The more I appreciate my body and mind, the more I take
impeccable care of my life.
I appreciate and celebrate all I am.
I easily forgive my judgments, evaluation and comparison
that discourage and block my care.
I enjoy the responsibility in loving all of me.
Help Your Self
You are unique.
Your body
is yours to utilize
Your mind
is yours to teach.
Your spirit
is yours to inspire.
You are your responsibility.
When we are
ignorant, we depend on others.
When we are
curious, we explore and learn.
When we are
wise, we are respectful, listen and respond.
Your life is in your hands.
you can abuse your life.
You can
confuse, distract and ignore your life.
You can
love, nourish, nurture, bless and enjoy your life.
Your life depends on you.
You can
take time daily to guide yourself to whole life health.
You can be
impeccable about the habits body care you attend.
You can
consistently develop better habits of positive use and maintenance.
Your positive attitude is your choice.
Learn to
use what you “can do”, rather than focus on a negative approach.
I can be
healthy. I will be healthy. I am healthy in mind, body and spirit.
When we are
choosing what is ours to do, we do it with a “can do” attitude.
Your healthy routine is a great way to begin.
Learn to
free yourself from unhealthy habits of mind and body.
Undo the
warnings, threats and demands you make on yourself.
forgiving, affirming and gentle with your helpfulness to yourself.
Life offers cues and clues to what is best for you.
What you
seek, you will find.
Ingest the
best and forget the rest.
always and only what is best for you.
Your body wants to be healthy and active.
Your mind
is designed to stay curious and useful.
emotions are obvious to show you what is good and positive.
Your whole
Self is your lifetime gift to be used for happy and healthy purposes.
When you discover what works, celebrate.
quickly with gratitude.
you are the captain and navigator for you life journey.
Take the
wheel and be responsible for the learning adventure.
Everyday, appreciate and celebrate what you have, who you
are and all you do.
Use what
you have and take impeccable care of your whole Self.
Loving you
as I remind us both.
Betty Lue
Ingest the best and forget the rest. Take into your
body, mind and spirit only that which supports, sustains and inspires the BEST
in you.
Life is flow. To move with the flow is healthy. To resist
is stressful. Move with the natural inner movement physically, emotionally,
mentally, spiritually, etc.
To breathe in (inhale) fully life energy, Spirit, Prana,
inspiration, is to expand our awareness to open to an enlightened mind.
To exhale fully is to truly release what is no longer needed.
Reaching out with Love and respect for each other opens
our bodies and beings to trust in the gentleness we all deserve to experience.
Choose for those thoughts which heal and free you to be
unlimited in health and wholeness. Forgive (erase) the beliefs which are
limiting or false.
Carry with you an attitude of gratitude and love for
yourself and others. Allow yourself to see all things work together for
Moderation in all things will bring your life into
harmony. As we give ourselves what is really best for us, the extremes
are gently released.
What you perceive in others and the world you strengthen
in your Self. Focus on illness, disease and weakness and you actually
weaken yourself. See only health and wholeness and you move yourself in
the direction you are looking.
To clear out toxins and purify the system requires a
willingness to eliminate toxic thoughts, activities, relationships as well as
foods from your system. Flushing the system clean is aided with water,
fresh air, gentle movement and forgiveness.
To rest and relax your mind and body are invaluable to
being refreshed and revitalized. Each person has unique methods of relaxation -
meditation, music, being in nature, focused simple activity.