We are closer to the Home of Truth, a metaphysical Center in Alameda , where I am part of the triumverate ministerial team offering , Sunday services, classes and spiritual support and direction.
Our life purpose includes spending creative, supportive and happy times with our four (soon 5) grandchildren each week.
While I allowed "stressville" to get my body this week, I am now catching up, as I easily let go of everything that is not wholly loving and true. Whatever, we are not actively using and enjoying will be released from our belonsings in the next few weeks. We are using this move to reevaluate our schedule, our habits of body and mind, our purpose and focus and choose to begin anew, living in Truth.
Simplicity yields true prosperity in all things.
Is it possible you have too much stuff?
Whatever we own,,owns a piece of us.
If we cannot care for it with love and positive attention, it is distracting us from our Good.
Is it possible you have too much to do?
Whatever we do, must be done with joy to add to our aliveness and abundance.
If we cannot do it with joy, we can find someone else who might do it with ease and joy.
Is it possible you have too many to care for?
Whenever we feel guilt because we have not responded with Love, we have over-committed.
We can renegotiate relationship agreements to honestly offer support without sacrifice or withhold.
Is it possible you want too much?
When we feel our worth is based on what we own, what we do, or what we give, we are mistaken.
Our worth is established by the Love within us, our Creator and Source. Nothing we can do can change Eternal Love.
Is it possible we are already, rich, abundant and blessed?
We are here to be abundant in happiness, inner peace and the joy of being.
Letting go of whatever is not safe, fun and easy is a choice for true prosperity.
Loving you,
Betty Lue
Just like mommy...