Thursday, September 12, 2024

Be A Mature Adult!





I take full responsibility for my life with no blame or guilt.

I acknowledge my mistakes and change what I can change.

I treat others in a respectful and responsible way.

I demonstrate by the quality of my life how to be an adult.

Be A Mature Adult!

If you are not responsible for your own words and behavior, you are immature.

To grow up really means to take full responsibility for your actions and behavior.

To behave in a mature manner is to speak and act in ways that do no harm to yourself or others.

When we are aware and self disciplined, we do not behave in ways that hurt others.

We seem to be living in an age of immaturity, where people do whatever they want.

This sounds selfish and unaware of the consequences of our actions.

When we behave like a child, we need to be treated like a child with discipline and time outs.

When we behave like an adult, we are able to have the freedoms of being fully responsible.

What will it take to raise a generation of adults who can take care of themselves and their families?

First we all need to take full responsibility for our lives.

We need to handle ourselves, our relationships and finances in a respectful and responsible way.

We need to speak and behave in ways that are sensitive and respectful of others.

We need to learn how to do what we do not do well for ourselves.

We need to teach the next generations to grow up and be responsible for themselves.

We need to demonstrate how to manage our affairs, including our health, living situation and workplace.

We need to remember the ethics, morals, values and etiquette of our culture.

We need to manage our lives in an exemplary way.

We need to learn from and with others who are learning.

We need to remember everyone is different in what they know and how they were raised.

Bottom line, we need to treat others as we seek to be treated by others.

This must include elders and children, educated and ignorant, healthy and ill.

All people must be treated with respect and taught with respect.

Learning to be responsible requires quality role models, encouragement and wisdom.

Always begin with yourself.

We can make no correction of others when we are functioning in an immature manner.

We must stop yelling and using foul language.

We must stop drunken, stupid behavior and behave like an adult.

We must apologize for all disrespectful behavior immediately.

We must change our ways, before expecting another to change.

We must talk like an adult to receive an adult response.

We must trust others to learn at their own level of development or awareness.

We must use language that is adult and respectful to be heard.

We must encourage rather than punish.

We must show appreciation for every improvement.

We must give ourselves rewards, praise and encouragement for our own changes.

Life for adults is fun, safe and easy when we live at our best in all circumstances.

We can be the change we want to see.

We can learn to discipline ourselves.

We can unlearn negative and limiting habits.

When we are the adult, we can choose to show by example how to learn, live and love well.

Loving us all as we remind one another, 

Betty Lue

10 Signs of Emotional Maturity

1. Being Flexible- It’s all too easy to assume things will go according to plan, or that a situation or event will go smoothly because it has each time in the past. When it doesn’t (and that is often a “when” than an “if”), an emotionally mature person is able to think things out and come up with a viable Plan B or even C as needed so that a situation can be dealt with, and still move forward not letting the bump in the road ruin the entire plan.

2. Taking Ownership & Responsibility- An emotionally mature person is able to own up to their own mistakes and not immediately look to blame others. This takes a level of self-honesty and acceptance. If things keep on going wrong, an emotionally mature person will look inwards for answers as to what thoughts or actions may be contributing to the situation and works towards a better understanding and course of action moving forward.

3. Knowing That They Don’t Know Everything- An emotionally mature person knows what they don’t know, and also knows that their own way of doing things may not be the only way or even the best way. They don’t argue “just to be right” or to show dominance to be in charge. They keep an open mind and have open ears and eyes to look for situations where they may be able to learn something, as well as know when they may have something positive to contribute to a situation that can help others. 

4. They Look for Learning and Growth From Every Opportunity- An emotionally mature person is on the lookout for what can be learned from any situation or opportunity, and searches for the growth opportunity within it, asking “How can I learn and grow from this?”

5. They Actively Seek Out Multiple Points of View To Help Inform Their Own- Emotionally mature people actively seek to inform their own opinions by actively seeking out the points of view of others. They don’t feel threatened by disagreement, but look to be informed by people, and aren’t afraid to question both their own convictions, knowing that they don’t exist in a vacuum. It’s not about an argument to prove who is right; it’s about wanting to be informed by different points of view to further clarify their own points of view or recognizing that perhaps their point of view may even be wrong.

6. They Stay Resilient- In the face of upset, setbacks, or disappointments, an emotionally mature person will acknowledge their feelings, identify what can be done, and then decide what steps to take to move on. 

7. They Have a Calm Disposition- Emotionally mature people do get mad but do not let the emotion dictate their response. They aim to have a clear mind with the goal of having rationality dictate how to effectively deal a situation and also see all of the available options to come to a successful resolution. They know that when emotions override rationality, clearness of thought gets blurred and can limit the options for dealing effectively.

8. They Believe in Themselves- Emotionally mature people don’t have a false sense of self that is ego-based and deluded. But they do have optimism in their own ability to use effort and patience as a way to establish the belief that they are equipped to deal with whatever life may through their way.

9. Approachability- Emotionally mature people are able to and prefer to talk WITH people, not AT them. They have genuine empathy for others, an open mind, and work towards not being judgmental of others, knowing that judgments are often based on preconceived notions can impede their ability to know someone and their truth.

10. A Good Sense of Humor– Emotionally mature people realize that all of life can’t be taken seriously. They do realize the importance of getting done what needs to get done, but they realize the importance of having fun and laughter in life as a great coping mechanism and pressure release from stress. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024





I love, trust and respect myself and others.

I easily apologize and forgive my mistakes.

I undo disrespectful language and behavior.

I choose kind and positive self talk.

Respect Yourself and Others

Do you demonstrate your respect for yourself?

Do you listen beneath the surface personality?

Do you honor your own needs and wants?

Are you helpful or harmful to yourself?

Often people ask for respect from others but neglect their own self respect.

Often people neglect to respect others, because they have never known respect.

Often society has demeaned others, not understanding they are disrespecting themselves.

Treating others as you want to be treated is respectful.

What if you don’t know what it is or how to respect yourself?

Start by learning to treat your body in healthy ways.

Feed yourself with life-giving beneficial foods and drink.

Breathe clean air and fresh water.

Use your body to do good work and live well. 

Start ingesting the best and forgetting the rest.

Listen and watch what is good for you.

Take in thoughts, feelings and beliefs that are life-giving.

Turn off the people, experiences and media that are harmful, unkind and negative.

Feed your mind with what inspires and expands your consciousness, wisdom and creativity.

Clear past toxins, toxic thoughts and feelings from your body, mind and relationships.

Learn to forgive and choose again for what is helpful and healthy.

Give yourself peace with music, meditation, time in nature.

Write down what inspires and uplifts you.

Use Affirmations and Forgiveness to keep you on track.

When you make errors, learn to forgive yourself.

Apologize and make amends quickly and easily.

Stop malingering and make correct all unhealthy habits.

Respect yourself enough to give you're the very best you know.

When you don’t know any better, research and learn a better way.

Self-respect teaches you how to respect others.

When you respect your whole self and your life, you will give yourself a clean home and work space.

When you respect yourself you will clean up after yourself and not leave messes.

When you respect yourself, you will learn to talk kindly to yourself and eliminate self-cruelty.

When you respect yourself, you will quickly and easily respect others.

When you give yourself, your best, you will give others your best.

Step up and take care of yourself as thought you love yourself.

Everyday take care of others as though you love them.

There is no time to wait.

Begin today and tomorrow and everyday.

Thank you for changing our world as you change your own life.

Betty Lue

Be Respectful.

Be Responsible.

Be Cooperative.

Create a Better World for All.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Choose Your Focus!




I focus on what is beneficial to all.

I easily relinquish all negative and harmful thoughts, words and behaviors.

I change my mind to what is good and experience a good life.

I choose wisely and well, quickly and easily.

Choose Your Focus!

What is the most important quality you need to focus on? 

Are you going to let another year go by without actively learning what you need?

Are you willing to allow another day to go by without correcting your conscious mistakes?

Are you open to letting go of what distracts, delays and disappoints you?

How long will you wait to do what you know you need to do?

How difficult is it to make amends to yourself and others?

How much will you suffer before you do something?

You are responsible to forgive and heal, to learn what really matters.

When we make up our mind, our universe supports our choice.

When we desire to change, everything inspires us to change.

When we wake up to our responsibility, we begin to be willing to respond with Love.

When we affirm our highest truth, we remember and realize what is Essential and True.

Honesty and Integrity come from living the Highest Truth we know.

When we neglect what we already know, we are denying ourselves.

When we forsake what is given us, we are rejecting our natural abundance.

When we receive the intrinsic wisdom, abundance, healing and love within, our life works!

Do you pay attention to where you allow your mind to go?

Do you waste time in confusion and trying to decide?

Do you fail to follow through on your choices?

Do you simply allow others to distract you from your desired focus?

The world we have allowed has become our guide.

The media we watch now seems to be our central focus.

The gossip with friends, the things we think about are now what we value. 

Where we give our attention, our thoughts and words, our time and money, we create even more.

Ask yourself what you want to experience more.

Be honest about what brings you peace and joy.

Clarify what matters and makes a difference for you.

Be responsible for everything you think, say and do.

Life gives us continuous opportunities to choose again.

We can see what we have is what we have created.

How do we really let go of what we no longer want?

When will we change the channel and change our mind?

Turn off the TV and listen to you and what you want.

Set down your phone and listen to your children.

Stop feeding the stories that scare and worry you.

Be willing to give up a focus on gossip and media.

You can choose a focus on caring and sharing, loving and laughter.

You can create a life of simplicity and peace.

You can focus on all the Good every day.

You can give yourself and those around you always the best you have 24/7!

Your life will transform with a change in your focus.

Trust me, a Good life is simply a matter of changing where you give your time, money and energy.

Loving you in doing what is truly right and good for you.

Betty Lue

Ten Keys to a Good Life: 

Be Responsible for the entirety of your life.

Be Open to learn from everything and everyone.

Be Forgiving of all mistakes, yours and others.

Be Truly helpful by thinking, speaking and giving your best.

Be Impeccable in caring for your body, relationships, home, work, finances.

Be Willing to live with moderation in all things.

Be Aware of the Gift of Love and the Call for Love.

Be Exact with your thoughts and words; they create your life.

Be Hard-working with wisdom, gratitude and joy.

Be Good.  See Good. Think Good. Speak Good. Give Good.