Spring is the time for new beginnings.
When you don’t know where you are going, you go nowhere adrift in the unconscious.
When you don’t know what you want to grow, your harvest is minimal, mixed and whatever happens to be.
When you don’t know who you are, you are a chameleon changing identities according to others ideas.
If you have no purpose and no direction, you may feel lost, confused, empty.
If you see nothing of value, you may experience whatever is left around by others.
There is no external puppeteer managing your life.
Your essence or inner self will guide you if you are willing to listen and follow.
This inner Essence or God Self is always available to you for direction.
This inner guidance system knows your Value, your Gifts, your Greatness and your Higher Destiny.
When you quiet the external personality voices of limitation, lack, and littleness, you can hear.
You know this Voice because it tells you only of trust, freedom, possibility, peace and true happiness.
Following the personality leads to reliving past programming, unhealthy habits, depressing emotions.
Following the Higher Self leads to being fully Present, healthy choices and emotions of gratitude and joy.
When you give yourself to the Highest Good, you give your mind to creating only Good.
When you trust the Higher Power and guidance within you, you live as an innocent and trusting child.
Spring is the season of planting seeds of trust, freedom, loving service and happy contribution.
Spring is the time to make positive choices for healing the past and creating a good life.
Spring is the season of renewed energy, joy and the freedom to create an expanded field of possibility.
Spring is the gift of sunlight, light of the Son, shining on you and within you.
To fully embrace Spring, breathe deeply the fresh spring air.
Love the drops of rain as they fall on the earth, cleansing and nurturing new life.
Enjoy the green grasses and spring flowers, the budding trees and birds chirping their “wake up” songs.
Celebrate with gratitude the new life everywhere announcing making all things new again in you.
“How could anyone ever tell you, you were anything less than beautiful?
How could anyone ever tell you, you were less than whole?
How could anyone fail to notice, that your loving is a miracle?
How deeply you’re connected to my Soul?”
From me to you!
I am singing from my heart to yours.
May this Spring bring a happy heart and an open mind, ready and willing to experience miracles of Love.
I am loving you.
Betty Lue
Let real Love, Divine Love, unconditional Love and lasting Love in and Receive it personally.