Those who listen to the Voice for God know great peace.
Those who listen within know all is well.
Those who listen within know there is a gift in every experience.
Those who listen within know they are blessed.
Those who listen within trust they are loved.
Those who listen within feel safe and ease.
Those who listen within know God is real.
Those who listen within have what they need.
Those who listen within know they are not alone.
Those who listen within experience the joy of being.
Those who listen within are confident and trusting.
Those who listen within let go and let God.
To listen within is a daily practice.
To listen within is a gift of the Spirit.
To listen within is your Divine Appointment.
To listen within asks only your time and your willingness.
Set aside a sacred place (special chair somewhere).
Set aside an appointed hour.( with no interruptions or distractions.)
Make it a daily ritual to sit quietly with an empty pad and pen and wait.
If you have questions, requests or concerns, write them down first.
Make a choice to tune in the channel with the Highest Truth.
Decide to be patient and peaceful until you feel and know the Voice Within.
All have the ability to hear and few have the willingness and openness.
Write down everything you think and hear and feel (one word at a time.)
Your ego tends to erase the Truth you hear, the guidance you feel.
Your ego may over talk or convince you, you cannot hear anything.
Trust there is a quiet, peaceful and loving Voice in you, waiting for you.
"I am here, waiting for you, God of my Being, I am here."
The more you demonstrate your willingness to take the time.
The more you happily follow the guidance you hear.
The more you trust the Holy Spirit,
The more your ego will sit back and relax.
Listen within and all the Abundance of the Universe will be yours.
Peace, Joy, Love and the Creative Power of Spirit is your gift.
Enjoy, and Give thanks,
Betty Lue
I am off to NC on Wednesday with Robert.
Will return next Monday, October 16.
Tonight+ Awaken Your Authentic Self
Wednesday=no relationships class