Sunday, November 30, 2014

“Give Only Good News”

I see good. I hear Good. I speak Good. I am good. 
I have good, I give Good. I share the Good I AM.
When I remember the Goodness within, I inspire Goodness in everyone.
I forgive all that is not for Goodness Sake and choose again for the Good.

If you don’t have anything good to say, don’t say anything at all.
If you are up to no good, stop and choose again.
Do only and always Good for Goodness sake.
Can it be that we have made the world we see?

The theme for my Sunday Talk at Brentwood Unity is Give Only Good News.
We must care enough to share what is Good, Healthy and Inspiring.
Life can be fun, safe and easy…….if we listen within for the messages for Good.
Everything works together for Good.
So what appeared  last week to be “not Good”?
So many folks needing physical, emotional and financial help.
Internet blocking my emailing Loving Reminders for 5 days.
Insurance authorization blocked because of misspelling my name.
Rentals needing attention.
No heat in Middletown office.
Schedule full with limited time for completion of paperwork.
Clients having extreme needs with alcohol, drugs, breakups and breakdowns.
So what is the inter-fear- ence?
What is the message?
Am I getting in my own way?
Is there a problem here?
Do I have too much to handle?
Have I Not responded with gratitude?
Am I Not been listening within?
Oh Dear, Where do I begin?

“I am Love.
It is only Love I am here to give.
When I am loving, all works well.
When I get frustrated, I block my love and faith.
All is working, when I am flowing with what is.
When I am feeling frustrated, my love is not flowing.
When I am pushed, I cannot hear and see where to go.
When I allow life to pull at me, I am not free.
I am here to be truly helpful.
I am here to listen within.
I am here to represent only Love.
I am here to fully realize the Love I am.”
Do I have too many responsibilities or do I simply need to respond with love?
Am I setting myself up to feel pulled and pushed or do I simply need to let go and know?
Am I clear about my own needs for time and space and do I appreciate my life of love and grace?
Am I not choosing what is highest and best for me and giving only the Highest Good for all I see?

No need for disaster, anger or fear.
I simply need to be clear.
I must allow myself to enjoy.
When I am not happy, I am off purpose.
So what do I do, when I don’t know what to do.
I let go and trust God.
I allow what is to be.
I set myself free.

And then there is the place where I am…….
Taking on the backlog of problems and pain of others requires release.
Am I releasing the pain and problems of the world?
Am I giving it all to God?
Am I trusting in the Goodness within?

I am here to care and share.
I am here to do the work and always return to Love.
I am to freely share what I have and give to those I can.
I am here to listen to God’s voice. It is my choice….
When I have faith, I am confident.
When I listen to God, I am at peace.
When I trust what I hear, I know what to say.
When I am happy, I am free.
And so it is, I must let go.
And so it is, I must listen within.
And so it is, I must trust and follow what I hear.
And so it is , I must choose happiness.
I love myself and my life.
I love giving and sharing.
I love listening and caring.
I love being the happy willing learned.

I am Love,
And I am loving, Betty Lue
And all of you, too!!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Stop Complaining!

I no longer need other’s approval. I now approve of myself.
I am highly pleasing to myself in the presence of others.
I live my life exactly the way it is highest and best for me.
I trust my choices and no longer need to complain or blame.

One reader’s amazing awarenesses:
“When I went to see you, all I wanted was to complain about all things I felt he was doing and not doing, that it was all blocking me from progressing, and causing me so much pain. I was intrigued/disappointed and curious about the things you said. You didn't want to hear about him at all. You kept bringing me back to myself. I even felt a hint of feminist angst that manifested in thoughts such as: "So it's all on us, women, to fix things?" and "Does she also think I'm the only one with the problem?"

But I knew there was more to it, it wasn't a new message, and was triggering an inner knowing, so I let it simmer...slowly, it's sinking in me as to why you take that approach. As long as I look outside myself, it seems I will feel weak. And as long as I look at what's wrong. I will keep my inner power from aligning with Creation, which is exactly what I need to do in order to accomplish anything in this life. I need to stop this game I'm playing: being afraid of it, yet desiring my power to arise. I'm stuck in this contradiction, wanting and pushing it away. It's very exhausting.

No Complaining or Blaming Please!

We lull ourselves into the myth of victimization when everything is about what they did or didn’t do.
We make ourselves frustrated or inconsolable, when we keep thinking it is what they did wrong.
We cannot do our own work, if we constantly focus on getting “him” or “them” to do their work.
How can we see ourselves when we are constantly looking at another?

Who is responsible for your life?
Who is responsible for your beliefs?
Who is responsible for your feelings?
Who is responsible for your choices?

If not, You, then Who is responsible?

Are you living in the delusion that the other person is responsible for your success or failure?
Do you honestly believe that someone else is responsible for your happiness or unhappiness?
Have you made someone else responsible for what you think or say or do?
Is it really true that you think “they” made you do it?

Yes, others have influence when we are unconscious, weak, drugged or ignorant.
Others create opportunities to choose “NO” or “YES”.
Others are in our space, to influence us much like subliminal advertising
But in the end, it is ourselves who choose what to believe, what to feel and what to choose.

We are responsible for our lives.
It is our ability to respond that teaches us what works and what doesn’t work.
It is our willingness to take care of our whole self that allows us to be response-able.
It is with self honesty that we stop lying, cheating and stealing from ourselves.

When we complain or blame, we are thinking, feeling and behaving like we are dependent.
When we act dependent, we allow others to tell, demand and even threaten to get what they want.
We make ourselves seem needy and afraid like a child needing someone to care for them.
When we weaken ourselves by deceiving ourselves and others with words of complaint and blame.

Complaining or whining is a habit learned usually in early childhood to get attention.
The habit is reinforced by those who console or cajole us in meeting our needs.
Blaming, tattling or gossiping to friends and family is another means of getting attention.
When we use these weak tactics learned in childhood we disempower and dilute our effectiveness.

Stop negative weakening habits.
Start taking 100% responsibility.
Begin with what you can do.
Appreciate yourself for changing your mind.

Complaining wastes energy.
Whining weakens our self image.
Blaming is ineffective.
Finding fault create guilt, withdrawal and/or retaliation.

Empower Your Words of clarity, focus, forgiveness and affirmation.
What you say, others hear as your truth.
Be consistent, concise, coherent and conscious.
Your words flavor your communication with what you want to be heard and digested.

Be aware and affirming.
Loving you, 
Betty Lue

Friday, November 28, 2014


I appreciate what I have.
I have what I really want.
I easily let go and allow only good in my life.
Goodness grows because I am grateful.

When you want “more”, you will get more of what you already have.
The universe responds to your thoughts and words exactly.
When you ask for more, the more may include what you no longer want.
Be specific and accurate in your requests.

More happiness and peace.
More love and respect.
More freedom and trust.
More gratitude and joy.

Consider what you really want.
Consider what are the side effects of wanting more.
Consider what the blessing is of appreciating more.
Consider what the gift is of giving more.

What is it that you request for yourself?
What do you want more of in your world?
When you ask for another, you are asking for all.
When you are receiving for yourself, you are receiving for all.

What you appreciate, you increase.
What you pay attention to, grows with your attention.
What you think and imagine, you create.
What you enjoy, you enhance.

Play over and over in your mind, and you will attract more of the same kind.
Review what has happened, and you encourage more of the same.
Analyzing and Asking why?  increases what we have to analyze.
The ever expanding field of the inner mind simply increase with our intention and interest.

Curiosity can be used to inspire useful, beautiful and helpful wonders.
Attachment and obsession can increase addiction, depression, anxiety and delusion.
When we use our thoughts and words carefully, we come to the conclusion we create our reality.
What we perceive and experience, we can ask for more or less or not at all.

When we simplify our lives, we see more light.
When we open our eyes, we perceive what really is.
When we let go of too much, we really enjoy what we have.
When we allow ourselves less, we experience more gratitude.

Give life a chance to be what it is.
Be discerning in sorting the wheat from the chaff.
Give appreciation to learning the fine art of choice.
Open to the simplicity of what you really value.

Light,  Light, more Light.
Clear the debris and clutter.
Surround yourself with what you Love.
Receive the bountiful gifts you already have.
And all Good will increase without end.

Wanting only the highest Good for you and all,
Betty Lue

Create Your Own Success

Know what Success is for you.
SMART= specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely.
Be open to identify what you have learned from life about success.

Easily and quickly forgive everything that has not worked.

Be kind to yourself and others with your thoughts, words and actions.

Take care of your creations with TLC- your body, money, thoughts, home, creations.

Eliminate all excess In wasting time, energy, money and things.

See how good your life is and appreciate the Love you are given and been asked for.

Speak, imagine and behave in ways that create success.  (Dress for Success.)

Work diligently on everything that is wise, useful and positive.

Hold the thoughts, words, deeds of Success by being Success and Giving Success.

Ten Keys to a Good Life:

Be Responsible for the entirety of your life.
Be Open to learn from everything and everyone.
Be Forgiving of all mistakes, yours and others.
Be Truly helpful by thinking, speaking and giving your best.
Be Impeccable in caring for your body, relationships, home, work, finances.
Be Willing to live with moderation in all things.
Be Aware of the Gift of Love and the Call for Love.
Be Exact with your thoughts and words; they create your life.
Be Hard-working with wisdom, gratitude and joy.
Be Good.  See Good. Think Good. Speak Good. Give Good.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Power of Thought

I choose thoughts and words to create.
I am empowered with thoughts and words of gratitude.
I learn quickly and easily to change my mind.
My mind works for me to create the Good I have.

What you think, you make so.
Thoughts create.
As a man thinks, so is he.
What you conceive and believe, you achieve.

The creative power of the universe does not discern, positive or negative.
Creation can be used to calm or disturb.
Words can be used to empower or weaken.
Thoughts can be used to inspire or depress.

Choose your thoughts consciously.
Choose your words wisely.
Erase the thoughts and words you do not want to experience.
Repeat the thoughts and words you do what ot experience.

It is this simple.
The out-picturing of both conscious and unconscious thoughts at experienced.
When we make up that life just happens, we are misinformed.
When we realize life is what we believe (and/or fear), we are able to change our minds.

Thoughts and images we choose to hold in our minds attract those that agree.
Thought and imagination are our creative expression allowing us to experience what we choose.
Thoughts and ideas generate feelings depending on how we perceive (judge) them.
Thinking is a powerful tool to be used by us for changing our life experiences.

Changing the channel on our external TV screen is our choice.
Changing what we watch on our inner TV screen is an option.
Developing the consciousness to notice what we are believing and imagining requires effort.
The mind is programmed to watch certain inner movies which we can replay or delete.

What thoughts and images we replay or delete is our choice.
Do we choose old movies with same script and outcome or choose new movies with new experiences?
What we archive to replay old familiar stories are our memories.
We choose the memories we delete and the ones we watch again and again.

On this holiday, choose what is right and true  for you.
Begin with your own thoughts, words and behavior.
Choose wisely and well what you really want to be and do and have.
Change your thoughts, your words and activities to project the experience you want to have.

Gratitude works to inspire you.
Gratitude works to empower you.
Gratitude works to remind you.
Gratitude gives you a new mind, new words and new interactions.

Be thankful today and everyday.
I am grateful for the Good I have created with my thoughts, words and deeds.
Loving you, Betty Lue

Ten Keys to a Good Life:

Be Responsible for the entirety of your life.
Be Open to learn from everything and everyone.
Be Forgiving of all mistakes, yours and others.
Be Truly helpful by thinking, speaking and giving your best.
Be Impeccable in caring for your body, relationships, home, work, finances.
Be Willing to live with moderation in all things.
Be Aware of the Gift of Love and the Call for Love.
Be Exact with your thoughts and words; they create your life.
Be Hard-working with wisdom, gratitude and joy.
Be Good.  See Good. Think Good. Speak Good. Give Good.

Prayer for Goodness

Dear One,
I hold you in the light and love of God.  
I pray that as you open yourself to divine blessings, you receive greater peace, health and prosperity. 
I envision you healthy and whole, pursuing your goals and fulfilling your dreams.
I pray that at the start of your day, you are filled with confidence and energy, ready to experience a day of meaning and fulfillment.
 I pray that tonight as you lay your head on your pillow, ready for sleep, you have peace about the day that is ending and expectation of Good for the new day to come.

 And so it is. Amen

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Give Only Good News

The topic is be positive.
Share what is for Goodness sake.
Life is fun, safe and easy.
Everything works together for Good.

So what appears to be not Good?
Study Buddies teacher needing medical and financial help.
Internet blocking my Loving Reminders
Medi Cal screening and authorization blocked.
Rentals needing attention.
No heat in Middletown Suite.
Schedule full with limited time for completing.
Clients having extreme needs with alcohol

And what is the inter-fear-ence?
Too much to handle?
Not responding with ease?
Not listening within?

Where do I begin?
Tell yourself the truth as you hear it.

I am Love.
It is my Love I am here to give.
When I am loving all works well.
When I get frustrated, I block my love and faith.

All is working when I am flowing with what is.
When I am feeling frustrated, my love is not flowing.
When I am pushed, I cannot hear and see where to go.
When I allow life to pull at me, I am not free.

I am here to be truly helpful.
I am here to listen within.
I am here to represent only Love.
I am here to fully realize the Love I am.

Do I have too many to respond to?
Am I setting myself up to feel pulled and pushed.
Am I clear about my own needs for time and space?
Am I not choosing what is highest and best for me?

No need for disaster, anger or fear.
I simply need to be clear.
I must allow myself to enjoy.
When I am not happy, I am off purpose.

So what do I do when I don’t know what to do.
I let go and trust God.
I allow what is to be.
I set myself free.

And then there is the place where I am
Taking on the shit and pain of others requires release.
Am I releasing the pain and problems of the world.
Am I giving it all to God.

Am I trusting in the Goodness within.
I am here to care and share.
I am here to do the work and always return to Love.
I am the share what I have and give to those I can.
I am here to listen to God’s voice.

When I have faith, I am confident.
When I listen to God, I am at peace.
When I trust what I hear, I know what to say.
When I am happy, I am free.

And so it is, I must let go.
And so it is, I must listen within.
And so it is, I must trust and follow what I hear.
And so it is , I must choose happiness.

I love myself and my life.
I love giving and sharing.
I love listening and caring.
I love being the happy willing learned.

I am Love,
Betty Lue

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Life Changing Words

I consciously choose words to heal.
I desire a positive outcome to every exchange.
I express my highest truth to achieve the highest Good.
I use language that is beneficial with love as my intention.

Listen to the words you use.
Pay attention to what they say.
Learn how they are received by others.
Honor what the receiver hears.

So often people say what they do not mean.
People often neglect to say what is true.
Messages are often coded with mixed messages.
What we are saying is really intended for ourselves.

Consider using these phrases frequently.
Watch what happens to your relationships.
Feel what is going on within you.
Learn how words can heal.

I am Sorry
Please forgive me.
Thank You .
I Appreciate

I am sorry you are hurting.
I am sorry for not knowing.
I am sorry you feel that way.
I am sorry for pain and problems.

Please forgive me for misunderstanding.
Please forgive me for not seeing the strength and goodness in you.
Please forgive me for not knowing what to say or do.
Please forgive me for not giving you what you want.

Thank you for caring and sharing.
Thank you for telling me your truth.
Thank you for taking good care of you.
Thank you for forgiving me and others too!

I appreciate how we are learning.
I appreciate clearing pain, problems and misunderstanding.
I appreciate how you are loving yourself .
I appreciate you for living your life your way.

When you share with others, be aware of how they hear what you say.
Meanings are distorted by feelings, tones, energies and  life experiences.
People take what they hear and run it through the filter of their lives.
Words have many definitions and interpretations, so consider what you say .

Choose wisely and well.
Deliver the message that is true in your heart.
Clarify the goal you would achieve.
Always intending and extending Love on One and All!!
Betty Lue

“If you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all.”
From My Grandma Dickerson and possible your Grandma too!!