Who is your family?
It may be your original blood relatives including parents and siblings.
Or it may be a church family or your friends and their families.
It may be those you work with or participate with in some voluntary activities or sports.
You may have abandoned your childhood family and have built a new one.
You may be trying to heal what was wounded and feel regret or pain and blame.
You may avoid family affairs or stay away from certain members of your "family".
Whatever your circumstance, you probably see the healing needs within your family.
What is family for you?
Why do we need families?
What were your family's values?
What is your value for family now?
How do we heal our family?
How do we love our family?
How can we forgive our family?
How do we support our family?
How do we give to our family?
For many who still wait for their parents to do the work, they may continue feeling lost and disappointment, anger and pain.
For those who were taught parents know best, you may be still waiting for your parents to grow up and learn to love.
For those who expect someone else to do the forgiving and make amends, you may wait more than a lifetime.
For those who think there is something wrong with you because you never fit in your family, you may want to respect yourself and look again for how to love.
We are here to heal all our relationships.
We are here to forgive and remember to love everyone.
We are here to give, not wait to receive first.
We are here to teach by example.
We are here to build on the strengths of others, not find fault.
We are here to bring joy and peace, not anger and unhappiness.
We are here to end the war, not keep creating it.
We are here to reach out in kindness, not withdrawn in fear and avoidance.
We are here to make everyone matter and part of our family of the heart.
We are here to value and appreciate everyone for doing their best.
We are here to make a difference, show respect and be truly helpful.
"You are my family. You are a part of me. You see what we can be when we're in love."
Lytingale's song.
I love you and me together building the family of all beings.
Betty Lue
Remember to take nothing others do personally.
Remember to always give your very best.
Remember to keep your soul's agreements.
Remember to remember only Love.
After all, it is between You and your Creator anyway.
I am off line for four days, returning on Sept. 2, traveling to Visalia with Robert and my mother-in-law to visit relatives and then onto "the Glory of Creation" at the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, CA. You can always reach me by cell 925-324-2409 or 800-919-2392.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Monday, August 29, 2005
Patience Pays Off
How long do you endure?
How long do you persist?
How long do you keep on doing what you are called to do?
There are many who believe that success comes to those who continue to do what they are called to do.
There are some who believe that life is about endurance and patience.
There are those who just keep on doing what they always have done because they are comfortable.
To be able to communicate with you again via email and these Loving Reminders, Robert has spent 12+ hours and several trips to the store for hardware and has been on the phone help-lines for over 8 hours. Just when we thought it was fixed with new airports and an extension, it stopped right after sending you my last Reminder. And I just spent about 4 hours weeding out bad email addresses which prevented me from sending out messages to several different groups. So now we are back on line with a few more bugs to work out.
Love is worth waiting and working for.
I am committed to never quit on Love.
I recognize that I may not like the process, but I will do whatever it takes.
I realize that Love is patient and kind, and often strong and enduring.
I believe life offers us many opportunities to quit, to take the easy way.
I see many places where people quit too soon or just don't know other ways to love.
I know you may need to take a break and restore your energy and commitment to love.
Changing my mind and appreciating the process makes it all easier.
Letting go of any judgments I have regarding how long or how difficult makes any task more fun.
Allowing myself to believe only that it can and will be done is always supportive and encouraging.
Being peaceful with the steps along the way makes the energy flow toward the highest outcome.
Life is a fantastic teacher.
Every situation is an opportunity to see what and how I am practicing what I teach.
I know I am responsible fully for the experience I am having, so I can look at my thoughts and words and actions without blame or guilt and see it all with curiosity.
Look at life to see what conscious or unconscious choices are really underlying your experiences.
Betty Lue
I am here for you with open-mindedness and full appreciation. 800-919-2392.
For those who love to see what my life looks like. This is a little family birthday luncheon with great grandmas and babies.

How long do you persist?
How long do you keep on doing what you are called to do?
There are many who believe that success comes to those who continue to do what they are called to do.
There are some who believe that life is about endurance and patience.
There are those who just keep on doing what they always have done because they are comfortable.
To be able to communicate with you again via email and these Loving Reminders, Robert has spent 12+ hours and several trips to the store for hardware and has been on the phone help-lines for over 8 hours. Just when we thought it was fixed with new airports and an extension, it stopped right after sending you my last Reminder. And I just spent about 4 hours weeding out bad email addresses which prevented me from sending out messages to several different groups. So now we are back on line with a few more bugs to work out.
Love is worth waiting and working for.
I am committed to never quit on Love.
I recognize that I may not like the process, but I will do whatever it takes.
I realize that Love is patient and kind, and often strong and enduring.
I believe life offers us many opportunities to quit, to take the easy way.
I see many places where people quit too soon or just don't know other ways to love.
I know you may need to take a break and restore your energy and commitment to love.
Changing my mind and appreciating the process makes it all easier.
Letting go of any judgments I have regarding how long or how difficult makes any task more fun.
Allowing myself to believe only that it can and will be done is always supportive and encouraging.
Being peaceful with the steps along the way makes the energy flow toward the highest outcome.
Life is a fantastic teacher.
Every situation is an opportunity to see what and how I am practicing what I teach.
I know I am responsible fully for the experience I am having, so I can look at my thoughts and words and actions without blame or guilt and see it all with curiosity.
Look at life to see what conscious or unconscious choices are really underlying your experiences.
Betty Lue
I am here for you with open-mindedness and full appreciation. 800-919-2392.
For those who love to see what my life looks like. This is a little family birthday luncheon with great grandmas and babies.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Missed You!
If you have missed me, know I have really been missing you.
While I am always loving you, there is something truly special about writing my love that works for me.
While I am always here with you, there is something valuable about remembering and reminding.
While I am at one with all humanity, including you, there is a gift in allowing myself to fully express it.
While I am never separate or alone, there is a joy in freely expressing our unity in peace and love.
Yes, I had a birthday and loved that day just as much as every other day.
Yes, I was sick for my party, but my Mom said, "Nobody knew." Did you?
Yes, Gia's custody hearing was Monday. First day back to school was Wednesday. Stressful/successful.
Yes, my mother was with us the last two weeks, one in Michigan and then in CA, but safely home now.
Yes, summer is ending. We are Robert's Mom to Glory of Creation at the Crystal Cathedral next week.
Yes, we are with the four month twins two + days each week and feel blessed and appreciative.
Yes, we are working in the classroom again this year with Gia's new teacher.
Yes, we are recommitted to a healthy and balanced lifestyle with writing, reading, playing, painting, coaching, walking, home care, family, inner listening, community building, home and office renewal.
Yes, I am available for coaching and counseling 4 days/week.
Yes I am excited and delighted about the four groups I am offering, beginning in two weeks.
Yes, we sent out our Loving Reminder Newsletter via US mail to over 700 people.
Email me if you want one. Look on Lovingreminders.org.
Yes, our relationship with All That Is remains our highest priority and we live in Love.
How are you Loving?
This is your primary work everyday 24/7!
Recognize and undo any blocks or barriers to the Presence of Love in and around you.
How are you Living?
This is your primary gift in being a human on Earth.
Fully enjoy and appreciate all that is in you and around you.
What are you creating?
This is your contribution, your legacy and your self expression.
Create Good and Health and Happiness with your thoughts and word and deeds.
I am so appreciative to be home with you in Love, creating happiness for All.
Betty Lue
While I am always loving you, there is something truly special about writing my love that works for me.
While I am always here with you, there is something valuable about remembering and reminding.
While I am at one with all humanity, including you, there is a gift in allowing myself to fully express it.
While I am never separate or alone, there is a joy in freely expressing our unity in peace and love.
Yes, I had a birthday and loved that day just as much as every other day.
Yes, I was sick for my party, but my Mom said, "Nobody knew." Did you?
Yes, Gia's custody hearing was Monday. First day back to school was Wednesday. Stressful/successful.
Yes, my mother was with us the last two weeks, one in Michigan and then in CA, but safely home now.
Yes, summer is ending. We are Robert's Mom to Glory of Creation at the Crystal Cathedral next week.
Yes, we are with the four month twins two + days each week and feel blessed and appreciative.
Yes, we are working in the classroom again this year with Gia's new teacher.
Yes, we are recommitted to a healthy and balanced lifestyle with writing, reading, playing, painting, coaching, walking, home care, family, inner listening, community building, home and office renewal.
Yes, I am available for coaching and counseling 4 days/week.
Yes I am excited and delighted about the four groups I am offering, beginning in two weeks.
Yes, we sent out our Loving Reminder Newsletter via US mail to over 700 people.
Email me if you want one. Look on Lovingreminders.org.
Yes, our relationship with All That Is remains our highest priority and we live in Love.
How are you Loving?
This is your primary work everyday 24/7!
Recognize and undo any blocks or barriers to the Presence of Love in and around you.
How are you Living?
This is your primary gift in being a human on Earth.
Fully enjoy and appreciate all that is in you and around you.
What are you creating?
This is your contribution, your legacy and your self expression.
Create Good and Health and Happiness with your thoughts and word and deeds.
I am so appreciative to be home with you in Love, creating happiness for All.
Betty Lue
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Taking a break, a pause, a moment to release, relax and let go, opens the door to renewal.
Like forgiveness, a vacation is meant to vacate the accustomed way of thinking.
To pause in meditation and gratitude allows the mind to still itself and open to the silence.
It is in the void that we can clear and hear what is forever near.
It is in the stillness that we find the reality of peace and love and lasting joy.
It is in the quiet that we can hear the voice of Love, the spirit that speaks of holiness.
It is in our time away from the everyday distractions that we can see within and beyond.
It is in our vacation from the norm that we see the extraordinary, the miracles of Love.
So take a vacation from ordinary life regularly.
Some say the time required is on the seventh day.
Some say it is best found in daily meditation.
Some seek the respite in early morning and late afternoon times of sitting still.
And some give themselves just one or two week a year.
I find this place of stillness everyday in most easy ways.
A pause between activities, a walk out on the deck for a deep breath, a feeling of gentle joy when cleaning up my house, a smile of gratitude for a kind deed observed, so many ways to find renewal.
Explore the many ways to take a vacation and renew your mind, body and Spirit.
Loving you in renewal,
Betty Lue
Like forgiveness, a vacation is meant to vacate the accustomed way of thinking.
To pause in meditation and gratitude allows the mind to still itself and open to the silence.
It is in the void that we can clear and hear what is forever near.
It is in the stillness that we find the reality of peace and love and lasting joy.
It is in the quiet that we can hear the voice of Love, the spirit that speaks of holiness.
It is in our time away from the everyday distractions that we can see within and beyond.
It is in our vacation from the norm that we see the extraordinary, the miracles of Love.
So take a vacation from ordinary life regularly.
Some say the time required is on the seventh day.
Some say it is best found in daily meditation.
Some seek the respite in early morning and late afternoon times of sitting still.
And some give themselves just one or two week a year.
I find this place of stillness everyday in most easy ways.
A pause between activities, a walk out on the deck for a deep breath, a feeling of gentle joy when cleaning up my house, a smile of gratitude for a kind deed observed, so many ways to find renewal.
Explore the many ways to take a vacation and renew your mind, body and Spirit.
Loving you in renewal,
Betty Lue
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Always Enough!
When you flow with what is, there is always enough of everything.
When you contract the flow with fear, worry and criticism, there appears to be limitation and lack.
When you expand the flow with appreciation, joy and openness, there is abundance and freedom.
If you KNEW this truth and practiced it, imagine how rich your life would be!
If you lived this principle and taught it, imagine how happy and abundant our world would be!
There is now plenty of everything I need and I am delighted.
I am always in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing with the right intention.
Everywhere I am, there I am fulfilled, freely choosing and fully enjoying my life.
The world is blessed by my happiness and abundant giving.
Always loving you,
Betty Lue
When you contract the flow with fear, worry and criticism, there appears to be limitation and lack.
When you expand the flow with appreciation, joy and openness, there is abundance and freedom.
If you KNEW this truth and practiced it, imagine how rich your life would be!
If you lived this principle and taught it, imagine how happy and abundant our world would be!
There is now plenty of everything I need and I am delighted.
I am always in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing with the right intention.
Everywhere I am, there I am fulfilled, freely choosing and fully enjoying my life.
The world is blessed by my happiness and abundant giving.
Always loving you,
Betty Lue
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
My Birth Day
Celebrating a birthday is what you make it up to be for you.
Make sure you clarify exactly what you want or don't want.
Create it with the help of those who are happy to support you in having it all be just right for you.
Be specific and if you are picky, do it yourself.
If you want surprises, ask for them.
If you want no surprises, as for them.
If you want a party, make it.
If you want a special present, ask the most willing person to get or make exactly what you want.
Don't ruin your birthday by complaining about what didn't happen.
Appreciate every gift and remembrance.
When you expect to be disappointed, you will be.
When you know you are loved, you will be.
How old am I?
I knew you wouldn't ask.
Chronologically I am 63 years old, born 8/16/42 at 11:07 PM, Aries/Taurus rising, Leo sun and Libra moon, INFP and Enneagram 7, Emperor Fool in symbology, 8-7-7-22/0
Physiologically, I am 45 years, healthy, strong and fully of vitality, working joyfully 12-16 hours/day.
Psychologically, I am 18 years old….still innocent and trusting, enthusiastic and creative, alive with possibilities and no fear. I dream wonderful dreams and let them come true.
Spiritually I am ageless, connecting with and sharing ancient wisdom with practical application today.
How old are you really?
Is this your choice or have you fallen into the cultural myths of "acting your age" and "feeling your age?
Are you aware time is an illusion, a man made construct, a paradigm of relativity, so we can learn and grow from our relationships and creative experiences?
This earthly journey is really an opportunity to explore working and playing, enjoying or complaining, creating or destroying, living or dying, as much as we are consciously aware and at choice.
My life has been filled with a wide variety of experiences which some would judge to be both bad and good, difficult and easy, scary and safe, fun and not funny at all. When I realize my responsibility and fully own them all, I can see I have chosen diversity not stuckness, challenge not comfort, learning and growth, not stagnation, helpfulness and not harmfulness. I love this life I have and I freely share it with all those who choose to join me along the way. I easily let go and bless everyone as they choose for their own unique path and appreciate those who trust and free my choices. I am alive, in love and blessed by all I have and do and am.
Loving you with gratitude and respect,
Betty Lue
Make sure you clarify exactly what you want or don't want.
Create it with the help of those who are happy to support you in having it all be just right for you.
Be specific and if you are picky, do it yourself.
If you want surprises, ask for them.
If you want no surprises, as for them.
If you want a party, make it.
If you want a special present, ask the most willing person to get or make exactly what you want.
Don't ruin your birthday by complaining about what didn't happen.
Appreciate every gift and remembrance.
When you expect to be disappointed, you will be.
When you know you are loved, you will be.
How old am I?
I knew you wouldn't ask.
Chronologically I am 63 years old, born 8/16/42 at 11:07 PM, Aries/Taurus rising, Leo sun and Libra moon, INFP and Enneagram 7, Emperor Fool in symbology, 8-7-7-22/0
Physiologically, I am 45 years, healthy, strong and fully of vitality, working joyfully 12-16 hours/day.
Psychologically, I am 18 years old….still innocent and trusting, enthusiastic and creative, alive with possibilities and no fear. I dream wonderful dreams and let them come true.
Spiritually I am ageless, connecting with and sharing ancient wisdom with practical application today.
How old are you really?
Is this your choice or have you fallen into the cultural myths of "acting your age" and "feeling your age?
Are you aware time is an illusion, a man made construct, a paradigm of relativity, so we can learn and grow from our relationships and creative experiences?
This earthly journey is really an opportunity to explore working and playing, enjoying or complaining, creating or destroying, living or dying, as much as we are consciously aware and at choice.
My life has been filled with a wide variety of experiences which some would judge to be both bad and good, difficult and easy, scary and safe, fun and not funny at all. When I realize my responsibility and fully own them all, I can see I have chosen diversity not stuckness, challenge not comfort, learning and growth, not stagnation, helpfulness and not harmfulness. I love this life I have and I freely share it with all those who choose to join me along the way. I easily let go and bless everyone as they choose for their own unique path and appreciate those who trust and free my choices. I am alive, in love and blessed by all I have and do and am.
Loving you with gratitude and respect,
Betty Lue
Monday, August 08, 2005
On the Road Again
We are leaving at 4PM in the morning for Chicago.
We pick up my 84 yr. old Mom who flies in from Asheville, NC, her home.
We drive to Kalamazoo (3 hrs.) stay in a motel, our home away from home, where I can cook our meals. We drive on Wednesday to Flint, MI (2 hrs.) to visit my Dad's sister for lunch.
In the PM we drive to northern MI (2 hrs.) to visit another aunt in an assisted care facility for dinner.
We return to our home away from home (2 hrs.) and spend a relaxing Thurs. in Kalamazoo with friends. Thursday Eve. is a sharing on Expanding Consciousness with discussion.
Friday appointments with me and Robert and Mom go over to St. Joseph and Lake Michigan.
Friday evening we head to the 4 H Camp on Bear Lake for the annual Dickerson Family Reunion.
Dinner and lots of catching up and playing cards and games and swimming and telling stories.
Saturday more Reunion for Mom and Robert, and I squeeze in a few appointments and then family time.
Sunday on to Hammond, In for the Sunday Service Talk and afternoon workshop on Conscious Relationships at the Unity Church.
We fly home at 8PM Sunday eve with Mom for a full week of babies, Gia and more family plus, my birthday party, officiating a wedding and watching babies while their Mom participates in a triatholon.
Does that sound like a fun week!!
All this and lots more with coaching appointments, classes, finishing the web site and more.
I love my life.
I learn from everyone I encounter.
I appreciate all I am given to be fully alive and engaged with what is before me.
I am an active student.
I am a happy willing learner.
I open my heart to love and my mind to wisdom.
I encourage all I meet to be their authentic selves and to give their very best.
I know we all return to wholeness and live in peace and joy when we remember to Love.
Love yourself. Love your Creator. Love your life.
Love those who are given you to Love.
You, too, can have it all as you learn to give it all to all.
This is true prosperity.
Loving you,
Betty Lue.
I will not be back at my computer until August 15-16.
Please call 800-919-2392 if you wish to contact me.
We pick up my 84 yr. old Mom who flies in from Asheville, NC, her home.
We drive to Kalamazoo (3 hrs.) stay in a motel, our home away from home, where I can cook our meals. We drive on Wednesday to Flint, MI (2 hrs.) to visit my Dad's sister for lunch.
In the PM we drive to northern MI (2 hrs.) to visit another aunt in an assisted care facility for dinner.
We return to our home away from home (2 hrs.) and spend a relaxing Thurs. in Kalamazoo with friends. Thursday Eve. is a sharing on Expanding Consciousness with discussion.
Friday appointments with me and Robert and Mom go over to St. Joseph and Lake Michigan.
Friday evening we head to the 4 H Camp on Bear Lake for the annual Dickerson Family Reunion.
Dinner and lots of catching up and playing cards and games and swimming and telling stories.
Saturday more Reunion for Mom and Robert, and I squeeze in a few appointments and then family time.
Sunday on to Hammond, In for the Sunday Service Talk and afternoon workshop on Conscious Relationships at the Unity Church.
We fly home at 8PM Sunday eve with Mom for a full week of babies, Gia and more family plus, my birthday party, officiating a wedding and watching babies while their Mom participates in a triatholon.
Does that sound like a fun week!!
All this and lots more with coaching appointments, classes, finishing the web site and more.
I love my life.
I learn from everyone I encounter.
I appreciate all I am given to be fully alive and engaged with what is before me.
I am an active student.
I am a happy willing learner.
I open my heart to love and my mind to wisdom.
I encourage all I meet to be their authentic selves and to give their very best.
I know we all return to wholeness and live in peace and joy when we remember to Love.
Love yourself. Love your Creator. Love your life.
Love those who are given you to Love.
You, too, can have it all as you learn to give it all to all.
This is true prosperity.
Loving you,
Betty Lue.
I will not be back at my computer until August 15-16.
Please call 800-919-2392 if you wish to contact me.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Happiness—What's that?
"I don’t know what happiness really is.
I am sure that it is unique to each individual, but what does it feel like?
I am assuming that it should be peace of mind and relaxation but yet joy and love and laughter.
I know that it has to do with attitude.
I have always believed that to be happy life had to be perfect with all good days and no bad ones.
I don’t believe that is so any more. I know that when a bad time hits I would like to get the issue out in the open and discuss it and be able to look at it from a different perspective.
But I am having a tough time feeling the feeling."
Some say happiness is what comes when you are doing what you love.
Some say happiness is a habit, like worrying or being judgmental.
Some say happiness comes when you are behaving ethically, in alignment with your values.
Some say happiness is a feeling and some say it is an attitude of gratitude.
Some say happiness is acquired when you are living right and some say when you are giving right.
Some say happiness is passed on from generation to generation.
Some say happiness is simply a choice to give voice to what is good and beautiful and holy.
I believe our culture is depressed, (more in the Midwest), walking cases of suppressed happiness.
I believe when you remove the clouds of gloom and doom, you will always find the sun shining.
I believe that the Son shines within you. I t warms your heart and lights your way.
But if you are looking out rather than within, you will miss the glow and the guidance.
I believe that when you return to those moments of happiness you have felt, you were free, confident and in love with life.
There was no self-consciousness, self judgment or shame. You were not angry or blaming or hurt.
When you are happy, you are free from negative thinking, limiting beliefs and painful history.
Consider giving up for 30 days those cloudy thoughts, painful issues and reasons to be unhappy.
Consider letting go of what is wrong and undoing what does not work for you.
Consider remembering to be grateful, open-minded and loving and watch you happiness quotient grow.
My friend Rhonda Hull, Ph.D. wrote Driving Yourself Happy.
Every Loving Reminder will lead you to greater happiness.
Let this become your new goal:
Choose daily to have a happy day and give your happiness away.
The more you give the more you have and a happy world will be created by you.
Loving You,
Betty Lue
I am sure that it is unique to each individual, but what does it feel like?
I am assuming that it should be peace of mind and relaxation but yet joy and love and laughter.
I know that it has to do with attitude.
I have always believed that to be happy life had to be perfect with all good days and no bad ones.
I don’t believe that is so any more. I know that when a bad time hits I would like to get the issue out in the open and discuss it and be able to look at it from a different perspective.
But I am having a tough time feeling the feeling."
Some say happiness is what comes when you are doing what you love.
Some say happiness is a habit, like worrying or being judgmental.
Some say happiness comes when you are behaving ethically, in alignment with your values.
Some say happiness is a feeling and some say it is an attitude of gratitude.
Some say happiness is acquired when you are living right and some say when you are giving right.
Some say happiness is passed on from generation to generation.
Some say happiness is simply a choice to give voice to what is good and beautiful and holy.
I believe our culture is depressed, (more in the Midwest), walking cases of suppressed happiness.
I believe when you remove the clouds of gloom and doom, you will always find the sun shining.
I believe that the Son shines within you. I t warms your heart and lights your way.
But if you are looking out rather than within, you will miss the glow and the guidance.
I believe that when you return to those moments of happiness you have felt, you were free, confident and in love with life.
There was no self-consciousness, self judgment or shame. You were not angry or blaming or hurt.
When you are happy, you are free from negative thinking, limiting beliefs and painful history.
Consider giving up for 30 days those cloudy thoughts, painful issues and reasons to be unhappy.
Consider letting go of what is wrong and undoing what does not work for you.
Consider remembering to be grateful, open-minded and loving and watch you happiness quotient grow.
My friend Rhonda Hull, Ph.D. wrote Driving Yourself Happy.
Every Loving Reminder will lead you to greater happiness.
Let this become your new goal:
Choose daily to have a happy day and give your happiness away.
The more you give the more you have and a happy world will be created by you.
Loving You,
Betty Lue
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Associate with the Best
From Daily Buddhist Wisdom
Don't associate with bad friends.
Don't associate with the low.
Associate with admirable friends.
Associate with the best.
-Dhammapada 78, translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu
Where you place your attention, there you increase.
What you admire, you become.
Where you give your time and energy, you value.
What you value, you increase in your life.
Remember, you are teaching with everything you think and say and do.
When you give your attention to what is not best for you, you increase it.
When you think and worry about what is bad for you, you encourage it.
When you value what is valueless and meaningless, you expand it.
Every place you put your thoughts, your words and your actions, you grow.
The work in this world is to be willing to take total responsibility for everything we think and say and do.
To be responsible is to pay attention, observe and clean up anything that is not healing and healthy.
To obsess on what is wrong, does nothing but encourage it to expand in your consciousness.
To be angry about the bad choices or mistakes you have made in the past, is to encourage re-occurrence.
To hang out with bad company or in an unethical job, or with negative habits will sap your energy.
It is far easier to be conscious and admirable associating with people and ideas you admire.
It is fatiguing trying to maintain your positive energy with people talking negatively.
Gently release what you no longer want.
(To resist, avoid or push away, merely attracts and creates a negative attachment.)
So choose.
Choose wisely.
Choose well.
Choose respectfully.
Choose gratefully.
Choose for what you really want.'
Choose for what you want to have, to do, to be.
Associate with those who have and do and are what you aspire to.
Life can be fun safe and easy, when you are willing to choose responsibly.
Loving you,
Betty Lue
Don't associate with bad friends.
Don't associate with the low.
Associate with admirable friends.
Associate with the best.
-Dhammapada 78, translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu
Where you place your attention, there you increase.
What you admire, you become.
Where you give your time and energy, you value.
What you value, you increase in your life.
Remember, you are teaching with everything you think and say and do.
When you give your attention to what is not best for you, you increase it.
When you think and worry about what is bad for you, you encourage it.
When you value what is valueless and meaningless, you expand it.
Every place you put your thoughts, your words and your actions, you grow.
The work in this world is to be willing to take total responsibility for everything we think and say and do.
To be responsible is to pay attention, observe and clean up anything that is not healing and healthy.
To obsess on what is wrong, does nothing but encourage it to expand in your consciousness.
To be angry about the bad choices or mistakes you have made in the past, is to encourage re-occurrence.
To hang out with bad company or in an unethical job, or with negative habits will sap your energy.
It is far easier to be conscious and admirable associating with people and ideas you admire.
It is fatiguing trying to maintain your positive energy with people talking negatively.
Gently release what you no longer want.
(To resist, avoid or push away, merely attracts and creates a negative attachment.)
So choose.
Choose wisely.
Choose well.
Choose respectfully.
Choose gratefully.
Choose for what you really want.'
Choose for what you want to have, to do, to be.
Associate with those who have and do and are what you aspire to.
Life can be fun safe and easy, when you are willing to choose responsibly.
Loving you,
Betty Lue
Friday, August 05, 2005
The Old Fashioned Way
Maybe it is time to write a book on family values.
It is the next one to come, when I complete the two on healing.
Family values begin with valuing families.
How do we value our own family, if we are criticizing, ignoring, neglecting or avoiding our own family?
How do we value families if we ship our parents and grandparents to nursing homes and senior housing?
How do we value families if we no longer have family meal time?
How do we value families if we trade-in our husbands, when the going gets tough?
How do we value families if we don't give women equal rights and equal wages and equal respect?
How do we value families if we are discourteous to our family members and friends?
How do we value our families if we spend money instead of time?
How do we value families if we don't support families with health care and jobs that care about families?
How do we value our families if we talk on the phone when we could be talking with them?
How do we value families when work and money come before recreation and fun together?
How do we value families if our entertainment is watching a big screen together rather than interacting?
How do we value families if we are making ourselves beautiful rather than our relationships meaningful?
What can we do?
We can talk to one another without swearing, or criticizing.
We can always remember to say "Please" and "Thank you" even to infants.
We can sit down at the table together once daily.
We can remember that our family came first and will be the last to leave.
We can commit to help one another when there is a need.
We can tell ourselves that it is the community we build that makes us strong and safe and secure.
We can remember that family may be others who are not blood related.
We can build structure, schedule and ritual into family time and shared living.
We can adopt roles and functions that complement and harmonize rather than compete and conflict.
We can take back the best from the past, rather than throwing it all away.
We can connect with family that lives elsewhere often enough that they know we really care.
We can dare to say and demonstrate "I love you" directly and often.
We can say prayers of thanksgiving rather than gossip about what was wrong.
We can remember birthdays and anniversaries and special births and weddings.
We can do all the simple courtesies like RSVP and send thank you notes when receiving a gift.
There is so much more we can do.
We can change our world within our own families.
We can take responsibility for healing, growing and inspiring our families to be all they can be.
We can do it.
Loving you, Betty Lue
It is the next one to come, when I complete the two on healing.
Family values begin with valuing families.
How do we value our own family, if we are criticizing, ignoring, neglecting or avoiding our own family?
How do we value families if we ship our parents and grandparents to nursing homes and senior housing?
How do we value families if we no longer have family meal time?
How do we value families if we trade-in our husbands, when the going gets tough?
How do we value families if we don't give women equal rights and equal wages and equal respect?
How do we value families if we are discourteous to our family members and friends?
How do we value our families if we spend money instead of time?
How do we value families if we don't support families with health care and jobs that care about families?
How do we value our families if we talk on the phone when we could be talking with them?
How do we value families when work and money come before recreation and fun together?
How do we value families if our entertainment is watching a big screen together rather than interacting?
How do we value families if we are making ourselves beautiful rather than our relationships meaningful?
What can we do?
We can talk to one another without swearing, or criticizing.
We can always remember to say "Please" and "Thank you" even to infants.
We can sit down at the table together once daily.
We can remember that our family came first and will be the last to leave.
We can commit to help one another when there is a need.
We can tell ourselves that it is the community we build that makes us strong and safe and secure.
We can remember that family may be others who are not blood related.
We can build structure, schedule and ritual into family time and shared living.
We can adopt roles and functions that complement and harmonize rather than compete and conflict.
We can take back the best from the past, rather than throwing it all away.
We can connect with family that lives elsewhere often enough that they know we really care.
We can dare to say and demonstrate "I love you" directly and often.
We can say prayers of thanksgiving rather than gossip about what was wrong.
We can remember birthdays and anniversaries and special births and weddings.
We can do all the simple courtesies like RSVP and send thank you notes when receiving a gift.
There is so much more we can do.
We can change our world within our own families.
We can take responsibility for healing, growing and inspiring our families to be all they can be.
We can do it.
Loving you, Betty Lue
Thursday, August 04, 2005
How do I write these?
Yes, I sit down at the keyboard and listen. Sometimes with a question or a situation in mind, and sometimes with a concept or idea which came in the shower or in dreamtimes, and sometimes, as today, with an empty mind. I wait for only milliseconds, because the line is open and receptive.
I am willing and able.
I can and know I can receive inspiration and messages for the Highest Good.
This work is holy work.
This work is healing work.
The is work is helpful work and I am willing.
I trust what I receive will be used for the good of All.
It matters not, if one line is all that is read.
It matters not, if there is nothing but the title line Loving Reminders from out of the B'Lue.
It matters not, because all of the Love I Am and have and receive and give is here.
It matters only that I am happy and willing to learn, to receive to be present.
These gifts of insight, awareness, love and wisdom are always a gift to me and through me to all of humanity. And the same is true for you,,,,everyone of you. There is nothing special here, except my willingness to fully and consistently be the one I Am and to offer you freely what I receive.
When I give you these, I expect nothing in return for I have receive fully the gift I am giving. When I put together my books of these loving reminders, I request only the money which it costs to self publish them. When there is no money available from a person or organization, I ask for nothing, but that they be given and used, not stored away. I know that to commercialize what is of and for the Good of All is to make this gift less. I somehow take away from its intrinsic value and the messages I am here to share.
The messages from God are free for you and me.
The love of God is free for you and me.
The wisdom and guidance of God are free for you and me.
There are no financial barriers to receiving all Good.
There are no boundaries or religious beliefs needed to receive the gifts of God.
There are no tests to pass or good life to be lived to receive the gifts from God.
There is only the willingness of the receiver to happily receive and learn to live what is given.
There are many messages that are given everyday that are not heard because of the unwillingness of the receiver. There is much that the God of Abundance, Truth and Healing is giving to you that you may have not received due to your belief in unworthiness, your fear of what changes will be required, or the messages that may not be what your ego wants.
So consider this: an experiment in listening. Give your self a daily appointment with your listening chair. Take a pad of paper and pen and sit five minutes daily. Write down whatever comes to mind and breathe. If you have questions, write them. If you hear or feel or see answers, write them. If you feel a breeze of warmth or kiss, write it down. If you hear a word in your mind, make note of it. Write down your doubts and concerns. And then listen. When you are done with your listening session, read back what you have written and note what feels like Love and what feels like your personality. You will quickly discern the difference. Patience is the key. Expect to be spoken to in the language you are most willing and able to receive. Ask me, if you have questions or send me your guidance and I will share with you. Remember, if this pipeline has been unused for a lifetime or two, it may be crusty and need to be cleaned out by opening the flow and letting it run.
Loving you in listening within,
Betty Lue
This took about 10 minutes to write, with no editing.
I may check the spelling. Often as you know I do not! :)
Off to my ashram.......the twins house for the day.
Call me if your want some time with me
God always gives me the time I need to be with you.
800-919-2392 or cell 925-324-2409
I am willing and able.
I can and know I can receive inspiration and messages for the Highest Good.
This work is holy work.
This work is healing work.
The is work is helpful work and I am willing.
I trust what I receive will be used for the good of All.
It matters not, if one line is all that is read.
It matters not, if there is nothing but the title line Loving Reminders from out of the B'Lue.
It matters not, because all of the Love I Am and have and receive and give is here.
It matters only that I am happy and willing to learn, to receive to be present.
These gifts of insight, awareness, love and wisdom are always a gift to me and through me to all of humanity. And the same is true for you,,,,everyone of you. There is nothing special here, except my willingness to fully and consistently be the one I Am and to offer you freely what I receive.
When I give you these, I expect nothing in return for I have receive fully the gift I am giving. When I put together my books of these loving reminders, I request only the money which it costs to self publish them. When there is no money available from a person or organization, I ask for nothing, but that they be given and used, not stored away. I know that to commercialize what is of and for the Good of All is to make this gift less. I somehow take away from its intrinsic value and the messages I am here to share.
The messages from God are free for you and me.
The love of God is free for you and me.
The wisdom and guidance of God are free for you and me.
There are no financial barriers to receiving all Good.
There are no boundaries or religious beliefs needed to receive the gifts of God.
There are no tests to pass or good life to be lived to receive the gifts from God.
There is only the willingness of the receiver to happily receive and learn to live what is given.
There are many messages that are given everyday that are not heard because of the unwillingness of the receiver. There is much that the God of Abundance, Truth and Healing is giving to you that you may have not received due to your belief in unworthiness, your fear of what changes will be required, or the messages that may not be what your ego wants.
So consider this: an experiment in listening. Give your self a daily appointment with your listening chair. Take a pad of paper and pen and sit five minutes daily. Write down whatever comes to mind and breathe. If you have questions, write them. If you hear or feel or see answers, write them. If you feel a breeze of warmth or kiss, write it down. If you hear a word in your mind, make note of it. Write down your doubts and concerns. And then listen. When you are done with your listening session, read back what you have written and note what feels like Love and what feels like your personality. You will quickly discern the difference. Patience is the key. Expect to be spoken to in the language you are most willing and able to receive. Ask me, if you have questions or send me your guidance and I will share with you. Remember, if this pipeline has been unused for a lifetime or two, it may be crusty and need to be cleaned out by opening the flow and letting it run.
Loving you in listening within,
Betty Lue
This took about 10 minutes to write, with no editing.
I may check the spelling. Often as you know I do not! :)
Off to my ashram.......the twins house for the day.
Call me if your want some time with me
God always gives me the time I need to be with you.
800-919-2392 or cell 925-324-2409
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
No Right Way
Some Myths.
If we put all the viewpoints together, we could see the whole picture.
If we were Infinite Intelligence, we would know what really is the Truth.
If we were following the "right" path, we would be at peace.
If we could just accept the way it is, we could be happy.
If could create our life the way we want, we would be satisfied.
If we were a vegetarian or a Presbyterian, a Buddhist or a Baptist, we would be "right."
If we could be like …….. or like………, we would be rich or happy like they are.
If we could just listen all the time and follow our inner guidance, we could avoid all pain.
Maybe these are all myths, purported by those who want to believe there is a "right" way.
Maybe those who are fanatical are just those who need to take on their beliefs religiously.
Maybe those who are enthusiastic and devoted are just people who are enthusiastic and devoted.
Maybe those who are disappointed and depressed are just those who are disappointed and depressed.
Maybe those are needy and helpless, victimized by life are just victimized and helpless.
Maybe those who rescue and fix, listen and comfort are just being rescuers and comforters.
Maybe those who exhort us to find the "right" path are just believing strongly there is one.
I am enthusiastic and passionate about an idea, a position, a possibility one moment and then let it go.
I am convinced something must be done about this injustice or that problem, and then know I don't know.
I am certain that this is the best answer for those involved and then see it differently the next day.
I hear to walk east to the top of the hill and before I get there, I hear to go West.
Life is like following a river.
Some of us want to be efficient and take the most direct route.
Some of us want to work hard and so paddle upstream.
Some of us keep getting out of the canoe and sun bathing.
Some of us like to gather passengers until we upset the boat.
Some of us keep rowing even when the river is flowing.
Some of us get out the map to check where we're going.
Some of us love not knowing.
Some of us are along for the ride and enjoy the sights.
Some of us keep checking to see if everything is right.
Some of us are caught up in fear.
Some of us want to take everything that's dear.
Some of us just love being on the river.
Loving you in loving you,
Betty Lue
If we put all the viewpoints together, we could see the whole picture.
If we were Infinite Intelligence, we would know what really is the Truth.
If we were following the "right" path, we would be at peace.
If we could just accept the way it is, we could be happy.
If could create our life the way we want, we would be satisfied.
If we were a vegetarian or a Presbyterian, a Buddhist or a Baptist, we would be "right."
If we could be like …….. or like………, we would be rich or happy like they are.
If we could just listen all the time and follow our inner guidance, we could avoid all pain.
Maybe these are all myths, purported by those who want to believe there is a "right" way.
Maybe those who are fanatical are just those who need to take on their beliefs religiously.
Maybe those who are enthusiastic and devoted are just people who are enthusiastic and devoted.
Maybe those who are disappointed and depressed are just those who are disappointed and depressed.
Maybe those are needy and helpless, victimized by life are just victimized and helpless.
Maybe those who rescue and fix, listen and comfort are just being rescuers and comforters.
Maybe those who exhort us to find the "right" path are just believing strongly there is one.
I am enthusiastic and passionate about an idea, a position, a possibility one moment and then let it go.
I am convinced something must be done about this injustice or that problem, and then know I don't know.
I am certain that this is the best answer for those involved and then see it differently the next day.
I hear to walk east to the top of the hill and before I get there, I hear to go West.
Life is like following a river.
Some of us want to be efficient and take the most direct route.
Some of us want to work hard and so paddle upstream.
Some of us keep getting out of the canoe and sun bathing.
Some of us like to gather passengers until we upset the boat.
Some of us keep rowing even when the river is flowing.
Some of us get out the map to check where we're going.
Some of us love not knowing.
Some of us are along for the ride and enjoy the sights.
Some of us keep checking to see if everything is right.
Some of us are caught up in fear.
Some of us want to take everything that's dear.
Some of us just love being on the river.
Loving you in loving you,
Betty Lue
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
No Accidents
There are no accidents.
Everything is an "on purpose", when seen with Love, appreciation and open-mindedness.
The seeming challenges in my life are to awaken and inspire me to serve the highest Good.
When I resist, avoid, deny or blame the "wake-up call", I am resisting, avoiding and denying the learning.
When I feel victimized, hurt, helpless and defeated, I am making up life of weakness and suffering.
There is always a lesson, a learning, a blessing, a calling, a wakeup, an opportunity in every challenge.
Also remember, we are giving everything we see and feel, hear and see all the meaning it has for us.
We can believe the world we see is chaotic interplay of meaningless activities, as well as and random acts of loving kindness and unloving unkindness.
Or we can believe the world we see is a learning laboratory in which we can learn the power of our thoughts and emotions, words and deeds.
I prefer the later.
If you want to see the beginnings of scientific research, see the popular documentary, "What the Bleep".
If this world is your learning lab, would you rather take responsibility for what you experience, or blame God, "accidents", others or evil?
Taking responsibility, when you judge, hate, fear and make it wrong, is not safe fun and easy.
Taking responsibility for your life and your relationships, when you see it all as opportunity for learning, blessing, healing, letting go, waking up, being inspired and increasing your faith, is wonderful and full of miracles and empowering life experiences.
Our drama comes from not responding to the call.
If there is fear, there is a call for love.
If there is judgment, there is a call for forgiveness.
If there is confusion, there is a call for clarity.
If there is doubt, there is a call for confidence.
If there is conflict, there is a call for peace.
If there is chaos, there is a call of order.
If there is sickness, there is a call for healing.
If there is darkness, there is a call for light.
If there is attachment, there is a call for letting go.
If there is suffering, there is a call for comfort.
If there is distress, there is a call for ease.
If there is complexity, there is a call for simplicity.
If there is a call, there is an opportunity to willingness and openness in response.
I trust, therefore I am willing.
I am willing, so I am able.
I am able, so I act.
I act, so I am leading.
I lead, so I am teaching.
I am teaching, so I am respectful.
I am respectful, so I look beyond what is apparent.
I look beyond what is apparent, and I see the blessing and the call for Love.
I am loving, so I give what is for the highest good.
I give what is for the Good of all, and all benefit.
All benefit, and I celebrate I am co-creating a better world.
Trusting in the learning of All,
Betty Lue
Everything is an "on purpose", when seen with Love, appreciation and open-mindedness.
The seeming challenges in my life are to awaken and inspire me to serve the highest Good.
When I resist, avoid, deny or blame the "wake-up call", I am resisting, avoiding and denying the learning.
When I feel victimized, hurt, helpless and defeated, I am making up life of weakness and suffering.
There is always a lesson, a learning, a blessing, a calling, a wakeup, an opportunity in every challenge.
Also remember, we are giving everything we see and feel, hear and see all the meaning it has for us.
We can believe the world we see is chaotic interplay of meaningless activities, as well as and random acts of loving kindness and unloving unkindness.
Or we can believe the world we see is a learning laboratory in which we can learn the power of our thoughts and emotions, words and deeds.
I prefer the later.
If you want to see the beginnings of scientific research, see the popular documentary, "What the Bleep".
If this world is your learning lab, would you rather take responsibility for what you experience, or blame God, "accidents", others or evil?
Taking responsibility, when you judge, hate, fear and make it wrong, is not safe fun and easy.
Taking responsibility for your life and your relationships, when you see it all as opportunity for learning, blessing, healing, letting go, waking up, being inspired and increasing your faith, is wonderful and full of miracles and empowering life experiences.
Our drama comes from not responding to the call.
If there is fear, there is a call for love.
If there is judgment, there is a call for forgiveness.
If there is confusion, there is a call for clarity.
If there is doubt, there is a call for confidence.
If there is conflict, there is a call for peace.
If there is chaos, there is a call of order.
If there is sickness, there is a call for healing.
If there is darkness, there is a call for light.
If there is attachment, there is a call for letting go.
If there is suffering, there is a call for comfort.
If there is distress, there is a call for ease.
If there is complexity, there is a call for simplicity.
If there is a call, there is an opportunity to willingness and openness in response.
I trust, therefore I am willing.
I am willing, so I am able.
I am able, so I act.
I act, so I am leading.
I lead, so I am teaching.
I am teaching, so I am respectful.
I am respectful, so I look beyond what is apparent.
I look beyond what is apparent, and I see the blessing and the call for Love.
I am loving, so I give what is for the highest good.
I give what is for the Good of all, and all benefit.
All benefit, and I celebrate I am co-creating a better world.
Trusting in the learning of All,
Betty Lue
Monday, August 01, 2005
What fills you with energy?
What lifts your Spirit?
What brings you joy?
What makes your heart sing?
What speaks to your soul?
What moves you to tears?
What makes you laugh out loud?
What gives you hope?
What is the sunshine in your life?
What brings you the feeling of deep and profound love?
What opens your eyes to the sacredness of life?
What reminds you that you are really super important?
What encourages you to go for your dreams?
What helps you notice how precious you are?
What offers you what you really want?
What invites you to forget about everything but this?
Your inspiration is what matters to me.
It is why I came.
It is the reason for my being.
It is the essence of my soul.
I drink from inspiring and being inspired.
I remember who I am and remind you, too.
I know that I am here to inspire and be inspired.
So I write. I teach. I reach out. I smile. I laugh. I encourage.
I remind. I breathe. I pray. I give thanks. I awaken.
I give hope. I trust. I speak. I ask. I listen. I remember. I am.
Why are you here?
There is some very important and essential reason you are here in a body at this time.
If you are not moved and inspired and loving your life, it is perhaps because you do not remember.
I am here to awaken you to remember.
I am here to coach, listen, encourage and remind you.
I am committed to forever loving and inspiring YOU!
Betty Lue
What lifts your Spirit?
What brings you joy?
What makes your heart sing?
What speaks to your soul?
What moves you to tears?
What makes you laugh out loud?
What gives you hope?
What is the sunshine in your life?
What brings you the feeling of deep and profound love?
What opens your eyes to the sacredness of life?
What reminds you that you are really super important?
What encourages you to go for your dreams?
What helps you notice how precious you are?
What offers you what you really want?
What invites you to forget about everything but this?
Your inspiration is what matters to me.
It is why I came.
It is the reason for my being.
It is the essence of my soul.
I drink from inspiring and being inspired.
I remember who I am and remind you, too.
I know that I am here to inspire and be inspired.
So I write. I teach. I reach out. I smile. I laugh. I encourage.
I remind. I breathe. I pray. I give thanks. I awaken.
I give hope. I trust. I speak. I ask. I listen. I remember. I am.
Why are you here?
There is some very important and essential reason you are here in a body at this time.
If you are not moved and inspired and loving your life, it is perhaps because you do not remember.
I am here to awaken you to remember.
I am here to coach, listen, encourage and remind you.
I am committed to forever loving and inspiring YOU!
Betty Lue
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