Monday, October 31, 2016

Play Your Part!

I choose to be my authentic self.
I live, love, work and play with my real self everyday.
I enjoy the way I am.
Life is a delightful kaleidoscope of color, sound, and play.

What Is Your Chosen Part to Play?

Everyday you play many parts.
You can choose the good and bad, the beautiful and the ugly.
You judge what is the best and worst of you.
You have parts you prefer and parts you dread.

Roles within your family are most familiar.
Nurturing or disciplining  parent…..?
Obedient or contrary child……?
Devoted or absent partner and friend……?

You may believe that the part is chosen and scripted for you.
You may have adopted what others convinced you to be.
You can believe them or choose for yourself.
How do you prefer to live and give and share?

Each day you put on a new attitude and costume.
Each morning you look at the new face of you.
Each encounter you choose to greet or ignore.
Each conversation is open and welcoming or grouchy and evasive.

How can you possibly ignore what you choose daily?
Why would you want to keep doing what is not right for you?
Why continue what is unhappy, unwelcome and untrue?
Stop wearing the same costume and try something new.

The trick is that you can change roles you play.
The treat is that you will find what is just right for you.
If at first the new is uncomfortable, try it for a day.
Or you can adjust it in your own unique way.

You may be surprised by how others respond to you.
You may inspire others to change their costumes too.
Your new attitude may change their mind about you.
Your different part you play may bring out the best in you.

Consider your own freedom of choice.
Experiment with what seems natural.
Let go of the false and be real for a day.
Enjoy being what feels just right for you.

Life can be like Halloween everyday of the year.
You may be tricked or treated depending on what others prefer.
Perhaps the way you really are is what is best for you.
Be yourself and enjoy feeling free.

Loving you as you truly are,
Betty Lue

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Being Good to You

The more I appreciate my body and mind, the more I take impeccable care of my life.
I appreciate and celebrate all I am.
I easily forgive my judgments, evaluation and comparison that discourage and block my care.
I enjoy the responsibility in loving all of me.

Help Your Self

You are unique.
Your body is yours to utilize
Your mind is yours to teach.
Your spirit is yours to inspire.

You are your responsibility.
When we are ignorant, we depend on others.
When we are curious, we explore and learn.
When we are wise, we are respectful, listen and respond.

Your life is in your hands.
Literally, you can abuse your life.
You can confuse, distract and ignore your life.
You can love, nourish, nurture, bless and enjoy your life.

Your life depends on you.
You can take time daily to guide yourself to whole life health.
You can be impeccable about the habits body care you attend.
You can consistently develop better habits of positive use and maintenance.

Your positive attitude is your choice.
Learn to use what you “can do”, rather than focus on a negative approach.
I can be healthy.  I will be healthy.  I am healthy in mind, body and spirit.
When we are choosing what is ours to do, we do it with a “can do” attitude.

Your healthy routine is a great way to begin.
Learn to free yourself from unhealthy habits of mind and body.
Undo the warnings, threats and demands you make on yourself.
Be forgiving, affirming and gentle with your helpfulness to yourself.

Life offers cues and clues to what is best for you.
What you seek, you will find.
Ingest the best and forget the rest.
Receive always and only what is best for you.

Your body wants to be healthy and active.
Your mind is designed to stay curious and useful.
Your emotions are obvious to show you what is good and positive.
Your whole Self is your lifetime gift to be used for happy and healthy purposes.

When you discover what works, celebrate.
Learn quickly with gratitude.
Remember you are the captain and navigator for you life journey.
Take the wheel and be responsible for the learning adventure.

Everyday, appreciate and celebrate what you have, who you are and all you do.
Use what you have and take impeccable care of your whole Self.
Loving you as I remind us both.
Betty Lue

Ingest the best and forget the rest.  Take into your body, mind and spirit only that which supports, sustains and inspires the BEST in you.

Life is flow. To move with the flow is healthy. To resist is stressful. Move with the natural inner movement physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, etc.

To breathe in (inhale) fully life energy, Spirit, Prana, inspiration, is to expand our awareness to open to an enlightened mind.  To exhale fully is to truly release what is no longer needed.

Reaching out with Love and respect for each other opens our bodies and beings to trust in the gentleness we all deserve to experience.

Choose for those thoughts which heal and free you to be unlimited in health and wholeness. Forgive (erase) the beliefs which are limiting or false.

Carry with you an attitude of gratitude and love for yourself and others.  Allow yourself to see all things work together for good.

Moderation in all things will bring your life into harmony.  As we give ourselves what is really best for us, the extremes are gently released.

What you perceive in others and the world you strengthen in your Self.  Focus on illness, disease and weakness and you actually weaken yourself.  See only health and wholeness and you move yourself in the direction you are looking.

To clear out toxins and purify the system requires a willingness to eliminate toxic thoughts, activities, relationships as well as foods from your system.  Flushing the system clean is aided with water, fresh air, gentle movement and forgiveness.

To rest and relax your mind and body are invaluable to being refreshed and revitalized. Each person has unique methods of relaxation - meditation, music, being in nature, focused simple activity. 

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Be True to You!

I pay attention and honor to my own needs and wants.
I am responsible for living true to Who I Am.
I continually learn more about my purpose here.
I trust, respect and appreciate my Whole Self.

Know Your True Self.

Do you know what you really want?
Do you live your own principles?
Are you aware of your True Self?
Are you living your ideal?

We exhaust ourselves by going against ourselves.
We feel false and uncertain when we pretend.
We struggle with decisions when confused.
We go along to get along when living out of integrity.

The real work in life is to seek our authenticity.
Find out who you really are and what you really want.
Spend time daily seeking what is your true path and purpose.
Enjoy standing up for your True Self.

There is a shining star, the presence of Greatness within you.
There is nothing your cannot do, when you are aligned.
All you seek to be and do really lives within the real you.
Nothing to fear and everything is clear when you live with courage.

Do not deceive yourself and fantasize.
Do not confuse yourself trying to be what others may want.
Do not delude yourself and sugar coat what you really are.
Give your Self a chance to blossom, by washing away the mud and whitewash.

Get real and feel so you can heal what is mistaken.
Take time to ask and answer your own meaningful questions.
Look in the mirror and see who you really are, waiting for you be.
Make an effort to spend time loving, listening and respecting YOU.

Life is for giving the best of you.
You are the gift waiting to be received and given.
Light is within you so you can see what you are meant to be.
Love is the inspiration that calls you to show up and share.

This is your time to rise and shine.
This the door you have been waiting for.
Open up and see who and how you can truly be.
Trust what is waiting for you is good and beautiful and true.

This is your time to find the REAL YOU!
Loving you, Betty Lue

You Are A Flower in the Garden of Life

If you would grow to be your best self
Be patient, not demanding
Accepting, not condemning
Nurturing, not withholding
Self-marveling, not belittling
Gently guiding, not pushing & punishing

For you are more sensitive than you know
Mankind is tough as war
Yet delicate as flowers
We can endure agonies
But we open fully only to warmth & light
And our need to grow is fragile as a fragrance
Dispersed by storms of will
To return only when those storms are still

So accept, respect,
Attend your sensitivity

A flower
Cannot be opened
With a hammer

Friday, October 28, 2016

Just A Moment!

I am sorry for ever being hurried and hurtful.
I breathe in a new perspective.
I am willing to see things differently.
I am committed to communicate with clarity and consciousness.

Just One Moment!

Take a moment of silence.
Be quiet and listen to your heart.
Breathe deeply and respond with Love.
Take a time out and you will see things differently.

When we are rushing and reacting, we tend to be emotional.
When we are too busy to open our minds, we tend to react impulsively.
When we forget to look deeper, we often do whatever is on the surface of fearful reaction.
We must learn to pause and ask for a better way to see and respond to what seems to be.

Just a few moments of quiet will calm you.
Taking a deep breath or two will relax you.
Learn to step aside and open your mind.
Break habits of reactivity and learn to respond.

Remember that what you see is not always true.
Recognize that what you feel is not always accurate.
Understand that past events cannot predict the future.
Realize that you want to respond with the best of you.

Ask for a moment when you are confused.
Take a break when there are inner and outer conflicts.
Silence is golden when emotions are high.
Prayer and healing occur when we quiet our minds.

With family, break the bad habits of critical comments.
Relinquish the need to always e right in a fight.
Undo what you know is not really true.
Stop the need to be heard and get the last word.

Be the one who doesn’t need to win.
Be conscious person who calms the flow of negativity.
Be open to letting go of the hurtful words.
Just listen and respond with kindness and respect.

You can do it.
You are the awake and aware.
You can stop the fighting.
You can show your love.

Step away and breathe.
Relax your mind and your body.
Change your attitude to gratitude.
Release the past history and simply Be.

Listening with love,
Betty Lue

Thursday, October 27, 2016


I more I love, respect and trust myself, the more I live well.
I treat myself with loving kindness mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
I think, speak and act well alone and with others.
I responsible to all life’s circumstances with  the best I know.

Live Well

Live well in mind, body and Spirit.
Live well and prosper.
Live well and be healthy.
Live well and love one another.

These all go together when we remember.
Think well.
Speak well.
Behave well.

We must remember these all represent choices we make.
What we do with our bodies speaks of our thoughts.
What we do with our words tells on our behavior.
What we do with our resources shows us what we believe.

How we live with wellness or sickness is foretold by our thoughts, words and actions.
We are telling on ourselves every moment and we are choosing what we feel.
We are giving ourselves a prophecy of what we experience by what we imagine, say and do.
We are living our own teaching when we listen closely to our words and activity.

How can we not be responsible for our own lives?
How can we deny that we can easily choose again for what we prefer?
How can we stop sinking into being victims and become sovereign?
How can we see our choices and responsibilities differently and be well?

We are here to clear our fear, judgment and denial.
We are here to stop conforming to the society and culture into which we were born.
We have the opportunity to be more just, wise and true to the principles that guide us.
We can forgive the past and step into a reality of our conscious choosing that all be well.

We are learning what works and does not work.
We are curious about what will work and heal what doesn't.
We are open to see what is right before us and within us.
We are able to choose easily to let go and choose again.

It is our time to step up and into the future of what we want to be, whole happy and free.
Wellness for one and all is our reality.
Wellness in mind, body and Spirit with healthy thoughts, words and living is our goal for one and all.
Start with you, being true to what is healthy and good for you in every way, everyday.

Choose to hold good thoughts and images in your mind.
Choose to speak and write inspiring and kind words for you and all.
Choose to behave in respectful, kind and grateful ways.
You will create your own wellness lifting you to inspire wellness in your world.

Be well everyday in every way.
Betty Lue

Ingest the best and forget the rest.  Take into your body, mind and spirit only that which supports, sustains and inspires the BEST in you.

Life is flow. To move with the flow is healthy. To resist is stressful. Move with the natural inner movement physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, etc.

To breathe in (inhale) fully life energy, Spirit, Prana, inspiration, is to expand our awareness to open to an enlightened mind.  To exhale fully is to truly release what is no longer needed.

Reaching out with Love and respect for each other opens our bodies and beings to trust in the gentleness we all deserve to experience.

Choose for those thoughts which heal and free you to be unlimited in health and wholeness. Forgive (erase) the beliefs which are limiting or false.

Carry with you an attitude of gratitude and love for yourself and others.  Allow yourself to see all things work together for good.

Moderation in all things will bring your life into harmony.  As we give ourselves what is really best for us, the extremes are gently released.

What you perceive in others and the world you strengthen in your Self.  Focus on illness, disease and weakness and you actually weaken yourself.  See only health and wholeness and you move yourself in the direction you are looking.

To clear out toxins and purify the system requires a willingness to eliminate toxic thoughts, activities, relationships as well as foods from your system.  Flushing the system clean is aided with water, fresh air, gentle movement and forgiveness.

To rest and relax your mind and body are invaluable to being refreshed and revitalized. Each person has unique methods of relaxation - meditation, music, being in nature, focused simple activity.

May you be happy.

May you be safe.

May you be strong.

May you live with ease.

May you love yourself well.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Where Is Your Strength?

I am strong in faith and I have confidence.
I am strong in hope and I believe in Goodness.
I am strong in Love and I do not fear.
I am strong in Gratitude for the Life I have.


Strength of Character is standing up to challenges with resolution to stand firm.
Strength of Will and Faith and Certainty with Confidence and Resolve.
Consider this website to determine what is true for you.

Have you grown stronger in your life?
Have you grown weaker with challenges?
Step into whatever you can trust and know it is your trust that makes you strong.
We each have a life choice to strengthen or weaken ourselves.

By our faith, we shall be made whole.
By our trust, we shall become confident.
By our resilience, we shall gain willingness.
By our Self Knowing, we shall be fulfilled.
Each journey belongs to us.
We can use this journey to grow in faith hope and love.
Or we can diminish ourselves with distrust, despair and fear.
Life is distinctly and perfectly our choice in which direction we go.

When we discover we are unhappy, unfulfilled and discontent, we can change our direction.
When we become aware we have conformed to the crowd, we can step up and change our mind.
When we notice that life is not leading to a happy or successful conclusion, we can choose again.
We have the negative in order to notice it is not the way we want to go.

The work is to quickly forgive our judgments and fears.
The clearing is to forgive what is not healthy or good.
Freedom is found by trusting there is a better way.
Success is experienced in strengthening our character.

We can lie down and give up.
We can stand up and move forward.

We can whine, complain and blame.
We can be reasonable, responsible and choose again.

When you believe life’s challenges make you stronger, they will make your stronger.
When you trust you are learning valuable lessons, your will learn great lessons.
When you know you are here to grow in faith, hope and love, you will grow in fait, hope and love.
When you seek the high way and the free way, you will find the high way to set you free.

Life is your gift.
Use it well and thrive!!
Trusting you,
Betty Lue 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


I trust in the Good in us all.
I believe in our democracy of freedom and trust.
I forgive myself for doubt and fear which “inter-fears”.
I easily let go of what blocks my love, trust and freedom.

Trust Strengthens

Learn to trust.
Trust strengthens courage.
Trust inspires resilience.
Trust heals us.

In God We Trust.
We trust in Goodness.
In Love We Trust.
We trust in the Highest Possibility.

When we are mistaken, we learn.
When we are conflicted, we learn.
When we are lost, we learn.
When we are misled, we learn.

When we judge our mistakes, we may get stuck.
When we are ashamed, we may deceive ourselves.
When we feel guilty, we may blame others.
When we sit in judgments, we may not learn.

It is time to trust in our ability to learn from one another.
We can look at mistakes as opportunities to find a better way.
We can forgive our self-limiting judgments and open to new possibilities.
We can step away from arguing and listen thoughtfully and mindfully.

Being “right” often turns into “righteousness” and closed thinking.
When we are closed to seeing, hearing and learning more, we become ignorant.
When we are open to new information and others’ perspectives, we become wise.
Becoming defensive and even offensive is a sign of a fearful and judgmental mind.

Since we are all in this together, it is valuable to stand together, work together and join together.
We can do more when we are not in resistance to one another.
We can trust more when we listen to the joined goals and outcomes we seek.
We are never so different when we go to what we really want for one and all.

Learn to trust in the Highest Outcome.
Learn to listen for the joining and similarities.
Learn to be open to others thoughts and feelings.
Learn to care about one another with a kind heart and open mind.

When we trust in the essential Good in all, we will succeed.
When we value the freedom for everyone, we will listen to each other.
When we join hands and hearts in service of the Greater Good, life will we safe.
We can and will choose for what is right and true for us all.

Trusting me and you,
Betty Lue