This last few weeks many new friends (spiritual family) have added their names to my email lists for Daily Loving Reminders.
I feel encouraged, connected and inspired by each one.
And I am grateful for each one who is called to move on, travel, stop using their computer, and asks to have their name removed.
You see, I trust Spirit in you.
I know what I do is a gift to be both given and received.
Its worth and my worth do not diminish with external changes.
I know all things of this world change.
People come and go.
Experiences shift as we grow.
Only Love remains the same.
I know it's True Love, when it stays the same no matter what happens in the world. I know it's Divine Love, when I am certain my commitment to Love will not falter.
I know it's Spiritual Love, when I see I am inspired in the loving.
I know it's Unconditional Love, when I realize nothing can change what is Real.When we are new in a relationship, we must take time to get acquainted on many levels.I want to know what you want me to know about you.I want you to know me as well…..
So here is some bottom line stuff:
I am almost always happy and at peace.
I am a happy willing learner, meaning I learn from every experience and relationship.
I have listened to my inner Voice, (inner listening) for 30 years, for daily guidance.
I have been married to my God-Sent spiritual partner and friend for 21 years.
Together we have moved 15 times, founded 11 centers in five states, as we have been called.
We have created spiritual family and community many times and continue those loving relationships.
For the last eight years we have been in the SF Bay Area of California, serving enhanced holistic health, healthy relationships, life purpose, true prosperity and financial freedom through coaching, counseling, education, living ministry program, self-publishing our writings and being with our four grand daughters and grandson (coming in 11/8).
Robert and I respect our spiritual calling.
We feel honored to do the work Spirit brings to us. “On Call for God”
We are happy to play our part on the stage of life.
And we truly love, respect and honor one another through all our life changes.
We take ownership for nothing, knowing everything comes from Source and is returned to Source.
Our livelihood and financial security come from contributions from those who receive our work with gratitude.
We turn no one away due to financial limitation or lack.
Those who are sincere and committed to do the work, whom Spirit has sent to us, are always served with the Best we know.
While Robert's travel and teaching is limited now, he fully supports my calling, with his Presence as he is called, and contributes in more solitary ways, handling computer, legal, financial and worldly details.
My usual and very flexible schedule:
(There is always room for You!)Loving Reminders, receiving spiritual guidance, every morning between 5-7AM.
Eating daily organic whole grains, some pasta, vegetables and fruits and lots of water.
Lots of fresh air, walking and physical work three + days/week (with the children.)
Monday mornings, and Fridays 7-6PM in Alameda with 18 month old twins and new baby soon.
Thursdays in Petaluma with 8 yr. old Gia and 1 year old Sofia (now often only twice/month)
Counseling, Coaching and Classes at
Center for Conscious Living, 1/2 mile from our home, on Mon. eve, Tues., Wed., Fri. eve and some weekends.
Phone coaching by appointment, often before or after hours, or while traveling.
Interfaith and New thought Ministry, serving in Alameda at the
Home of Truth with a ministry team of 3.
My favorite loves are:
A Course in Miracles and Inner Listening,
Creating Beauty, Wholeness and Goodness.
Appreciating and Enjoying the Garden of Life, (all people) grow in Wonder and Grace.
Inspiring others to Awaken to the Infinite Possibilities in their Lives.
Co-creating more opportunities and invitations for people to find Lasting Happiness and Inner Peace.
Mission: I am the space of freedom and trust where Love is remembered and wholeness restored.
Purpose: To awaken All to recognize our Holiness and Live our Essential Truth.I never quit on Love.Betty Lue