Forgive yourself.
When you know better, you will do better.
Forgive others.
When they know a better way, they will live a better way.
Forgive yourself.
When you remember You are Love, you will give only Love.
Forgive them.
When we realize we come from Love to create only Love, we will be only Love.
Forgive your Self.
If you had been consciously raised and respectful treated, you would treat all with respect and love.
Forgive all of us.
Give Love
Love is the creative power.
Love is the healing agent.
Love is Who we really are.
Love is our sacred path.
Love is our Gratitude extended.
Love is what guides our way.
Love is broken hearts mended.
Love is the beginning and end of our days.
When you withhold love, you feel sick.
When you stop loving, you block your clarity and knowing.
When you will not love, you forget and deny yourself.
When you do not love, you lose your way.
When you forgive yourself, you open the flow.
When you erase the past, you choose to know.
When you release resentment, you remember your reason for being.
When you undo what is not true, you see the truth.
When you forgive the darkness, you see the light.
When you let go and open the flow, the Son shines again.
When you release mistaken ways, the right way emerges.
When you surrender to the One, you remember the One within.
How hard can this be?
Forgive and you will see.
It is easy to let go.
It is safe to love.
It is joyous to be new!
Forgiveness is an eraser filled with love.
When you erase the resentment, hurt, guilt and fear you have held, you return to Love.
Love is your natural state.
All wounds are revealed and healed.
You can begin again, whole, happy and free.
Life works for you when you remember Love.
Life is fun, safe and easy when you let go and know only Love.
Loving us all as we awaken and remember!
Betty Lue