Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Life Is A Gift!

I breathe in the joy I have for Life.
I easily receive the gifts I give.
I quickly forgive and erase what is not Gift for me.
I fill myself each day with the Joy and Gratitude I have for my life.

Life Is A Gift.

Life is a gift to be given and received with joy and gratitude.
When we are fully alive, we naturally and effortlessly share.
When we are enjoy our lives, we are a joy to be around.
When we are grateful for the life we have, others enjoy us.

How can you enjoy your life more?
Life is meant to be fun, safe and easy.
Life is naturally happy, healthy and flowing.
What do you need to choose or change to have more fun, safety and ease?

Your experiences will tell you when something is not working.
What you see and hear and feel shows you where you are out of balance.
Your feedback system shows where you are focused, judging and unhappy.
It is automatic and amazing to experience how fast you perceive the lack and limitation.

You can easily and quickly correct what is off purpose and off balance.
Your willingness to undo the false learned beliefs and choose again is key.
You can forgive, erase and release whatever is harmful, stuck and difficult.
You can effortlessly choose again for what is healthful, freeing and easy.

When life is a gift, there is gladness upon awakening.
When life is flowing, there is gratitude as we fall asleep.
When life is joy-filled, there is ease in being fully alive.
When life is abundant, you are generous in your sharing.

Are you willing to listen to your inner Self?
Are you open to receiving Love from you?
Are you kind to you in thought, word and deed?
Are you generous in how well you are loving you?

You may have been taught to put others first.
You may have believed you need to give you less.
You may have bought not to appreciate you.
You may have thought to never think of you.

These can be helpful for some who have learned the opposite.
But there is a balance that comes with experience and wisdom.
Life is first and foremost your to have and receive fully.
But when you deny yourself the gift, you have less and less to give.

Remember to receive the gifts of goodness and joy you give.
Remember to always include yourself in what is good and whole and loving.
Remember to honor, respect and trust the Good in you.
Remember to only give and receive what is Good and Whole and True.

These Loving Reminders are my gift of Love for me and for you.
Betty Lue 

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

What Do You Need?

I am fulfilled with the Love I share.
I live to Love.
Everything that I give is given with Love.
In the giving, I am receiving all I give.

What Do You Need Now?

"What the world needs now is Love, Sweet Love.
That’s the only thing there’s just too little of.”
Do you need love?
Do your children and family and friends need Love?

Do you show people you love them?
Do you tell people you love them?
Are you aware that people know you love them?
Are they receiving your love?

How often do you receive love from others?
How do you know who is loving you?
How do others know you love them too?
Are you full of love and fulfilled in sharing your love?

What if you don’t know what you need?
What if others don’t know what they are missing?
Is it possible that people are afraid of showing their love?
Are you open and free in your loving?

My observations show me we are withholding our Love from one another.
What I have realized that people are afraid to fully and freely Love.
I have seen how we defend, deny and distract ourselves from Love.
Why are we afraid to innocently give and receive Love?

It is fun, safe and easy to love.
Loving doesn’t hurt but withholding love does.
Giving Love to Get love can hurt, if we are disappointed.
Giving Love freely with no expectations simply feels fulfilling.

Caring about one another is freeing.
Love is our natural state.
To realize Who we are and Why we are here can only be found in Loving.
To fully experience the Gift of our Love, we must give our Love.

Love is unlimited.
It replenishes it self with more Love.
Love flows from us as a fountain flows freely from its Source.
What we learn is that Love is a ever expanding resource as long as it is given.

And so it is.
Remember to love no matter what.
Remember that Love is your way to remember.
Love is the Gift you came to give and share.

I enjoy loving without limit or sacrifice.
Betty Lue

Monday, November 28, 2016

Start All Over Again!

I love and trust my True Self.
I let go of dependency on what others think and say.
I free myself to trust my own Inner Guidance.
I forgive my Self doubt and fear and depend only on Love.

“Pick yourself up.
Dust Yourself off.
Start all over again.”

When you are disappointed and discouraged, what can you do?
When you are hurt and afraid, what can you do?
When you have made yet another mistake, what can you do?
When you are lost and confused, what can you do?

This is the question we must learn to ask ourselves.
This is what we must teach our children to do.
This is what every upset must bring to our mind.
We must learn to learn and depend on our inner guide.

When tempted to whine and complain, stop.
When you begin to feel sorry for yourself, stop.
When you want to cry and give up, stop!
When you feel stuck, ask your Inner Self for help.

Simply ask yourself, WHAT CAN I DO?
You are your own best friend.
You are your counselor, healer and guide.
You are the one you need to listen to.

When we become dependent on others, we forget they are learning too.
When we count on another to always come through, they may not always be there.
When we think the “experts” know us best, we forget only we truly can know ourselves.
When we imagine a pill, a book, a process is our answer, we neglect our own uniqueness.

Learn to listen to your Self.
Learn to trust your inner Guide.
Learn to always be present for You.
Learn to be willing to go inside.

All solutions are within you.
All promises you make are for you.
All healing comes from within.
All Soul searching really begins with you.

Treat yourself with dignity and self respect.
Express your thoughts and feelings to yourself (in writing).
Ask for what you really want directly and explicitly.
Listen to what your very best inner guidance truly comes through you.

When you are listening to and loving you, you will know what is true for you.
I know healing come from within you in the silence of your heart and mind.
I trust you to learn to trust you.
Listen to Your Inner Self.

Trust your inner knowing (Intuition that is peaceful (not coming from fear or worry.)
Emotion distorts your perceptions and what you hear from within.
Blessings of Loving Trust.
Betty Lue 

Sunday, November 27, 2016

It’s A Good Life!

I seek to fully appreciate the Good in my life.
I love, accept and trust in the Good in me.
I live and give Good for Goodness Sake.
I easily and quickly forgive and erase what blocks Goodness for us all.

It’s A Good Life!

How good can it get?
Everyday proclaim, “It's a good life!”
For what you proclaim, you claim to be what you choose to be.
It is time to fully appreciate what you have and what is to come.

Everyday in every way, life is getting better and better.
What you foresee, you will believe and let be.
So say it, and believe it into being.
Be steadfast and true to what you want to be for you.

What you conceive and believe, you will achieve.
First, envision what you want.
Then begin to live as thought is it already present.
In our steadfastness, we imagine it into being with our doing.

It is in our conscious and consistent affirmation that we motivate ourselves.
As we are moved with thought, word and action we create our reality into being.
Everyone has experienced miracles, large and small, without understanding how they came to be.
Life itself is a projection of our innermost desire and impression into expression.

Learn to erase all obstacles, fears and doubts.
Be willing to see always the Highest Good of which you are aware.
Listen to your inspiration and trust your inner guidance.
Be willing to affirm, accept and appreciate the Good that comes to you.

Learn to trust in the Good.
Believe without doubt or resistance.
Enjoy the creative process of allowing yourself to receive.
Fully feel gratitude and full appreciation in All Goodness.

We really are here to be happy and at peace.
We are called to choose what is right and true for us.
Our active work is to let go of anything that does not “work”!
It is through our sorting through that we come to know what is Good for us.

It is a Good Life when I realize, “Everything works together for Good.”
Let us be open and willing to erase what is not Good.
Let us be freeing and trusting to all Good to be received for the Good of All.

Loving the Good in us All,
Betty Lue

Every Loving Reminder is a prayer of Love for all Humanity.
Thank for joining with me as you read and reflect on them.
Every affirmation you acknowledge is a prayer.
Thank you for seeing the power of Positive thought.
Every time you trust with affirming thoughts, you are sending your prayer.
Thank you for believing!

Saturday, November 26, 2016


I forgive myself for forgetting, ignoring or neglecting any promise or intention I have made.
I trust myself to be true to my promises to love no matter what.
I easily and quickly forgive broken promises.
I choose to support, encourage and facilitate trust with everyone.

Keep Your Promises!

Remember the promises that you make to others.
Remember the promises you have made to yourself.
Remember the agreements, declarations and commitments you make.
Remember self esteem, confidence and trustworthiness depend on you keeping your promises.

How do family and friends trust us?
How do our children learn to tell the truth?
How do we have confidence in ourselves?
It all depends on whether we are honest and true to what we say and do.

We make false promise to get leverage.
Temporary promises are made to get an advantage.
Promises may be made to motivate and inspire.
Egoic promises are often used to get something in return.

When we do not keep our promises, trust is broken.
When we say one thing and do another, people stop believing in us.
When we are not reliable or dependable, even we do not trust ourselves.
With nothing to depend on, security, safety and trust is unreliable.

Life often distracts us from being true to what we mean.
We may forget or neglect ourselves and others from what we intend.
We may judge others as not keeping their promises and agreements without honoring our own.
We may use promises and agreements to get what we want with no intention of being true.

To build confidence in ourselves, we must make honest promises to ourselves.
To develop faith in ourselves, we must keep our agreements with ourselves and others.
To enjoy a life that feels stable and secure, we must remind ourselves of our true values daily.
To establish a strong reputation and image, we must be totally reliable with keeping agreements.

Stop and consider what promises you have made and not fulfilled.
Look at implied promises of parents, partners and friends you may have ignored.
Recognize what you may have promised yourself repeatedly, but let go without acknowledgment.
See in others what you have taught them to expect from you and returned to you.

Live your promises and agreements.
When you decide to change your agreements, communicate the changes.
Honor your agreements to build confidence, safety and trust in all your relationships.
Recognize you build your own strength, courage and trust with being dependable and reliable.

Keeping your promises is truly your gift of Love.
I intend to keep my agreements to love you no matter what!
And so I am and do Love You always,
Betty Lue

Friday, November 25, 2016


It is my Joy that lifts me up.
It is my Gratitude that brings me Joy.
It is my celebration of Goodness and Beauty that inspires me.
It is my Inspiration that brings me to Life.

How To Celebrate?

I celebrate everyday.
I celebrate knowing you.
I celebrate the Goodness within and around me.
I celebrate how wonderful it is to be here now.

What would it take for you to celebrate….sober?
What could you do to make your life wonderful for you?
Why not do what you can to make everyday a celebration?
How about creating natural healthy ways to celebrate your life?

Sometimes we think too much.
Sometimes we compare with others.
Sometimes we make ourselves miserable.
Do you worry, judge, resent, hold anger and fear?

Sometimes we don’t know how to let it go.
Sometimes we hold on to the past pain and suffering.
Sometimes we are worrying about what is coming in the future.
Sometimes we just are in the habit of reacting with fear and negativity.

Set yourself free.
Come home to right now.
Eat an ice cream cone or bake a pie.
Visit someone who needs a friend to smile and listen.

Be willing to watch the clouds moving by or the rain watering the Earth.
Open to the birds that sing and the rivers that flow or the water you drink.
Give back what you receive and learn to always “pay it forward” to encourage more giving.
Break the habit of watching and listening to scary upsetting and ugly stuff.

Choose to savor what is really good for you.
Feed your mind and belly and life what gives happiness and vitality.
Enjoy the little things like watching the sunrise or the sunset.
Pay attention to how much fun it is to make someone happy.

Celebrate your whole life.
Celebrate all you have experienced.
Celebrate how much you have learned.
Celebrate the ways you still can care and share.

Everyday become one who celebrates life…...Your Life!!!

I celebrate how good it is to be together, here and now.
Loving you for no good reason, except that is feels Good to Love You!
Betty Lue

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Remember To Give Thanks!!

I seek only to inspire, facilitate and encourage everyone to live their highest Potential.
I love my friends and family, community and nation, and my family of humanity.
I give thanks to enrich all of our lives.
I know what I share to be Loving Reminders for everyone everywhere.

Give Thanks!

Thanks” always fill us up.
Complaints deplete us.
Being grateful gives us energy.
Feeling sorry for ourselves drains us.

Express your appreciation at the end of everyday.
Consider a “Gratitude Journal”.
Openly express “Thank You” to everyone you love.
Love how you live and how much you give.

My inner guidance for today:
How can I better share my time and talents to bring Peace and Love to my world?
Every breath you breathe.
Every step you take.
Every word you speak.
Every smile you share.

Everything that emanates from with you is your gift of Love and Peace.
You need not do anything extraordinary, simply be the Love You Are.

Life is your opportunity to understand, your Presence is enough.
Each day is your sharing and caring, shining through all you think and say and do.
Your love is received on every level by All That Is.
You Being is your message of how deeply and profoundly you care.

Everything that blesses you is a blessing for all .
Everything that is a blessing to another is a blessing for you.
Humanity is a circle of Eternal Love.
Everyone is a gift of awakening and celebration.

Keep on encouraging all to feel safe and respected in sharing their natural gifts of Love and Peace.
All are valuable and everyone is integral to the Love of All.
Trust everything is working together for your Good.
Believe in what you hear and know in your heart.

There is a Power and Presence (Creative Life Force) within you that you call by many names.
This presence is your Power and your Purpose and Your Guiding Light.
Listen and Give “Thanks this” is so.”

And I am thankful this is so.
Baruch Bashan (The Blessings already are).

I live in Gratitude for the Good that lives in you and me.
I live in Trust that everything works together for Good.
I live with Joy that we all can share this life of learning together.
I live at Peace knowing “All Is Well”.

Always in All Ways Loving You and All,
Betty Lue 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Shine A Light!

Light, Light, More Light.
I shine my Light of Love on everyone I know.
I freely share the Light and Love within.
I give and receive all Good for the Good of All.

Shine A Light On Your Life!

Look around you and see where you are.
Do you see where you live?
Are you aware of the sun shining on you?
Are you breathing fresh air and drinking good water?

Pay attention to what you have.
Do you sleep warm with clean sheets and a blanket?
Do you have enough good healthy food to eat?
And yes, do you have a working vehicle and a little extra money?

Listen within you and remember what you love.
Do you have someone or something to love each day?
Are you caring for yourself and your home?
Do you love your family, your pets and plants?

Let us notice how Good Life Is.
Shine a light on your life and see what you see.
Keep looking for all the Good and you will see it.
So much to be grateful for, so no need to complain.

Let us remember to appreciate what we have.
Have you expressed gratitude for you parents and your history?
Do you give thanks when you buy your groceries and eat a meal?
Do you appreciate the places and people in your everyday life?

Be grateful for the beauty around you.
Do you acknowledge the beauty of colors and sounds?
Are you noticing the amazing variety of plants and animals?
Are you a good steward of your home and vehicle you use?

When you shine your Light of appreciation, you will see more to appreciate.
When you look for all the Good, you will have more Goodness.
When you value all you have and do, you will expand All you have to do.
When you are willing to think, speak and act with” Thanksgiving”, you will feel abundantly prosperous.

Let’s begin a new habit of Gladness and Gratitude.
Let’s survey our territory and offer only appreciation.
Let’s share our favorite blessings for all the Good.
Let’s remember how Good it feels to feel really Good!

I am so grateful to be here now.
I am truly grateful to share my Loving Reminders with you.
I have more Love to share everyday, when I share with you.
I give “Thanks” that we are together when we love each other this way.

Loving you with no limit!
Betty Lue

Every Loving Reminder is a prayer of Love for all Humanity.
Thank for joining with me as you read and reflect on them.
Every affirmation you acknowledge is a prayer.
Thank you for seeing the power of Positive thought.
Every time you trust with affirming thoughts, you are sending your prayer.
Thank you for believing!