Friday, July 26, 2024

Remember To Love





I remember how wonderful it feels to simply Love.

I love being loving and respectful and kind.

I love being inspired everyday to love even more.

I love sharing all the Love I have inside.

Do You Know How to Love?

Do you remember what love is?

Do you understand how to love you?

Do you allow yourself to love others?

Do you show and share your love?

Love inspires others to love.

Love sets us all free to fully express love.

Love encourages us to open our heart to freely share our love.

Love enjoys loving and being loved fully and freely.

Love may be saying, “I love you.” or giving a hug. 

Love may be creating a good meal or happy surprise.

Love may be doing something truly helpful for another. 

Love can be sitting quietly sharing some special time.

Love may be cleaning up after another when they are tired.

Love may be sending affirming and healing prayer to another.

Love may be thinking good thoughts about times gone by.

Love may be playing a game of cards or reading to another.

Love can be a simple note or phone call just when inspired.

Love can be offering a cup of tea and sitting by the fire.

Love can be cleaning a room or making the bed.

Love can be writing, drawing, singing or creating something beautiful.

Love may look like a genuine smile or a carefree wink.

Love may be unseen or unnoticed by the recipient.

Love may be a gift that you just want to give with all your heart.

Love may be responding to a request or even giving anonymously.

Love can be a note in the lunchbox or cookies in the cookie jar.

Love can be a clean house with their special meal on the table.

Love can be the way you say “hello” and listen to what they say.

Love can be turning off the TV and cell phone and just being there.

You will find when you are willing to really Love, you feel good!

You will see that it doesn’t matter to have love come back to you.

You will understand that love asks nothing in return.

Love comes from the heart and is given without conditions or expectations.

Remember to love without jokes or making it embarrassing.

Remember to love just the way you want to feel loved.

Remember to give love that is genuine, without pretense.

Remember to forgive all the ways you have forgotten or neglected Love.

I AM Loving you everyday with everything I think and do and say.

I Love You!

Betty Lue

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Speak Up!





I listen to the Voice for Good within me.

I honor the call for love with kindness and respect.

I trust us each to forgive the places where we hold toxic thoughts and feelings.

I encourage us to speak up, reminding ourselves and others to return to loving kindness.

Speak Up!

Tell your truth.

Let people know.

Be clear with your words.

Be honest about what is true for you.

Don’t assume anything.

They don’t know unless you tell them.

They don’t hear you unless you speak.

They won’t know you unless you let them know you.

Take nothing personally.

Others need to share their truth.

Others will have different perspectives.

Others may see and say what you do not perceive.

No one see things the same as another.

No one feels the same as others.

No one can really understand you.

Your thoughts, feelings and perceptions are unique for you.

When you want others to know you, you must share.

When you attack or judge them with your sharing, they will defend.

When you blame or shame them, they will withdraw or attack you back.

When you share, make sure you are wanting them to care.

When you want others to care, do not harm them with your “truth”.

When you want others to seek understanding, you must be respectful and gentle.

When you want to be heard, make sure you are speaking quietly with kindness.

When you want them to stay, don’t send them away with your anger and hurt.

If you do not freely share what you think and feel, there is a buildup of energy.

Write down your thoughts and feelings, so you don’t dump them on others.

Clear what you have to say, but listen first to yourself.

When your thoughts and words are toxic, clean them up before sharing.

If others might get hurt or scared by your thoughts and feelings, clear them first in healing ways.

Draw them, dance them, sweat them, sing them, write them and dump them in private, before sharing.

It is not appropriate or beneficial to dump toxic thoughts and feelings on others.

It is not appropriate or beneficial to hold toxic material inside of you.

Never make yourself or others sick with negative, destructive or angry thoughts and feelings.

Always take time to listen to: ”What You Can Do.” before you start telling others what to do.

All thoughts and feelings and words come from within us and are for us. 

They are always a Call for Love and respect for ourselves and others.

Learn to Love yourself.

Learn to ask for Love in loving ways.

Learn to listen to your needs and fill them yourself.

Learn to listen to others' needs and encourage them to be loving too.

I am always listening to me and to you.

I am here to encourage you to love yourself first.

I am your Loving Reminder to invite you to be gentle and kind to yourself and others.

I Love You and want You to Remember to Always Love You, too.

Loving me and you with a true heart.

Betty Lue

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Do You Believe?




I believe in the Power of Love.

I believe in our natural state of love, joy, peace and wonder.

I believe we can choose to change our thoughts.

I believe our thoughts and words create.

What Do You Believe?

If you don’t know what you believe, look around you.

If you want to know what you believe, watch what shows up for you.

You see what you believe.

Your mind actively seeks to validate your beliefs.

What we believe, we see.

What we seek, we find.

What we look for, shows up.

What we think about, becomes our experience.

Yes, this is a belief in Metaphysics or New Thought.

You might see it as common sense.

What you believe is a part of how you live.

Everyday we are attracting and experiencing our beliefs.

We tend to take for granted what we believe.

When we like our beliefs, we simply accept them as true. 

When we are bumped by beliefs which don't resonate, we resist them.

When we believe differently, we can open and learn or close and reject new beliefs.

Some say it is through our faith that we are healed.

Some say it is through our beliefs that we experience.

Some say it is through our desire that we attract.

Some think belief is just wishful thinking and does nothing.

When you choose what to believe, your mind will try to prove itself right.

Consider believing what you want to be so.

Consider attracting what you want to enjoy.

Consider being grateful for what is best for you.

Let go quickly of beliefs which are not helpful and kind.

Let go easily of what causes you fear and worry.

Let go safely the thoughts that create confusion.

Let go and return to beliefs that strengthen confidence, goodness and love.

Believe what works for you.

Stop believing what works against you.

Choose wisely what you want to be true.

Trust your conscience with all your heart and mind.

 Life is showing us what we believe.

When we want to experience something different, we can change what we believe.

When we know what we want to believe and experience, clear all false beliefs.

Recognize that your mind and its beliefs are your responsibility.

Choose wisely and well.

Choose with ease and grace.

Choose what you trust and have faith in.

Choose for you what is right and true for you.

Loving our freedom of choice in what we believe.

Betty Lue

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Everyone Is Your Teacher





I am teaching and learning from everyone.

I learn best from those who live what they teach.

I associate naturally with those who are loving and giving, happy and helpful.

Life is a university of infinite ideas, curiosity and wonder.

Who Are Your Teachers?

Who do you admire?

What do you want to learn?

How do you choose your teachers?

How do you discern who and what you can learn from?

Do you trust and respect your self?

Are you learning from those around you?

Do you learn from the mistakes of others?

Do you learn from those who have a good life?

When you listen to others, you are learning.

When you admire others, you are learning.

When you trust and respect others, you are learning.

Make sure you are learning what you really want to learn!

Teachers and mentors may be hard to find.

Look for those who have the qualities you admire.

Seek to associate with those who have a lifestyle you value.

Create relationships with those who are living what they teach.

The rich may not be truly happy.

The successful may not be very loving.

The healthy may not be helpful to others.

What is the ideal you seek to be and experience in your life?

My role models have been those who are naturally loving, giving and forgiving.

They are my grandmother and my parents and people who live what they teach.

They have their own unique way of giving and serving easily everyday.

They are people I have observed are good inside and out.

Do you take your time to pay attention to what you know inside?

Are you purposely inspiring yourself everyday with helpful reminders?

Do you trust and respect the words you say and the way you live in everyway?

Are you speaking the truth from a place of love or fear?

My question for myself is always, “What is the Highest Truth here?”

I stop and listen within to what I already know.

If I am unsure, I go to the most admired teachers and most inspiring books.

When I get the answers, I know because it resonates and brings peace to my heart.

Ask yourself what kind of life you really want.

Take time to WRITE out your heartfelt responses.

To accomplish what you see, practice one at a time.

Enjoy your successes and you will see how one leads to more achievements.

You are the One you must learn to admire, trust, respect and Love.

You are the One you are here to listen to and serve well.

You can be All you are meant to be by living with purpose.

You can be content with yourself today and everyday.

I am always Loving and believing in YOU!

Betty Lue

Life is for learning.

Education leads out of ignorance.

The more we learn, the more we know.

The more we know, the better our resources.

The more  resources, the more choice we have.

The more choices, the more enjoyable life can be.