October is often experienced as the month of letting go.
As the leaves change colors and fall from the trees, it reminds us to let go of our perceptions to be willing to see things differently.
As leaves drop away leaving the trees bare and visible, it is a reminder to let our limiting beliefs and cover-up drop away so we can see the essential Truth.
To let go of our beliefs, requires a trust in something invisible, something unseen, the Great Mystery.
To let go asks only that we be willing to see what really Is, beneath what appears to be.
To let go invites us to be fully Present for this moment and each moment, knowing there is Love.
To let go is the easiest and most natural thing in the world. It is the flow of all life.
It is important to know that letting go creates a void, an experience of momentary openness, a void.
Because most of us have learned to never let there be silence, emptiness, quiet, we avoid the void.
Yet, it is in the void, the stillness, the empty mind, that we know God and hear God's word.
It is in the nothingness that we find everything that is Real and Whole and Eternal.
Can you remember to breathe and let go?
Are you willing to trust and to know?
Can you live and let God?
Is there room in your life for quiet?
Breathe gently and simply sit, open and willing.
Stop and simply observe what is within and without.
Be present and pay attention to what speaks to you.
Allow yourself to listen within trusting God lives in You.
Loving you,
Betty Lue
Free workshops with Betty Lue: (Love offerings always appreciated for these two non-profit centers.)
Today, Sunday 10/22, 12:30-4PM , Find Purpose, Passion and Spiritual Plan , Home of Truth, 1300 Grand St. Alameda
Sunday 10/29 , 12:30-4PM, Define and Design Success in Living Spiritual Vision, Home of Truth
Sunday 11/5, 1:30-3PM, Heal Yourself and Your Life, Center for Conscious Living, 140 Mayhew Way, Suite #200, Pleasant Hill
Sunday, 11/18, 12:30-4PM, Putting It Into Action, Home of Truth, 1300 Grand St. Alameda
Sunday, 12/3, 1:30-4PM, Coping with Stress, Center for Conscious Living, 140 Mayhew Way #200, Pleasant Hill