Complaining is fatiguing and ineffective.
Complaining drains us and those to whom we complain.
Complaining may have worked as children, but we need to outgrow the habit.
Complaining is the way we convince ourselves and others that we are not responsible.
When we complain, we behave like victims.
When we complain, we sound like children.
When we complain, we blame others.
When we complain, we act helpless.
Complaints deny our creative power, our spiritual response-ability, our wisdom and our love.
Complaints set us up to forget to ask ourselves:” What can I do to be truly helpful?”
Complaints distract us from the obvious solution. “To learn to Trust .”
Complaints often go unheard and judged, rather than respected and responded to with love.
So now what? No complaining!
What can we do that will be effective?
Any positive change will make a difference.
Even one step in the direction you want to go will help change things.
Complaining about something? Set a good example.
If complaining about trash, pick up trash regularly.
If complaining about people being disrespectful, treat everyone with respect.
If complaining about people wasting money, be a good steward with your money.
If complaining about people being late, choose to be on time and apologize when late.
If complaining about the government, get involved, vote and write letters.
If complaining about health, do something positive with diet, exercise, attitude and professional help.
If complaining about family members, set a good example and be specific about what you want to change.
If complaining about work, change your attitude, your job and reward yourself with appreciation.
The best way to heal the complaining habit is with gratitude.
Develop a conscious habit of appreciating everything in life.
Create a gratitude journal and write 10 or more things you appreciate every night before bed.
Make your communication with others a gift of positive sharing rather than negative judgments.
Over the years, I have followed the self-made principle:
If I see something that needs to be done, it is mine to do.
If you see something you believe needs to be done differently, then do it.
Feel grateful that you can and do respond with joy and blessing.
Let go of complaints and respond with wisdom and love to change our world.
Clean up the negative and depleting habit of complaining.
Choose the positive and energizing habit of gratitude.
Fulfill your function by doing what you can do with joy.
Easy to do and it will always be loving you,
Betty Lue