Friday, April 26, 2024

Time To Clean Up!





Letting go is fun, safe and easy.

Love is letting go of fear.

I choose to clean up my life now.

My mind automatically erases everything that is not wholly true and good.

Time to Clean Up!

Feeling tired and lethargic?

Feeling overwhelmed and anxious?

Feeling angry and resentful?

Feeling sad and depressed?

Every limiting emotional pattern can be improved easily.

We have burdened ourselves with too much stuff.

We have buried ourselves in negative memories and stories.

Start by cleaning up your life!

Clean up your thoughts and feelings.

Clean up your words and activities.

Clean up your home and your car.

Clean up your interactions and relationships.

Some say: “There is too much to clean up.”

Others say: “It is too late to start letting go.”

You may be thinking “Where do I start?”

Do you know where to begin?

Celebrate every letting go.  

Empty your garbage every day.

Stop talking about how bad it is.

Start creating how good it can be.

You see, it is the garbage dump in your lives that stinks up your life.

It is what you keep around for no good purpose that weighs you down.

It is how you commiserate, gossip and complain that gives you pain.

It is the temptation to sit rather than get up and do something good that depresses you.

Consider beginning with where you are.

Clean up the space around you.

Start with the room you spend the most time in.

Let go of everything in that space that does not bring you joy.

It is ok to have less.

It is good to have less.

It is healthy to live simply.

It is inspiring to have space.

When you do something good every day, you have room to play.

When you let go of toxic thoughts and words, you have room for peace and joy.

When you give away all you don’t need and use, you find appreciation for what you do have.

When you release the stuff that brings you grief, you can celebrate with new creations.

Give yourself time to heal.

Give yourself room to grow.

Give yourself space to create.

Give yourself moments to love you.

Loving us all in letting go.

Betty Lue

Letting go can be fun, safe and easy.

Learn to let go with love and gratitude.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

What Can You Do?




I take the best care of me so I can serve others with my best.

Doing what is best for me is a gift to others.

I celebrate my life by choosing what is good for me.

I seek and find the love, joy and peace I deserve.

April 25, 2024 Loving Reminders - What Can You Do?

When there is trouble ahead, what do you do?

When you are lost and alone, what do you do?

When you are frustrated and bored, what do you do?

When you feel sad and afraid, what do you do?

What is the prescription for peace?

How do you find holy release?

Where do you go for solace and comfort?

How do you find wisdom and guidance?

Hopefully, we have our own keys to the inner door of peace.

Each one of us must learn what is right and true for us.

Being effective at knowing ourselves is key.

Practicing faithfully our own answer allows us to trust.

Some find peace in prayer.

Some find comfort with their pets.

Some seek answers in a special book.

Some go to their most faithful friend.

Where do you go?

What do you do?

How do you learn?

What do you seek?

Some walk in nature.

Some sit under a tree.

Some help a friend.

Some entertain themselves.


Write thank notes.

Call someone who is alone.

Sing your favorite songs.

Create something beautiful.

Write in a gratitude journal.

Take time daily to listen within.

Create a treasure map or vision board.

Clean your home or closet.

Practice 30 days of forgiveness, choice and gratitude. 

Exercise until you breathe and sweat.

Forgive everything and see things differently.

Love them all anyway.

Detox your mind and body.

Clean up your own thinking.

Listen within for guidance.

Be aware of all your choices.

There are unlimited resources within you. 

Do what you can do to bring you back to Love.

Extend peace to everyone and to our world.

Trust in knowing: “All things work together for Good.”

I am loving each one of us as we return to Love.

I love the One I see when I see you looking back at me.

Betty Lue

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Letting Go!





Love is letting go of fear.

Life is for giving and I Am the Gift.

I free myself to look for the open door.

I learn to listen to the path of delight.

When One Door Closes…..

When it is time to let go, holding on hurts.

When it is time to forgive, telling the old stories replicates the past. 

When it is time to create anew, looking at old pictures blocks our vision.

When it is time to move on, stop ruminating, let go, seek de-light and go for it!

Grieving comes from incompletion.

Hanging on comes from fear.

Limited vision comes from looking back.

Dancing in the light comes from turning our face to the sun.

There is nothing to judge, but judgment itself.  (Even this, we must forgive.)

When we are stuck in our own judgments and others’ opinions, we lose our way.

When we cannot hear our inner voice, we are listening to the outer voices and negative noise.

When we do not know which way to go, we are afraid to remake the mistakes we have not forgiven.

The innocence of a child allows us to follow the path of love.

The path of love shows us the beauty and goodness in what already is.

The beauty and goodness we seek lies within each one of us.

It is our healing work to only seek what is good and whole and beautiful within ourselves.

In remembering Love, we return to wholeness.

In remembering our purpose, we return to happiness. 

In remembering our freedom, we return to creativity.

In remembering our True and Authentic Self, we trust, respect and honor the One We Are.

When a door closes, stop knocking.

When something ends, look for the next beginning.

When we are done, it is always time to go Home. (to Source within ourselves!)

When something is finished, there is no need to wait for understanding or figure out what happened.

Life is a journey in exploring the creative power of the mind.

Life is a celebration of the moments of insight, wisdom and expanded vision.

Life is a joyous reminder of the invincible resilient of life itself.

Life is the Eternal expression of God and Good and Goodness ItSelf.

Enjoy freedom today.

Release suffering and let go.

Listen to the desires of your heart.

Follow the path of joy and delight.

Loving you, 

Betty Lue

Letting Go is Fun, Safe and Easy.

May you be happy.

May you be safe.

May you be strong.

May you live with ease.

May you love yourself well.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Count Your Blessings!




I am blessed to have the life I have. 

My blessings are unlimited in their abundant grace.

I trust the lessons I am learning are blessings for me.

I am grateful for the blessings of life, liberty and inner happiness.

Count Your Blessings!

When you do not understand, count your blessings.

When you forget who you are, count your blessings.

When you lose what you value, count your blessings.

When you feel confused and alone, count your blessings.

When we feel grateful, we return to our natural state.

When we feel happy, we know our natural innocence.

When we feel loving, we remember the Love inside.

When we feel Good, really Good, we are free to Love no matter what.

And so it is, we reclaim the purpose for which we came.

The source of all good lies within each one of us.

When we rediscover what is always there, we find inner peace.

Count your blessings and you will remember what really is true.

Sure, we have hard times in this world.

Sure, we may get lost and lose our way.

Sure, we may misunderstand the ways of the world.

And then again, we may sort out the difference between foe and friend.

Life shows us what we have to learn.

When we keep listening, we gain the opportunity to find wisdom and insight.

When we own the parts we play, we take responsibility for choosing it all.

We learn to enjoy the paths we take and with forgiveness and love, we count our blessings.

What does it take to remember gratitude?

What do we earn and learn by giving thanks?

How much to we increase in wisdom when we appreciate?

How easy it is to find true happiness when we count our blessings?

Let’s wake up to see the sunlight behind the clouds.

Let‘s look on the bright side and see what is there.

Let us polish away our comparisons and judgments.

Let us shine our own light to see with delight and appreciate.

Counting our blessings increases our delight.

Counting our blessings inspires others to count theirs.

Counting our blessings allows us to appreciate.

Appreciation grows the bounty of blessings to share.

Love yourself well, by appreciating Who YOU Are and All You Have created. 

Betty Lue

“Give yourself to Love.

And Love will give to you.

Live your life with Trust.

And Trust will see you through.”