Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What you Believe, You See

We need to change our minds!
Life strengthens our commitment to remember what is true and forgive the rest.

What you perceive in another you strengthen in yourself.
What you believe about another, you believe about Your Self.
To be Your Best, is to see the Best in others.
To remember the Truth of your Goodness and Love is to see Goodness and Love in others.

What does it take for you to change your mind?
What can you do to see things and people and situations differently?
How can you undo your fearful, judgmental, critical thinking and reactions?
How can you unlearn the ego’s way of fearful reactivity and respond with Love?

Have you considered the possibility that you are here to heal all things?
Have you chosen to be Love in action with all people?
Have you decided to listen to your heart and let Love be your guide?
Have you given your life to a forgiving and loving way?

You must erase the old script and write a new one.
You must change your mind and take on the Mind of Goodness and Love.
You must stop investing in what does not work and choose a way that is effective and helpful.
You must let go of conflict, fear and suffering for all time and extend peace and love and joy.

Yes, you are the One.
If you are reading this reminder, it is yours to do.
If you find yourself in relationships and situations where there is lack of peace, it is yours to be peaceful.
If you experience fear and pain in your body or mind, it is yours to find love and happiness within your.

Some are addicted to pain and problems.
Some find sanctuary in suffering.
Some seek what is ordinary, familiar and fits with current belief system of society.
Some choose to find a new way, a better way, a healing way to live and love and forgive.

Changing your mind will change your whole life, your health, your beliefs, your experiences.
Undoing old, negative, fearful, defensive and critical ways of thinking and reacting leads to hope.
Forgiving and erasing until there is no history, no memory, no archived material offers freedom.
Seeking and finding a better way is a choice we can and must make to change our lives.

Some do this personally, just for themselves.
Some make changes for their families and friends.
Some are here to do this for all humanity and our world.
Some are seeking always and only to live the most inspired way of living and sharing the Highest Good.

First you must choose.
Then ask for spiritual support in your own way.
Then listen and follow the guidance you hear.
Set aside all the obstacles in you way.
Celebrate the dawn of a new day.

Loving you,  
Betty Lue

30 Days to Healing and Seeing things Differently!
This exercise has a profound impact on how we see and live our lives.
This daily practice will heal and transform your life
With continued practice, there will be a spiritual awakening.
Forgiveness heals our perception and gives us Response-Ability.
Choice empowers us to Create our Experience Consciously.
Gratitude expands what we Choose and increases our Joy.

Daily Practice:
Begin each morning with a pad of lined paper and a pen.
Write and say 30 forgivenesses as they come to mind. 
Simply write “I forgive”…and let the rest just come from within. 
(No need to understand or feel anything.)
I forgive you for being mean.
I forgive myself for letting anyone hurt me.
I forgive my body’s limitation.
I forgive myself for being late.
I forgive everything.
Make the sound “AAAH” for 1-2 minutes.
Imagine that you are opening your mind.
Now write and say 30 Choices. 
I choose to be happy. 
I choose to be free.  
I choose to do what I love. 
I choose to forgive….
In the Evening (before bed)
Write and say 30 Gratitudes
I appreciate the energy I have.
I love being happy.
I am grateful I have you in my life.
I thank God.
Make the  sound “OM”  the Universal sound for Love and God for 1-2 minutes.

PS Even a few of each is better than none.  
Do what you can and trust it is working.
Loving You always, 
Betty Lue

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Choosing to cooperate with myself means that is allow the flow of time and space and energy to support me in all I say and do.  To cooperate with others, means that when I am in the flow with each moment, I can be in the flow with All That Is.  There is so much we can do when there is no resistance.

When we say YES to Love, all things work together for Good.
When we say MAYBE, we set up a constriction on our flow and the Good we give and receive.
When we say NO, we dam and damn the flow, with resistance and often fear and judgment.
As we learn to undo our blocks to Love, we begin to receive the abundance of All Good.

Forgiveness is a gift we give to ourselves.
When we forgive all blocks to Trust and Freedom, we open ourselves to Universal Love and Goodness.
There is no harm in stepping away to solitude and quiet to find inner peace and happy willingness.
The is only benefit ,when we bless ourselves with freedom from the pain of conflict and resistance.

Consider how you can cooperate and join with yourself, your life choices, your inner voice.
Consider the possibility of keeping your agreements with your True Self.
Consider giving your Best to yourself in thought, word and activity, food, friendship and finances.
Consider taking nothing personally and allowing yourself to be an instrument of healing and blessing.

What could you do today to give your Self to Love and Loving?
What could you do to share only your happiness and appreciation with others?
What could you give that would be a gift to everyone and to yourself?
What could you receive that would lift up and inspire your to life on purpose with all life?

It is natural to Love.
The work is to clear the fear.
It is safe, fun and easy to share Joy.
It requires forgiving the ways you have brought yourself pain.

Life is a teaching and learning opportunity.
Don’t waste it on complaining, blaming and resisting.
Forgive and move on to the next lesson.
Remembering to Love is our soul purpose in being here.

Loving you always and in all ways as we teach and learn with and from one another,
Betty Lue

Enlightened thought for the day:
When a raindrop falls into the ocean   it   does not cease to exist, it becomes one with the  ocean.  Only when we cling to personal identity do we fear death.  When we realize that we have always been and will always be one with the universe, there is nothing left to fear.

Monday, November 28, 2011


What is your responsibility?
What is your responsibility to yourself?
Are you willing to be your best self?
Are you willing to make healthy choices?
Are you willing to take impeccable care of your body?
Are you willing to quit unhealthy habits?
Are you willing to choose better ways of living?
Are you willing to feed your mind and your body only what is Good for you?
Are you willing to stop choosing negative thinking and speaking and acting?
Are you willing to live in a way that exemplifies what you want your world to be?

We are responsible for ourselves, our thoughts, our words and our actions.
We are responsible for how we spend our time and money and energy.
We are responsible for how we treat others and ourselves.
We are responsible for the choices we make and the chances we take.

We are responsible for how we treat others and teach others.
We are responsible for the music we listen to and the media we watch.
We are responsible for the ways we bless or waste food.
We are responsible for those we see and hear in need and how we respond.

We are responsible for the world we see.
How we respond to what we see determines what we see.
When we respond with hatred, anger and blame, we continue the pain.
When we respond with blessing, healing and forgiveness, we heal the wounds.

When we see a need, it is ours to fill.
How we fill the need determines its continuance or completion.
When we fill our own needs in healthy ways, we learn to respond always with forgiveness and blessings.
When we avoid or ignore our own needs, we reinforce avoidance of ignorance of others’ needs.

This is the time of year when we have clear choices in how and when we repond to the needs we hear.
Whether it is our children, our society or the ones we encounter along the way, “neediness” is apparent.
People often are calling for things, when they really want love, kindness, education, trust and support.
How we respond determines the outcome that is achieved.

Our responsibility is to listen within and respond in the highest and best way for the Good of All.
Listen and you will hear clearly the way to forgive all judgments and truly Love.
You know when you have responded with joy and blessing, because you are at peace.
When your responses and underlying intention are only for Good, your Real message is heard loud and clear.

When we respond from a place of duty, guilt, fear or obligation, the responses are not helpful.
When we respond to our children, family and others from a place of gratitude, forgiveness and love, whatever we say or do is a gift to everyone and a blessing to all.

The only mistake we ever make is when we forget to Love.
Give yourself to Love, and Love with give to you.

Loving us all for the sake of All Good in All,
Betty Lue

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Respect, Responsibility and Cooperation

These are three values that our children and our society need to learn.
They can be learned from respectful, responsible and cooperative adults.
They can be modeled by those they see in the media, sports and in politics.
They can taught in our homes, educational institutions and workplaces.

Respect seems to be losing ground and waning in popularity and practice.?????
Respect is the essential building block for responsibility and true cooperation.
What would it take to remember to respect ourselves and others?
What can we do to reclaim a natural respect for one another?
How can we most effectively life a respectful, responsible and cooperative life?

What does respect look like and feel like to you?
It means taking good care of my body, my mind, my creations and my worldly business.
It means giving myself quiet time, play time and time to appreciate my life. 
It means I honor my own unique gifts, talents, values, and life choices.
It means respecting another’s space, possessions, values and choices.
It means I make agreements where no one loses.

How can we teach and model Respect for our children?
Respect other’s communication by listening with an open heart and mind.
Respect other’s values by accepting and sharing our own.
Respect other’s space by giving privacy and quiet.
Respect other’s needs by honoring and supporting.
Respect other’s creations by appreciating and enjoying.

Respect means not interfering with other’s business or life choices.
Respect means appreciating other’s rights to choose their own way.
Respect means letting people have what they want and need without criticism.
Respect means asking for permission first, before speaking, entering the room, touching others’ things.
Respect means that others can say NO without losing my love and respect.

In more respectful cultures, there is no disrespectful communication or behavior.
There is no arguing, yelling or demanding.
There is requesting permission to enter or speak.
There is honoring your elders and those with special needs.
There is never taking for granted and treating family members as you would honored guests.
There is respect for individual differences without criticism or complaint. 

I forgive myself for not remembering to respect the Gift I Am.
I forgive myself for limiting myself and others.
I forgive myself for not giving myself the time to enjoy my life fully.
I forgive myself forgetting to appreciate the mind, body and spiritual vision I have been given.

I choose to be a good steward and caretaker of all I have, all I give, all I receive and all I Am.
Respecting you and me always,
Betty Lue 

Friday, November 25, 2011

Who Do You Think You Are?

Are you loving You, the Real You?
Or are you loving your body, your image, your achievements?
Are you loving your True Self, the One you are beneath your humanity?
Are you loving your Essence, your Holiness, Your Power and Your Peace?

You have a body.  You are not your body.
You have a mind.  You are not your mind.
You have emotions. You are not your emotions.
You are far more than your body, your thoughts and your feelings.

Who You Are is Eternal, Immortal, Unchanging.
You are like a star shining forever in the dark.
You are the Source of Love and Light in our world.
You are A Gift of Healing and Creativity.

When you have forgiven the world and yourself, you will see and know your Essence.
The Spark of the Divine that seems to be separate, unnoticed and unadorned is embodied in you.
The Healing Power and Creative Presence is available to be expressed by your thoughts and words.
The Infinite Wisdom of Source is hidden within you, if you listen in the stillness of a quiet mind.

It seems we spend so much energy working on our outer mind, body and feelings that we forget what is Real.
It seems that the form of things is idolized and we forget to honor the spiritual vision that creates the form.
It seems we get caught in attachment to what seems to be and forsake what is real and lasting and always present.
It seems we so fear the end of life that we neglect really living and loving and giving and enjoying.

What if we are now facing the challenge of our lifetimes here on this earth.
What if we inviting ourselves to step up and be truly extraordinary in our giving and forgiving.
What if we are here to make a mighty difference by recognizing and reminding ourselves what is valuable.
What if we have the opportunity to forgive what we no longer value and choose what is meaningful.

Perhaps with a little time each day (5-10 minutes) morning and night, we can come to peace.
Perhaps by reconnecting with what matters, the Good and the Holy, we can remember we are Love.
Perhaps with open-mindedness and gratitude we can access the Truth within us and share it.
Perhaps with loving kindness toward all beings in all situations, we can realize our Calling.

Yes, I am talking to everyone, because we are One.
Yes, I am inviting You because you are me and the We that we are together.
Yes, I am encouraging all of us to step into our Greatness and face our response ability here.
Yes, I am a Healing and Holy Reminder to myself and all of us.

I see You.  I know You.  I love You.
I remember Who We Really Are.
Loving you,  
Betty Lue

There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer;
No disease that enough love will not heal;
No door that enough love will not open;
No gulf that enough love will not bridge;
No wall that enough love will not throw down;
No sin that enough love will not redeem.

 It makes no difference 
  how deeply seated may be the trouble,
How hopeless the outlook,
How muddled the tangle,
How great the mistake. 
A sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all.

 If only you could love enough, you would be the happiest 
and most powerful being in the world.

Emmet Fox

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving Thanks

Take this quiz to find your ideal love language.

Giving Thanks

Every one wants to be appreciated.
But everyone values appreciation and love in a different form.
Take time to understand what each of your loved ones really want.
To be appreciated and loved in just the right way makes all the difference!

1.     Some value words of appreciation.
2.     Some value meaningful gifts.
3.     Some like affection and physical touch.
4.     Some like acts of service.
5.     Some prefer spending quality time.

Affirming Words
Some like words of appreciation, perhaps written in a note or card.
Some like words expressed aloud with an audience.
Some prefer affirming words shared directly in private.
Some prefer receiving appreciation in a written form so they can read and feel them alone.

Meaningful Gifts
Some people feel most appreciated with gifts of love.
Some like something simple, like a card and a flower.
Some prefer something inspiring that shows appreciation.
Some measure the appreciation by the quality and expense of the gift.

Loving Affection
Some people feel most appreciated with a hug or kisses.
Some people receive love best with loving touch, a gentle caress or physical intimacy.
Some like everyday affection of holding hands or the good morning kiss.
Some prefer a pat on the back, a genuine hand shake, or a strong embrace.

Acts of Service
Some people value most respectful acts of kindness.
Some feel most appreciated when they receive help in preparing a meal or cleaning the house.
Some enjoy a day of rest, being served breakfast in bed and pampered.
Some feel served when others are in service to others.

Quality Time
Some feel most appreciated when you simply take time to spend time together.
Some prefer meaningful conversation and sharing thoughts.(with no interruptions)
Some really appreciate time to walk, to sit, to share some activity together.
Some feel most loved when you ask for a date, alone time, with no distractions or others present.

What do you prefer?
What do your loved ones really receive as your way of ‘Thanking them”?
How do you show you appreciate others?
Can you recognize when your appreciation is fully received?
I am loving you with my word of appreciation and love.
I am loving you by taking time to share with you via email.
I am loving you by giving you the best gifts I have.
I am loving you by serving you with inspiration for better living.
I am loving you by spiritually sending you my hugs and touching your heart with these reminders.
Betty Lue

Forgiveness is the Key to Happiness and Inner Peace
Every morning and every night, say this prayer:
I forgive everything and everyone, every experience and every memory of the past and present that needs forgiveness.
I forgive positively everyone.

God is Love.
I am forgiven and governed by God’s Love alone.
God’s Love is now harmonizing my life and its problems.
Realizing this, I abide in peace.

I am now forgiven by everything and everyone of the past and present that needs to forgive me.
I know that forgiveness unblocks whatever stands between me and my good.

I am grateful for the power of God’s Word.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Gratitude Works

When we focus on what’s wrong, we see more of what is wrong.
When we express our gratitude, we see more and more of what we value.
When we are giving thanks, there is no room for criticism and complaints.
When we are being forgiving of our judgmental thinking, we can enjoy our grateful attitude.

So what do you take time to appreciate and enjoy?
What do you express with kindness and love?
How do you share all the blessings in your life?
How do you strengthen your Good Life in which your Good is enjoyed?

I am grateful for the weather, the sun, the rain, the wind and the snow.
I am grateful for the trees, the flowers, the vegetables that grow.
I am grateful for the fresh air we breathe and the pure water we drink.
I am grateful for the words I express and the happy thoughts I think.

I am grateful for the service I give, and the way I live.
I am so grateful for sharing with you the inspiration I have.
I am grateful we live on this planet at a time like this.
I am grateful we can choose our blessings and our bliss.

I appreciate the ones who come into my life.
As teachers and leaders and models of truth.
I value the choices I make that lead me home.
And I enjoy the opportunity I have to make my own way.

When we fully appreciate our brother, our Creator and ourselves, we find inner peace.
When we fully express gratitude, we see nothing else than the blessing we have.
When we totally know that our thoughts can make our own heaven or hell.
We take responsibility for forgiving and choosing to see “All is well”.

I love loving you.
I am inspired by inspiring you.
I am reminded in these loving reminders.
For all that I give, I have and am blessed.

Every blessing I give is a blessing for me.
Every act of kindness enriches my life.
Every word of respect, respects us all as One.
Every moment of peace brings peace to our world.

And so it is that all I give is given to me.
It is love that makes us whole and sets us free.

Loving you as I love myself,
Betty Lue

If All of Us Live With ..........
If Children Live With……….

If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.
If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.
If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy.
If children live with jealousy, they learn to feel envy.
If children live with: criticism, hostility, fear, pity, ridicule or jealousy,
They will learn to: condemn, fight, be apprehensive, feel sorry for themselves, 
feel shy and feel envy.
If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
If children live with tolerance, they learn patience.
If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.
If children live with acceptance, they learn to love.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal.
If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.
If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.
If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect.
If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and others.
If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Selfish or In Service or Selfless?

Are you here to be truly helpful?
Are you here to indulge yourself?
Are you here to sacrifice yourself?
Is there a time for everything?

Does it not seem appropriate to serve when you can with joy and gratitude?
Does it also seem important to care for yourself in order to be of service to others?
Are there special times when it seems best to sacrifice for the benefit of something greater?
Discerning the value at different stages and moments in our lives is essential to know.

When we feel grateful and at peace, we are following our inner guidance.
When we feel guilty and defensive, we may be following our ego’s fearful beliefs.
When we are healthy and happy, it is easy to be helpful to others.
When we are tired, sick or unhappy, it feels like a sacrifice to serve another’s needs.

What does it take to be helpful to others?
·     Take impeccable care of yourself first.

·     Receive gratitude and joy from everything you give.

·     Take time to listen within to give what is of value.

We may do what is expected rather than what is truly valuable to everyone.
We may offer help when it is not wanted.
We may give with an expectation of receiving in return.
We may not be capable of giving with joy, because we have not loved ourselves well.
We may see ourselves as giving away what we really want to have.
We may judge feelings of resentment for giving when we really don’t want to.
We may be confused by those who refuse to receive because they don’t want to be obligated.
We may give to those who feel “needy” or “less fortunate” and make ourselves feel “better than”.
We make believe that some lose when some gain, and feel guilt about our choices.
We give out of duty and obligation rather than love and appreciation.
We may be giving what we really want to be receiving.
We may not take time to listen within to a natural loving way to contribute to others.
We may not understand that giving is receiving and all we give is given to ourselves
We may exhaust ourselves by giving more than we have energy for.

Take time during these holidays to nurture and nourish yourself with all Good.
Appreciate your natural giving Spirit and notice how it inspires and increases your energy.
Create times of stillness and quiet listening and know it is our prayerful thoughts that bless.
It is our kind and appreciative words that make a real difference.
It is our acts of service without sacrifice that let others know how much we care…
Loving us all as we give and receive the true and lasting gifts of Love and appreciation.
I love you and thank you for inspiring me to share these loving reminders,

Betty Lue

You Are A Flower in the Garden of Life
If you would grow to be your best self
Be patient, not demanding
Accepting, not condemning
Nurturing, not withholding
Self-marveling, not belittling
Gently guiding, not pushing & punishing

For you are more sensitive than you know
Mankind is tough as war
Yet delicate as flowers
We can endure agonies
But we open fully only to warmth & light
And our need to grow is fragile as a fragrance
Dispersed by storms of will
To return only when those storms are still

So accept, respect,
Attend your sensitivity

A flower
Cannot be opened
With a hammer

Monday, November 21, 2011

Grumpiness or Gratitude?

If you are not living with gratitude, you must not be loving your whole self well.
If you are not feeling appreciation, you may have neglected to create what you want.
If you are not enjoying where you live and how you live, you may have lost your way.
If you are not full of curiosity, wonder and delight, you may have wandered away from home.

When grumpiness comes, it is reminding us of what we are missing.  
When dark clouds seem to follow us, we must have taken the wrong road.
When we seem to be discouraged and disappointed, we must have appointed the wrong people to lead.
When we feel victimized, depressed and resentful, we must have forgotten how to love ourselves well.

What will it take to get back the good happy feeling?
What do we need to do to remember how to enjoy?
What can we change to live our life impeccably and purposefully?
What can we do to live abundantly and with full appreciation?

We victimize ourselves.
We stop taking care of the One we are.
We live with deception and false beliefs.
We fool ourselves into thinking we can be untrue to our own values and still be happy and healthy.

Guilt will be our punishment.
Guilt is what stirs our negativity.
Guilt is projected onto blaming others.
Guilt comes when we lost our way and stop listening and loving the Good in ourselves.

Yes, we know what is right when we listen inside.
We know what I truly best for us.
We know we can be Good and see Good and choose Good and live Good.
When we forget the Good, we feel guilt.

I am talking about you and me, all of us, who are unhappy and depressed, discouraged and punished.
When we are not feeling happy and delighted, encouraged and blessed, we have left the Good way.
The Good Way is the Godly way, the giving way, the abundant way, the honest way, the inspired way.
And deep within everyone, we know what is the good way, the best way, the healthy way to live and love.

So when we are grumpy, it is time to stop, to listen within and to follow another leader.
Follow the voice of peace, to end the fighting and disagreements and blaming and guilt.
Listen to the voice of forgiveness and love, of trust and freedom and support to be all we can be.
Speak words of encouragement and support, appreciation and enjoyment, respect and thanks.

What you give to another, you strengthen in yourself.
What you live shows others, what they can do for themselves.
What you think about others reinforces your thoughts about yourself.
So think Good thoughts, speak loving words and do kind deeds, serving the Good way for everyone.

Let us be grateful that we can forgive our wrong turns and immediately choose again the loving way.
Loving  you,  
Betty Lue
This really works!  Try it and watch how good you can feel.
30 Days to Enlightenment  and Waking Up
30 Days to Healing and Seeing things Differently!
This exercise has a profound impact on how we see and live our lives.
This daily practice will heal and transform your life
With continued practice, there will be a spiritual awakening.
Forgiveness heals our perception and gives us Response-Ability.
Choice empowers us to Create our Experience Consciously.
Gratitude expands what we Choose and increases our Joy.

Daily Practice:
Begin each morning with a pad of lined paper and a pen.
Write and say 30 forgivenesses as they come to mind. 
Simply write “I forgive”…and let the rest just come from within. 
(No need to understand or feel anything.)
I forgive you for being mean.
I forgive myself for letting anyone hurt me.
I forgive my body’s limitation.
I forgive myself for being late.
I forgive everything.
Make the sound “AAAH” for 1-2 minutes.
Imagine that you are opening your mind.
Now write and say 30 Choices. 
I choose to be happy. 
I choose to be free.  
I choose to do what I love. 
I choose to forgive….
In the Evening (before bed)
Write and say 30 Gratitudes
I appreciate the energy I have.
I love being happy.
I am grateful I have you in my life.
I thank God.
Make the  sound “OM”  the Universal sound for Love and God for 1-2 minutes.

PS Even a few of each is better than none.  
Do what you can and trust it is working.
Loving You always, 
Betty Lue

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Give Everything, Expect Nothing!

When you have no expectations, you will never be disappointed.
When you give with no conditions, you give only with joy and gratitude.
When you have no thoughts about what you “get back”, you are giving from your abundance.
When you give with a desire to get something in return, you are giving from your lack.

To give all to all, there is a freedom of flow and letting go.
When we give with joy and gratitude, we open the flow to receive all Good to be given.
When we “give to get”, we are giving with conditions and limitations and expectations.
When we give with implicit demand and neediness, we close the flow and receive less.

There need be no comparison of gifts in giving.
When we measure the love we receive, we are limiting its value.
When we judge what is received, we diminish the love of the giver.
When we expect thank you’s or acknowledgement, we are asking for what is considered etiquette.

However, we must ask, what is it that I need from the receiver?
What is it that I expect a thank you note or expression of gratitude?
How have I been taught and how can I continue to give that which is of value to me?
Can I receive the joy I have given without having someone notice and thank me?

Interesting question in this time where often people do not respond to RSVP,
Interesting values question when many forget to give thanks and appreciation.
Interesting dilemma when giving to children who often have no help or encouragement to say thanks.
Interesting spiritual concept when we sometimes learn “When you expect nothing, you get nothing!”

I know that what I give is given to my Self.
Do you?
I experience, when I give with conditions, I create a sense of obligation in the receiver.
What do you experience?

I see a world that feels lacking and limited.
I choose to fill it with my joyful contribution.
As I give freely, I feel abundant.
As I give with limitation and expectation, I feel limited.

When I give with Joy, I am filled with Joy.
When I give with Love, I am filled with Love.
When I give my All, I see the All I AM.
When I give my best, I know there is more to give.

Life is for giving. 
You are the gift.
When you give yourself fully, you realize the Gift you Are.
So let us Give our All today, simply for the Joy of it.

Loving you, 
Betty Lue

The Gift You Are

You are the gift.
In your healing, I am healed.
In your smiling, I find joy.
In your learning, I am filled with wisdom.
In your free expressions, I am empowered.
In your abundance, I too prosper.
In your spontaneity, I am set free.
In your joy, I know heaven.

And so it is that you give your Self to me
And I receive you with love and gratitude.
I am the gift I give to You
And I fully receive the gift I freely give.

As I know You, I know my Self.
As I give to you, I receive all good.
As I support you, I am supported by the Universe.
As I honor and respect you, I experience gratitude in all my being.
As I love you, I am loving all of God's creation.

I know you and believe in you.
I honor, respect and support you in being.
In you and me is all the Universe.
We are gifts to one another.

       - Betty Lue

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Never Too Late

It is never too late to say “I’m sorry.”
It is never too late to make amends.
It is never too late to appreciate.
It is never too late to say “I love You.”

Sometimes we live in regret and guilt.
Sometimes we forget how to apologize.
Sometimes we want to save face.
Sometimes we are just too afraid to express what we feel.

Whether they are with us in body or not, we can share our thoughts and feelings.
Whether they are here to talk to or not, we can share what is in our heart.
Whether or not they still live close by or have moved on, we can say what we need to say.
The heart always hears what we share from our heart to theirs.

Communication is coming together in Love and Peace. 
Communication is communing with another in a place most High.
Communication is coming together as One.
Communication is giving to another what we want to receive.

It is never too late to change our mind.
It is never too late to forgive and give love.
It is never too late to honor the Goodness in others.
It is never too late to trust God.

Sometimes we think we have sinned.
Sometimes we believe we cannot be forgiven.
Sometimes we doubt our worth and our own love.
Sometimes we forget the Gift we are here to give.

The past is gone.
It is not here.
What we have done is a lesson to be learned.
All that is real is the love we have shared.

What is valuable is how we love and give right now.
Let us remember to take this precious moment to give our best.
Let us remind ourselves that we are here to Love.
Let us communicate the Best we know in sharing the Best we have.

Now is the time of Power and Peace.
Now is the time for forgiveness and giving.
Now is the time for loving no matter what.
Now is the time for making a difference.

Give to All the gift of your Love.
Forgive All for their forgetting.
As you forgive, so you are forgiven.
All you give to another is your gift to yourself.

Your loving reminder is always loving you,
Betty Lue

There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer;
No disease that enough love will not heal;
No door that enough love will not open;
No gulf that enough love will not bridge;
No wall that enough love will not throw down;
No sin that enough love will not redeem.

 It makes no difference 
  how deeply seated may be the trouble,
How hopeless the outlook,
How muddled the tangle,
How great the mistake. 
A sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all.

 If only you could love enough, you would be the happiest 
and most powerful being in the world.

Emmet Fox