Tuesday, February 28, 2017

On Time?

I appreciate being on time.
I use my time wisely and well.
My time is guided by what I value.
I learn from everyone and everything all the time.

Are You On Time?

Are you on time to keep your appointment?
Are you in time to do what is yours to do?
Are you willing to flow with what is needed?
Are you open to stay on purpose and in touch?

When we are open and willing to do what is ours to do, we feel purposeful.
When we do what is ours to do, we feel successful.
When we do what others want, we often get off purpose.
When we live according to others time, we often lose our own right action.

Our fulfillment and satisfaction depend on listening to our own drummer within.
When we feel rushed or pushed, we may lose connection with what is our own timing.
It is essential that we learn to allow ourselves to find the pace to be successful.
It is our responsibility to live our right action in our right timing.

Is it time to eat?
Is it our time to rest?
Is it our time to get away?
Is it our time to accomplish?

Life itself is a measured by time and right timing.
Or are we only accountable for how we use the time we have?
Are we aware of where we are going and when we will get there?
an we observe our own use of time, energy and resources?

Are you lazy with time?
Are we unaware of time?
Do we sabotage our use to time?
Are we clear about our goals and the value of achieving them in a timely way?

The habits we learn come from childhood beliefs and teachings.
When we are taught we are often late, we are.
When see as someone who works until the last minute, we do.
When we are told we procrastinate, we do…….until we teach ourselves otherwise.

How easy it would be to start all over again with your own trust in your right timing!
We can prescribe and affirm:
“I am always at the right place at the right time, doing the right thing”.
“I use my time wisely and well to experience what is best for me.”
“I know everything always works more exquisitely than I can plan.”

Explore your priorities.
Redefine what is your intended goal and timeline.
Stay away to changes in timing and direction.
Always communicate to others when there is a change.

You are always responsible for what is yours.
Enjoy your responsibilities.
It is from your life that you learn.
Appreciate your awareness and willingness.

Loving you,
Betty Lue 

Monday, February 27, 2017

Golden Rule

I listen to my heart and do what is right.
I trust my inner guidance to give what is fair and just.
I respect my fellow human beings and treat them well.
I forgive us all for being disrespectful to others.

Treat Others As You Want To Be Treated.

Talk to others as you want to be talked with.
Teach others as you want to be taught.
Appreciate others as you want to be appreciated.
Give to others as you want to be given to.

Children need to be treated with love and respect.
Children need to be listened to and responded to kindness.
Children need to be taught with the same respect as adults.
Children need to be given to as you would want to be given to.

Our elders need the same respect as we do.
Elders need to be listened to and talked with the same as all else.
Sometimes we need to learn how to be respectful and kind.
If we have not learned as a child, we may not understand how to be our best.

All people, no matter what age, color, religion and background, need respect.
Prejudices show up in odd ways due to how we are taught, what we see and hear and how we feel.
It is essential that we learn the simple ethics of good will toward everyone, no matter what.
Yes, everyone is different and everyone deserves our very best in how we speak and behave.

When we treat everyone well, they learn to think well of themselves and of others.
When we talk to one another with kindness, everyone feels and hears our love and respect.
When we behave in ways that are respectful of ourselves and others, we heal and grow in self respect.
When we unlearn our prejudices, we unlearn our fears and become clear expressions of Love.

This is how everyone learns from one another.
It is not natural to fear or hate or judge.
It is natural to love and let go of the past.
It is healing and healthy to treat others as we want to be treated.

Fear begets more fear.
Respect creates more respect.
Kindness and generosity create more of the same.
If we want more good, why not simply give more Good!!

We can end the fear, prejudice and ignorance, simply by always being our best.
We can educate ourselves, forgive ourselves and free ourselves from fear and hatred.
We each can do our part to love our neighbors as ourselves.
Let us learn from history to unlearn and undo what causes us to hurt one another.

It is time to begin again to clear the fear and remember to Love.
Highly Recommended: Love Is Letting Go of Fear by Jerry Jampolsky.

I am Loving you and all,
Betty Lue 

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Trust in What?

I trust in the Good within all creation.
I trust in the Love that lives within you.
I trust in the Power of Hope, Faith and Love.
I trust in what fills me with courage, confidence and creativity.


There is a Power and a Presence that lives.
It lives in you.
It lives in us.
It lives in all.

In this we can trust.
When we trust in nothing, we cannot feel safe.
When we do not feel safe, we live in fear.
When we cannot trust ourselves, we live in doubt.

When we cannot trust, we live with defensiveness.
We hide inside and lose our courage and our voice.
We see and hear the distortion of fear and reaction.
We feel disappointment, despair and distrust.

We must begin at the beginning with ourselves.
We must value what we have and where we are.
We must go within to seek what we know.
We can find the courage within to find what we seek.

Yes, sometimes illness, poverty, betrayal and loneliness cause doubt.
Where do we find the truth? In what do we trust?
What is our saving grace?
It is important to remind ourselves of what we trust.

Create your own affirmations, writing, songs to remind you.
Find a place in which you can feel safe and good.
Seek out someone or some memory to restore you trust.
There is a place in you where there is light and love to remember.

What do you believe in?
“In God We Trust.”
Some choose Higher Power, the Universe, the Ancient Ones, Love Itself or many other names.
If you do not have a faith, a practice, a path in which to trust, now is the time to develop one.

To feel safe, we must know LOVE.
To trust, we must experience LOVE.
To sustain our Love, we must express Love.
To create safety, faith and peace within, we must be safe and peaceful and faithful.

Our work in this ever-changing world is to trust in the Power and Presence that lives within us.
Let it be so, for our world depends on us, individually and all together as One.
Loving you,
Betty Lue

The only mistake we ever make is when we forget to Love.
Betty Lue 

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Be True To You

Life gives me what I have given.
The Truth sets me free to be.
I live aligned with my values and inner direction.
I receive the best in me to share with others.

Be True to You!

Are you happy?
Are you fulfilled?
Do you feel blessed?
Is your life working for you?

When you live in alignment with your values, you will feel strong.
When you value what matters most to you, you are clear and decisive.
When you know where you are going, you will be focused and committed.
When you are right with yourself, you will feel whole, happy and free.

Honor your dreams and goals.
Listen to you thoughts and words.
Pay attention to your associations.
Seek what supports the best in you.

You are the gift you came to give.
You are the dreamer you are to encourage.
You are the wonderful child that inspires you.
You are the joy that shows you the way.

In everyway you are here to listen, listen, listen.
You must give homage to the desire for only Good.
You can wash away the disappointment and redeem the hope.
You can remember what is real and release what is the lie.

Life lives through you.
Hope gets you up everyday.
Love transcends your fear.
 The truth will always guide you.

Listen to your heart.
Give the Good within.
Trust the path of happiness.
Relinquish any obstacles you see.

Love will sustain you.
Hope will maintain you.
Joy will inspire you.
Peace will comfort you.

You have all of this within you.
Be true to what is really you.
Give and receive blessings.
Appreciate all you give and have.

Only within the Goodness of life do we find what is ours.
Let it be so, now and always.

Loving you,
Betty Lue 

Friday, February 24, 2017

Live Your Call

I am true to what calls me to do.
I live with integrity in all I think, say and do.
I am happy and free following the truth that lives in me.
Life is fun, safe and easy as I live my inner guidance.

What Is Your Call?

Where are you called to go?
What are you called to do?
What are you called to say?
And to whom?

We each have purpose.
We are called to go and do give and say, what is ours.
When we listen to our heart, our intuition, our inner guidance, there lies an urging.
When we listen to our mind, our fear our self doubt, we feel drawn to stay and be.

Such is the interesting dilemma in our lives.
To be comfortable where we are or to step out and let love lead the way.
There is much to be envisioned, to be shared, to be given, to be done.
We are the ones who are the doers from a simple trusting place within.

The calling need not be missionary work, but it may be.
The doing may not be to go back to college, but it may be.
The sharing may not be to write a book, but it may be.
The stepping out may not be to tell the inner Truth, but it may be.

We are free to go and do what is ours to do.
We must trust we are supported by our inner guidance to follow what has meaning for us.
When we hear to write down our intuition, we need to write it down.
When we know we are to change our diet in some way, we must follow the knowing.
When we feel moved to stop swearing and start caring, we must vow to do what is ours to do.
When we see there is cleanup work to be done in our home, we need to get up and do the work now.
When we are inspired to contribute to a neighboring family, we must listen and give fully and freely.

Do you listen to the inner urging?
Do you deny there is purpose to your life?
Do you notice all there is to be done here?
Do you value how much you have to give?

Why deny yourself the opportunity of your lifetime?
Why be afraid to do what you are drawn to do?
Why not open the way to create your new life day by day?
Why not lift up your eyes and see the endless possibility to be happy?

We are created to be happy.
To stay in a situation which is depressing, distracting and negative is unloving to yourself.
To close your mind and deny yourself an inspiring, focused and positive life is debilitating.
To be open to the life you dare to dream will enrich your world and inspire others.

Is this not what you are here for?
It need not be scary or obvious.
Just do what is in your heart each day.
Live a life of appreciation and joy today.

·      Write a thank you note.
·      Make a supporting phone call.
·      Apologize and make amends as needed.
·      Smile and have a welcoming conversation with a neighbor.
·      Learn a new craft or skill or teach one to another.
·      Appreciate someone who needs encouragement.
·      Visit a shut in or someone who is alone.
·      Travel to a new place and enjoy the people and beauty there.

Follow your heart.
Live each day fully.
Spend time doing what you love.
Give love and gratitude everyday.

Loving you always,
Betty Lue

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Share Your Best Self!

I choose to give only my best.
I care for myself first, so I am ready to give my best.
I am ready, willing and able to be the best I can be.
I appreciate who I am and how open I am to share my best..

Share Only Your Best!

No more complaining.
No more draining.
No more blocking your joy.
Give something good to give.

Invest the best.
Forget the rest.
Why pass on your worst?
Always share your best.

We all need to be ready.
Be prepared for your life.
Be ready for your work.
Be open to be with family.

We each need to be willing.
Be willing to do your best.
Be willing to give your best.
Be willing to show your best.

We must be able to do our job.
We can be able to be with others.
We should be able to be good parents and partners.
We can be ready, willing and able for our lives.

Have you given yourself what you need to be ready for life?
Are you open and willing to show up and pay attention?
Have you committed yourself to only do your best?
Are you honestly prepared to be the best parent, partner, friend, teacher and citizen?

Learn more.
Read more.
Observe more.
Share more.
Do more.
Love more.
Heal more.
Give more.

There is always more we can do to share our best with others.
There is always more rest, more devotion, more commitment, more happiness to be prepared.
Everyday in everyway we can become better and better.
There is so much goodness in each one of us to be shared with all.

Loving you and your willingness to give your best.
Betty Lue