Saturday, September 09, 2023





I use my words to be truly inspiring.

I use my time to give what is helpful.

I use my prayer to remind us to love.

I use my life to make a difference.

Volunteer Your Time and Talents!

Give your life to Good.

Contribute your time to what is beneficial.

Give to what inspires Good in others.

Volunteering awakens Love within you.

You are a volunteer here.

Your choice is to use your voice for what you want.

Your opportunity is to give what is good for you.

You decide where and how you want to spend your time, energy and money.

You can listen to others. 

You can defend against the world.

You can manifest the life you want.

You can create what is best for yourself.

Consider what inspires you.

Notice what brings you peace.

Observe what changes those around you.

Be aware of how you can influence others.

You can make things better.

You can inspire others to be better.

You can manifest what is better for all.

You can be your best Self.

I have noticed those who volunteer to be helpful are happier.

I have seen those who contribute to the benefit of their community are more confident.

I have observed that the ones who give to others seem healthier and more at peace.

I believe we are here to use our thoughts, words and activities to contribute to the good of all.

Every step we take can make a difference.

Every word we speak can be inspiring.

Every activity can be truly helpful.

We need not waste our time in life.

Where do you see a need?

Perhaps your home and family need help.

Maybe your workplace needs your attention.

Have you noticed your community needs volunteers?

I look for the ways in which I am called to serve.

I seek the possibilities for my gifts, talents and resources.

When I see a need, I fill it with gratitude and joy.

I demonstrate my love and caring with my loving service.

I know everyone is needed, wanted and valued.

Thanks for volunteering.

Betty Lue