for and learn from.

I am grateful to see how much I have received and appreciate……..

Do your part when you part. 

When we complete a relationship, job, living situation with honor for all, we are free to choose again without being haunted by the past or unconsciously repeating the same patterns. 

To move on, to create anew, to be fully inspired requires honorable closure.  Begin now!

Saying good-bye can be done with love, respect and profound gratitude and inner peace. 

Do it Now!

Betty Lue  1983

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Take Exquisite Care of You





I take impeccable care of my whole self.

I love my whole self by listening for what I need in everyway.

I forgive my mistakes and unconsciousness.

I honor my intuition and inner guidance as I learn to follow what I know.

Do You Care For Yourself?

Do you take time each day just for you?

Do you have an idea of what works best for you?

Do you have the self discipline and motivation to follow through?

Are you able and willing to perfectly love you?

Life will be different when you love and respect you.

Relationships will be respectful when you are true to you.

Drama will end when you learn to take care of you first.

Creativity, resilience, consciousness and ease will come through.

When you play small, victim, at the effect of others, you diminish your power.

When you behave with immaturity, self pity, drama or tantrums, you lose respect.

When you speak with name-calling, hurtful words and attack, you feel guilty and foolish.

When you hurt ourselves with negative thoughts and resentful ideas, you weaken your self esteem.

In life, you may have learned to play and even believe you are needy, dependent, less than or weak.

In our relationships you may use the helpless and hopeless, nice guy image to get other’s help.

You may be attached to play the role of co dependent to get the love you want.

It is time to re-evaluate if the weak, poor-me role is working for you.

Time to make changes in how you think, speak and behave.

Time to recognize your inner dreams, preferences and unlimited potential.

You can change your mind and your life.

You can do the work, when you make yourself your priority.

Start with the basics.

Love, Respect and Appreciate Your Whole Self.

You are more than your body and how you look.

You are the sum total of thoughts and feeling, words and actions, home and finances, relationships and work. 

You are more than you can see and more than you know.

You are your beliefs and inspiration, your hopes and your dreams, your gifts and your talents.

You are all you create and contribute.

You are unlimited in power and in peace.

Practice forgiving all your mistakes, past, present and future.

Practice doing forgiveness of everyone and everything, including yourself everyday.

Practice care of body and mind with healthy food and sleep, healthy habits and relationships.

Practice remembering to love, trust, respect and appreciate yourself all day, everyday.

This is just the beginning….but without the foundation there will be emotional drama.

Without this foundation, there will blind sides and earthquakes.

Without giving yourself the best, you will forget and feel hurt and upset.

Without this you may neglect treating yourself and others with respect.


Take Impeccable Care of You.

Even if it feels uncomfortable.

Your well being will be a blessing for others.

Reminding You to Love You,

Betty Lue

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Begin Today




I do what I say.

I keep my promises to myself.

I give myself the best thoughts and words and activities daily.

I use my time and my lifetime wisely and well.

Stop Waiting!

Stop waiting for someone else to do it.

Stop wishing for something to happen.

Stop distracting yourself with meaningless details.

Stop denying yourself what you can have right now.

Stop listening to expensive quick fixes.

Stop buying fantasy and myths.

Stop pretending this is your destiny.

Stop making phony excuses.

Stop thinking you are unworthy.

Stop living as a victim of life.

Stop believing your own stories.

Stop quitting on yourself and your dreams. 

If important to you, do it now.

If you dare, change your thinking now.

If you care, do what needs to be done.

If you are willing, begin today.

There is no time like the present.

I can.

You can.

We can.

When you make up excuses for not having what you want, you block the flow.

When you let life pass you by, you are giving in to egoic fear.

When you actually believe that is it impossible, it will be so for you.

When you start relying on your will and your work, it will be done.

The mind is your leader or your road block.

What you think, you follow.

When you follow fear, you will be afraid.

When you follow love, you will be inspired.

Choose your thoughts.

Speak your truth.

Live what is right for you.

Do it now.

Loving you in doing what you love,

Betty Lue