Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Stay Alive!

I am alive, alert and enthusiastic.
I fill my joy with more Joy.
I inspire my life with gratitude.
I share my joy with everyone.

Alive, Alert and Enthusiastic!

Keep activating what’s working in Life.
What we enjoy we infuse with energy.
What we share, we expand and increase.
What we appreciate, we feed and nourish.

We validate the life we want with our focus of attention and intention.
We encourage and expand where we activate the energy.
Our activation process comes from what we fuel.
Our enjoyment is the indicator of what we desire to fuel.

Where we experience pain is symptom of what is in conflict with our desire.
When we feel drained we have allowed false being, thinking and doing.
What deflates and debilitates our joy is not for us, but against us.
We are here to discern what is right and true and good for our lives.

Consider flowing with your life energy.
Consider following the joyous path.
Consider choosing what brings joy to you.
Consider aligning yourself with what inspires you.

Listen to your body and intuition.
You know what bring you exuberance and joy.
You feel the freedom and appreciation flowing through you.
You can trust you inner heart felt experience.

Lift yourself out of the doldrums of negativity and fear.
Walk away from experiences that drain and confuse you.
Step into the consciousness of hope, faith and love.
Clear your mind and body and open to the high way.

Only you can claim what is your right.
Feel good and stop fighting with what is not.
Stand up for your whole self with your intention.
Find your core aliveness and flow with it.

The difference is like night and day.
One way you suffer and the other you play.
Listen to all the cues from within .
Begin with treating you with respect and kindness.

You deserve to be fully alive and alert.
You need to find your inner enthusiasm.
From this level of choice you live with gratitude.
Herein all abundance will flow to you.

Loving you for the way you Love You!!
Betty Lue

All day, every day, count your blessings!
All day, every day, make your lists of things you appreciate. And as you keep activating what is working in your life, then more pleasing things on all subjects will flow to you.  Abraham 

Monday, January 30, 2017

Stop Hurting!

I forgive myself for hurting anyone with fearful words or action.
I choose to find and practice a better way in all my relationships.
I choose to stop doing harm with words or actions.
I commit to teach others by my kindness and compassion.

Stop Hurting YourSelf!

Stop the hurting!
Just because you may have been hurt, doesn't mean it is ok.
Just because you feel hurt by another, doesn't mean you need to hurt back.
Just because you thought is would relieve your pain, stop hurting others.

Attack only begets more attack.
Hurt causes more continuing hurt.
Stop and give yourself time to think.
Stop and be aware of what you do.

Recently I became aware.
I didn’t know………………
Grown ups often scare and hurt their children.
Adults hit, throw things, tantrum violently and scare their children.

I didn’t realize ……………….
Adults think it is ok to throw things.
Adults believe it doesn’t do harm to swear, threaten, scare, and hurt their families.
Adults actually think it is normal to act out like a two year old.

When will they learn?
When will parents realize the harm they do?
When will we all grow up and stop abusive behavior?
When will we understand scaring and hurting only causes more of the same?

Bullying parents create bullying children.
The strong hurt the weak as animals, adult and kids.
When there is no bullying at home, it will not occur in schools.
When there is an end to hurting and scaring in families, the world will become safer for all.

How can it be we have not learned self-control?
How come we keep on doing harm to one another?
How can we not see that hurtful word are damaging?
What causes us as a society to threaten, scare, hurt one another?

We can try to pretend it is OK to do harm since we experienced it as children.
We can try to justify it with “I don’t know how to get my children to obey.”
We can excuse our childish behavior with “being tired, drunk, angry, or feeling disrespected”.
How ignorant is it to excuse physical or psychological punishment because we don't know another way?

Let us commit to grow up and control ourselves.
Let us agree to never hurt another again.
Let us stop doing what we know is ignorant.
Let us forgive our past experiences and find a better way.

If this Reminder is for you, forgive your ignorance and choose again.
We can end all fear and violence by changing ourselves.
Love yourself and others with Love.
“Do Unto Others What You Want Done Unto You.”

Trusting you with peace in our families.
Betty Lue

From Louise Hay ©1988
How To Love Yourself
Criticism never changes a thing. Refuse to criticize yourself. Accept yourself exactly as you are. Everybody changes. When you criticize yourself, your changes are negative. When you approve of yourself, your changes are positive.

Stop terrorizing yourself with your thoughts. It’s a dreadful way to live. Find a mental image that gives you pleasure (mine is yellow roses), and immediately switch your scary thought to a pleasure thought.

Be gentle with yourself. Be kind to yourself. Be patient with yourself as you learn the new ways of thinking. Treat yourself as you would someone you really loved.

 Criticism breaks down the inner spirit. Praise builds it up. Praise yourself as much as you can. Tell yourself how well you are doing with every little thing.

 Self hatred is only hating your own thoughts. Don’t hate yourself for having the thoughts. Gently change your thoughts.

 Find ways to support yourself. Reach out to friends and allow them to help you. It is being strong to ask for help when you need it.

 Acknowledge that you created them to fulfill a need. Now you are finding new, positive ways to fulfill those needs. So, lovingly release the old negative patterns.

 Learn about nutrition. What kind of fuel does your body need to have optimum energy and vitality? Learn about exercise. What kind of exercise can you enjoy? Cherish and revere the temple you live in.

 Look into your eyes often. Express this growing sense of love you have for yourself. Forgive yourself looking into the mirror. Talk to your parents looking into the mirror. Forgive them too. At least once a day say: “I love you, I really love you!”

Don’t wait until you get well, or lose the weight, or get the new job, or the new relationship. Begin now, and do the best you can.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Stay Inspired!

Life is our to use for inspiration.
I remember I am here to be inspired to inspire.
I know who I am matters.
I trust my life is my gift to use for expanded giving.

See Phoenix New Year 2017 below. From Robert

Stay Inspired!

How do you inspire yourself?
Are you learning and growing?
Are you healing and living healthy?
Are you loving and feeling loved?
Are you living and fully enjoying?
Are you giving and valuing your gifts?
Are you connecting and receiving trusting the connection?
Are you receiving wisdom and awakening available?

Everything is available to you.
All of life is yours to have and use and live.
When we share what we are learning, we stay inspired.
When we give what we are receiving, we stay inspired.

All that inspires us will inspire others.
Our life is flow and flow is both letting go and receiving.
The flow of life energy in us and through us is enlivening.
The opportunity to share what we have is an unlimited gift.

Every breath we take is breathing with all that is.
Every walk we take is enlivening us and all.
Every song we sing is singing with everyone.
When we learn we are part of everything, we are inspired.

When you are inspired, your life is an inspiration for others.
When you are learning, you are inspiring everyone to learn.
When you are healing, your healing is healing for all.
When you are giving, you inspire others to give.

It is in our realization of who we are that we are inspired.
It is in our awakening to our desire to make a difference, that we are inspired.
It is in our discovery that we have unlimited value, that we are our inspired.
We stay inspired by being fully alive and realizing the gift we are.

Without you, we would be incomplete.
You matter…. your works, your imagining, your actions all make a differing.
When you live with inspired consciousness, you are the inspiration you seek.
When you allow love in, you know you are the One You Seek.

Let us all stay inspired to inspire one another.
Loving you,
Betty Lue

2017 Year of the Fire Phoenix

January 27 2017 began the year of the Phoenix.
Fire brings passion, creativity, and joy.
Phoenix brings opportunities for rebirth and transformation.

Three Tips for Success in Phoenix Year:

First, pay attention to your health.
If you are exhausted after Fire Monkey 2016, then 2017 is especially your year to focus on health, healing, and restoration.
It’s also time to clean out the old and unused, and live more efficiently in this Firebird year.

Second is to organize your finances. Deal with any debt, plan, budget, and be aware of your spending.

Third is to work hard with focus.
2017 is the year to apply yourself in your career.
Be persistent, yet flexible.
This is not the time to goof off or take your job for granted.

Phoenix year is work before play, so get organized and contribute on the job.
Stay strong and do the work!
Excuses will not be tolerated in a no-nonsense Phoenix year. 

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Love Yourself Well!

I give thanks for my life.
I love being me.
I take time to ensure my wellness in everyway: Body, Mind and Spirit.
I know I am valuable to my world.

Love Begins Within!

When we love and respect ourselves, we create loving and respectful relationships with others.
The more we love and respect ourselves, the more others love and respect us.
The more we love and respect ourselves, the more others love and respect themselves and others.
The first relationship to give attention to is ourselves: Begin with YOU.

Without Love for ourselves, we do not know how to begin to really Love others.
Without a healthy relationship with ourselves, we cannot truly give healthy love to an other.
Without listening and respecting ourselves, we do not listen and respect others well.
When we need love, we seek others to do what we have neglected and left undone.

Do you take daily good care of your body?
Give you healthy food, enough sleep, enjoyable movement and activity. fresh air and sunshine.
Do you use your mind in healthy ways?
Give attention to positive thoughts, happy memories, meaningful conversations, valued work.

Do you take good care of your emotions?
Learn to be honest, trusting, forgiving, gentle, patient, respectful, open-minded, and willing.
Are your needs met for safety and security?
Surround yourself with good people who think, speak and behave in kind respectful ways.

Are you choosing an environment with healthy sights & sounds, words & interactions?
Turn away from bad habits, unkind media and conversations, letting things get confused or messy.
Do you have someone to talk to, to listen and respond always with love?
Choose a friend, a counselor, a gentle person whose life you admire to inspire you.

Are you using the resources you have for being, doing and having good in your life?
Look at your expenditures of time, energy and money to ensure they are doing good for you.
Are you really willing to give your life the best you have for the sake of loving you?
Remember this is your life to be lived with joy and appreciation every day of the year.

The way you make the most of your life is to begin with loving you.
You may not know how to begin, but start today one step at a time.
Enjoy the words you say and feel them really valuing you.
Let go of what depletes and defeats you.

You have the amazing ability to stop the unloving behaviors and start again.
You can easily forgive and delete what depresses you and choose again for what inspires you.
One day at a time, one step at a time, one word at a time,  all make a different.
Get you love going and flowing to achieve the love you deserve.

Loving you always,
Betty Lue

Keys to Health & Vitality

Ingest the best and forget the rest.  Take into your body, mind and spirit only that which supports, sustains and inspires the BEST in you.

Life is flow. To move with the flow is healthy. To resist is stressful. Move with the natural inner movement physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, etc.

To breathe in (inhale) fully life energy, Spirit, Prana, inspiration, is to expand our awareness to open to an enlightened mind.  To exhale fully is to truly release what is no longer needed.

Reaching out with Love and respect for each other opens our bodies and beings to trust in the gentleness we all deserve to experience.

Choose for those thoughts which heal and free you to be unlimited in health and wholeness. Forgive (erase) the beliefs which are limiting or false.

Carry with you an attitude of gratitude and love for yourself and others.  Allow yourself to see all things work together for good.

Moderation in all things will bring your life into harmony.  As we give ourselves what is really best for us, the extremes are gently released.

What you perceive in others and the world you strengthen in your Self.  Focus on illness, disease and weakness and you actually weaken yourself.  See only health and wholeness and you move yourself in the direction you are looking.

To clear out toxins and purify the system requires a willingness to eliminate toxic thoughts, activities, relationships as well as foods from your system.  Flushing the system clean is aided with water, fresh air, gentle movement and forgiveness.

To rest and relax your mind and body are invaluable to being refreshed and revitalized. Each person has unique methods of relaxation - meditation, music, being in nature, focused simple activity. 

Friday, January 27, 2017

Family Guide

I offer my family the best in me.
I give myself a “time-out” when I need to calm myself.
I nurture and nourish my self and my family with healthy meals.
I treat everyone with the kindness, love and respect.

Family Guide

Do you know how to build a true Healthy Family?
Have you ever experienced what you really want?
Do you know how to demonstrate and teach healthy relationships?
Have you received and given the Love you deserve?

If you have what you want, no need to read this .
If you have not, it is time to learn and earn the love, trust and respect you deserve.
If you know how to parent, partner and participate, you can be happy for all you know and do.
If you don’t know how to take care of you and those you love, start here to learn.

Safety and security are essential for the functional foundation of family.
This means proper food prepared with love and appreciation.
This means having what you need to eat and drink.
This means having good rejuvenating rest.

Make sure no one is hungry and eats in a calm kind environment.
This means no yelling, clean food prepared on time without news and eating around the TV.
When people are distracted when eating, they don’t appreciate and enjoy the food.
There needs to be easy conversation, in a family setting with people sharing good feelings.

When people are well fed and well rested, they do better in every way.
Good rest in a quiet clean environment is healthful.
Going to bed early so you can get up without an alarm or need to be awoken.
Having a quiet time before bed with kind words of comfort and appreciation.

Begin with the basics for healthy bodies and happy minds.
Ensure children and adults are treated with care and kindness.
Speak with respect to one another.
Be helpful and respond to others in loving ways.

There is no need yelling or demanding where there is mutual respect.
Everyone can learn from the adults who are kind and respectful.
Children trust parents who are safe in how they behave and speak.
Children respond to what adults say and do consistently.

Consider giving your self and others time out to calm and center yourself.
Consider speaking the way you want to be spoken to.
Consider teaching by example and learning what is a better way.
Adults lead by example when they behave in a mature safe way.

Regular meals at regular time is important for bodies to thrive.
Regular sleep at regular time is healthy for minds and bodies to rest well.
Calming environment is essential for no anxiety and positive feelings.
Speak clearly and concisely in a quiet environment to be heard.

This is just the beginning of good connection and easy connection with everyone.
Give your best to those you love,
Betty Lue

Go to this link and listen to “Parenting Tips from Children”

Responsibilities for Adults (From Betty Lue)
Suggestion: Always begin with Being as Responsible as a Child (see below)
Do you know how to think, speak and behave consciously?
Do you know how to treat others with respect and kindness?
Are you willing to learn to be responsible in all relationships?
Do you know the difference between right and wrong?

Treat others as you want to be treated.
Forgive everyone and everything, for all time, including yourself.
Be courteous and helpful.
Give your best, no matter what others do.
Make no assumptions, and recognize you do not know.
Keep your agreements and your promise to yourself and others.
Take turns in your interactions and following procedures.
Be fair in your decisions and choose what is good for all concerned.
Eliminate all cruelty or destructive thoughts, words or behaviors.

Think of others as you want to be thought of.
Stop judging, complaining and gossiping.
Stop negatively thinking about yourself and others.
Forgive and erase all thoughts and behaviors that are hurtful.

Speak to others as you want to be spoken to.
Use “please” and “thank you”, even with children.
Talk in a pleasant tone of voice to everyone.
Stop demanding and expecting: respectfully request.
Don’t pretend you know, when you don’t know.

Responsible Behaviors
Eradicate addictive behavior and create healthy choices.
Clean up after yourself, in your relationships and your home.
Follow through on your plans, projects and promises.
Clean your house and car, your mind and messages.
Treat the environment and earth with conscious respect.
Stop excessive spending and Save your money.
Be respectful of the people and possessions in your life.
No drunkenness or disorderly behavior.
No swearing or name-calling.
Never abuse unhealthy food, drink or drugs.
Stop expecting others to do for you what you don’t do.
Live with respectful words, kind thoughts and positive behavior in clean home. 

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Listen to Your Self

I love and accept myself the way I am.
I easily forgive my mistakes and quickly learn.
I follow my inner guidance and intuition.
I take time daily to appreciate my life choices.

Listen to Your Self

Is anyone listening to you?
It is solely your job to do.
To be true to you is your need.
Follow your heart is your choice.

You may be frustrated, angry or afraid.
You may be blaming or crying out for someone to save you.
You may be denying, doubting or feeling victimized.
Somewhere within you know, it is all about you saving you.

To blame others will misguide you.
To avoid yourself is to deny you.
To correct others will divide you.
To forgive yourself will bring you home to you.

There is so much to learn and know.
There is often a long way to go.
But the first step is the most important.
Listen to you by beginning within.

Write down your thoughts and feelings daily.
Journal your questions and fears.
Listen to your ideas with laughter and tears.
Learn to respect all that comes from within you.

You are here to really know YOU!
Within you is everything you seek.
Take some time to find what is true.
You are here to love and cherish you.

When you write the words you hear inside, you begin to find what is really interfering.
When you read what you have written, you can see what is good and truly helping you.
Some feelings and thoughts can be misguiding with their distortion and fear.
But some true loving helpful guidance will show up honest and clear.

Your job is to discern the truth that leads to safety and calm.
Your listening will see beneath what is angry and wrong.
The ideas and help will show you what voice coming through you.
You are looking only what is healing and loving and helpful to you.

So listen to what is right and good and true.
This comes from the real love with you.
Be willing to follow what is kind and good to you.
Love shows the way to follow every day.

Always beside you, Love will always guide you.
And I am with you.
Betty Lue

I am loving us all.  
It is love that prevails in all things, large and small.
Above all, let us simply remember to love.
Betty Lue