Tuesday, December 31, 2024

End 2024 Well!




I know Who I Am.

I know the calling of my heart.

I am living my purpose and mission.

I live what I value in every aspect of my life.

Honorable Closure for 2024

It is appropriate to end with honor.

It is healthy to finish with gratitude.

It is good to learn from challenges.

It is valuable to celebrate accomplishments.

Life is a cycle of choices, changes and commitments.

When we are engaged with our lives, we fully appreciate it all.

When we are judging or neglecting life, we may dismiss or deny.

Taking the time to truly see and receive our lives, enriches us.

Consider what you have learned from this year.

Write down your top five areas of learning and growth.

Realize all you have learned and how you have grown.

Be willing to fully receive the benefit.

Consider the challenges of this year.

Where do you have more to do?

What have been your regrets?

Where is there still work to be done?

Consider the blessings and gifts of the year.

Where have the challenges become blessings?

What do you consider to be the best of 2024?

Where are you truly happy with what you have received?

Consider what you would like to remember and appreciate.

When you can fully experience gratitude for your life, you are prosperous.

When you totally value what you have created, you will be joyful.

When you appreciate the good, the good will naturally increase.

Love is Letting go of fear.

Love is letting go of judgment.

Love is letting go of regret.

Love is letting go of resentment.

Consider writing down leftover fears and judgments, regrets and resentments.

Offload what you no longer want to carry in your heart or your mind.

Release and relinquish all forms of negativity and attack.

With your blessings, dig a whole and burn it, releasing what no longer has value.

(Or tear up the paper and throw it in the garbage.)

Only you can know what remains valuable.

Choose to remember what is substantial and beneficial.

Choose to release and undo what is unnecessary and hurtful.

You can build a beautiful 2025 on the very best learning, blessings and appreciation.

Loving you now and always, 

Betty Lue

Visioning for 2025:

Robert and I do visioning for the coming year. Vision the Experience you want.

Spending a day in quiet retreat, we begin to envision the life we want to experience in the future.

Start with 20 years from now, 10 years from now, 5 years and two years and next year.

This begins to open our minds and heart to the experience we want to create for ourselves.

 Some people focus on service, some on personal health and happiness, some on relationship.

Whatever is your way will bring you to the experience you really want your heart’s desire.

We begin to attract and magnify all the good to come to us and through us.

Allow yourself to begin the New Year with a positive imagination and activity.

Blessings for us one and all to attract All Good and Only Good.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Drama or Peace?




Peace promotes Prosperity.

Simplicity allows lasting Loving Kindness.

Gentleness is a Gift to ourselves and the world.

Honesty inspires Integrity.

A Better Way!

Holidays are a great time to spend with children (& grandchildren).

It is our preference to be with the children on their own. (sans parents).

They so literally act out their parents and other adult influence.

Children copy the words, nuance and beliefs of their role models.

Children are great actors and copycats.

They deliver the same hand gestures, facial expressions and intonation that they see and hear from birth.

Their drama is the drama of the adults in their lives.

Their strong opinions and behaviors come from within their own cultural upbringing.

Like it or not, kids show us exactly where we are stuck or off purpose, as well as helpful and kind.

The obvious behavior of children lacks the subtleties of unconscious manipulations.

Usually children are practicing, through trial and error, to find what works for them.

They are great observers of the adults in their lives to get the reaction that they want.

Kids also are extremely flexible and willing to change their behaviors depending on where they are.

When expected to be problems, they are. 

When needing to be the center of attention, they know how.

When wanting nurturing, babying and special care, they develop the act very early.

As a conscious learner, I am amused, amazed and neutral observer.

Sometimes I am called to share an awareness that both helps families and awakens me.

The more your life is dramatic, the more highs and lows they will have.

What brings you super highs will be counter-balanced with equal lows.

In a world where drama sells, children are learning to use drama as their most effective behavior.

At a time when we commercialize and pay mightily for high drama, our children are buying in.

In our family systems when adults are distracted by technology, children use drama for attention.

Disease, disaster, devastation, depression are all viewed as important and valued.

When you know you have a choice, you can choose to have a neutral or balanced life.

You can choose to step away from drama with your friends and parents.

You can choose as a child to create easy going or more simple loving people and places.

You can choose to have a life that is safe, fun and easy.

When you know drama is a choice, it is easy to choose no drama.

When you know you can act dramatic without really feeling dramatic, you are free to play act.

When you know drama yields its opposite, you may want to minimize the drama of today’s world.

Parents can be helpful with their children by eliminating dramatic interaction.

Let us all consider neutralizing our interactions and entertainment.

Let’s stop reacting to sensationalism, fanaticism and extremes.

Let us each choose to de-escalate our predicaments and calm ourselves.

Let us encourage our children to find their inner calm and mild manners.

All of us want peace and harmony, love and kindness.

Betty Lue

To Reclaim Peace of Mind:


Step away. 

Calm your mind.

Re-engage with respect.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

The Past Is Not Here!

The Past Is Not Here!





I forgive and release the past.

All that is left of my past are the blessings.

The past is gone; it can touch me not.

I happily let go of everything I do not value.

The Past Is Not Here!

(See YEAR OF HERMIT 2025 in the menu bar to the left!)

Learn, Let Go and Move On.

Now is the Only Time We Have.

Judging the past merely repeats the past.

Forgiving the past clears it so we can create new.

Use your life well by learning along the way.

When we judge, hate, fear and resent, we do not complete the learning.

When we place a judgment on anything we get stuck with its continuance.

When we release our guilt and blame and victimization, we free ourselves to fully learn.

The past is like a movie we can watch again and again.

We can review the movies from our past and recognize what resonates and what no longer is valuable.

What we value, we review and repeat.

When we relinquish value, we need not replay.

The mis-creations and misperceptions we have made and seen, can be easily erased.

The focus on wrongs and rights often leads to replaying the wrongs and rights in life.

When we simply see what has been as gone, we need not even remember or store it for later review.

When we are finished with those old movies, we can discard them without concern.

What is done is done.

There are those memories that folks prefer to hand onto.

Memorabilia, photo albums, history books and lessons learned can be archived and readily accessed.

When we need not redo or retake the same photo or lesson, it is best simply to set it aside.

When we have learned what was valued, give it your blessing of gratitude and move on.

The energy left in yesterday can be used to fully enjoy today.

The time and effort it takes to take care of what was may be better used for appreciating what is.

The negatives energy placed o avoiding, resenting, fearing and hating the past, is a waste of time.

Think wisely about what matters and focus on living in the now, fully valuing where you are now.

I prefer to live each day fully and freely, valuing what is today.

I focus on being present with what is, learning from everything.

I receive the most valuable feedback from being fully present.

I can easily choose to change everything when I am here and now.

I am responsible for everything I experience.

I can quickly forgive, erase and undo whatever experience I choose to change.

I can most easily undo and create a new truth when I a responsible for my current experience.

I know that life is my creative experience and expression and creations when I am responsible.

Judgments distort and confuse my perceptions.

I free myself when I take full responsibility for my life.

Life works for me when I am willing to be responsible for the choices I make.

I easily and quickly forgive every mistaken thought, word and deed.

Prayerful Release:

May we awaken to the reality of our self-created illusions with self-forgiveness and even amusement at the stories we continued to tell and repeat by the telling.

May we enjoy the sense of freedom and self-responsibility when we know the Goodness and Power of Re-Creation within us. (Instant Replay)

May we reach out to others with fearlessness and conscious awareness in remembering we are not alone.

May we return to the innocent trust of a child, as we celebrate our power to undo what we no longer choose to be true.

Transformation is revealed when we are healed from our own guilt and withholding Love.

Love Prevails, because Only Love is Real!

Betty Lue

Let us forgive our judgments of mistakes we make and choose again for a better way!