Buddhists often say “Attachments are the source of all suffering.”
When we are attached to a person, we fear them leaving us.
When we are attached to life in a body, we fear losing our physical embodiment.
When we are attached to having lots of money, we fear losing our financial security.
When we are attached to how we look, we fear losing our beauty or physical attractiveness.
When we are attached to what others think about us, we fear losing their approval and respect.
When we are attached to our homes, we fear being homeless or losing our home.
When we are attached to our children’s success, we fear the possibility of their failure.
When we are attached to having life be a certain way, we fear being disappointed.
When we are attached to being smart or clever, we fear losing our intelligence.
When we are attached to our memories, we fear forgetting the past.
When we are attached to being right, we fear being wrong.
When we are attached to perfection, we fear making mistakes.
We seem to always find something to fear losing, when we are attached to having……..
We seem to defend, protect, justify, explain and spend enormous energy to keep what we want.
We seem to be angry, conflicted, scared, withholding, blaming and crazy when faced with loss.
When we choose to let go and seek only inner peace, we find connection, clarity, confidence and ease.
The meaning of “Let Go and Let God” is diverse.
When we release, we find the Peace of God.
When we forgive, we remember the joy of simple Love.
When we surrender, we claim the bounty of All That Is Whole and True and Good.
Love is Trust.
~The trust that can only come when we let go and let it be.
~The trust that gives us a steadfast and eternal foundation of certainty.
~The trust that is the bedrock of life, liberty and creation itself.
When we trust that Love never ends, we can let go.
When we trust that we are Loved always and forever, we can let go.
When we trust that we are perfectly guided perfectly to fulfill our destiny, we can let go.
When we trust that we are created by Love to express Love, we can let go.
The world we have created for ourselves is filled with distractions, illusions and disappointments.
The world we see teaches mega-attachment to things and bodies, achievements and assets/
The world we see judges choices and mistakes, opportunities and possibilities.
The world we see is what we have created is our investment in our attachments.
What matters to you is what you value.
What you value is what you create.
What you create becomes your inspiration or attachment.
Your inspiration inspires you to enjoy your creations, while your attachment gets you stuck in attachment.
We each choose the freedom of Love and letting go of the attachments of Fear and suffering.
Loving you, with freedom and trust,
Betty Lue
¤ I love you ¤
and I know you love me too.
The freedom for you and I to be who we are.
The freedom to live life as we do.
The freedom to make mistakes and learn from them.
The freedom to express our own truth as we see it.
The trust that there is a constant flow of love,
no matter what.
The trust that, in spite of life’s problems,
we believe in and support each other’s right
to live as we choose.
The trust that in adversity,
there is healing and learning and gifts of love.
The trust that under conflict and emotional expression,
there is love
I love you and I trust you.
I free you to be all you are.
Betty Lue 1978