Tuesday, February 28, 2017

On Time?

I appreciate being on time.
I use my time wisely and well.
My time is guided by what I value.
I learn from everyone and everything all the time.

Are You On Time?

Are you on time to keep your appointment?
Are you in time to do what is yours to do?
Are you willing to flow with what is needed?
Are you open to stay on purpose and in touch?

When we are open and willing to do what is ours to do, we feel purposeful.
When we do what is ours to do, we feel successful.
When we do what others want, we often get off purpose.
When we live according to others time, we often lose our own right action.

Our fulfillment and satisfaction depend on listening to our own drummer within.
When we feel rushed or pushed, we may lose connection with what is our own timing.
It is essential that we learn to allow ourselves to find the pace to be successful.
It is our responsibility to live our right action in our right timing.

Is it time to eat?
Is it our time to rest?
Is it our time to get away?
Is it our time to accomplish?

Life itself is a measured by time and right timing.
Or are we only accountable for how we use the time we have?
Are we aware of where we are going and when we will get there?
an we observe our own use of time, energy and resources?

Are you lazy with time?
Are we unaware of time?
Do we sabotage our use to time?
Are we clear about our goals and the value of achieving them in a timely way?

The habits we learn come from childhood beliefs and teachings.
When we are taught we are often late, we are.
When see as someone who works until the last minute, we do.
When we are told we procrastinate, we do…….until we teach ourselves otherwise.

How easy it would be to start all over again with your own trust in your right timing!
We can prescribe and affirm:
“I am always at the right place at the right time, doing the right thing”.
“I use my time wisely and well to experience what is best for me.”
“I know everything always works more exquisitely than I can plan.”

Explore your priorities.
Redefine what is your intended goal and timeline.
Stay away to changes in timing and direction.
Always communicate to others when there is a change.

You are always responsible for what is yours.
Enjoy your responsibilities.
It is from your life that you learn.
Appreciate your awareness and willingness.

Loving you,
Betty Lue