I love being cheerful.
I free myself to trust, when I am of good cheer.
I know that my happiness is contagious.
I freely give the cheerfulness I receive.
Be Of Good Cheer
A smile energizes us in all adventures.
Love shines through our gratitude.
We all feel better when we are cheerful.
Be of good cheer and know help will appear.
Being cheerful can clear our thinking.
Being happy can give us hope.
Being positive can show us a better way.
Being cheerful will make our day.
It is often difficult to stop worrying.
It may be frightening to see what is.
Life may now be good around us.
But being cheerful fills us with light.
It is in light that we see what is right.
It is in the light that we create anew.
It is our light that inspires others.
It is our delight that opens our vision.
We can be cheerful about someone or something.
We can share our cheer with those who seek love.
We can give our blessings and others receive.
We can be of good cheer and trust in our Good.
We are in times of turmoil and disaster.
Our human family needs our positive prayer.
We can affirm and be of help.
Our natural way is to cheer up and do good works.
What have you done for your self today?
What can you do for your family and home?
How can you respond to you communities’ needs?
What can you do to make one person hopeful?
It is with a cheerful heart that we are energized to help.
It is with a cheerful heart that we can do something good.
It is with a cheerful heart that you and I make others happy.
Cheerfulness makes us all healthier, happier and more grateful.
Loving you well with a cheerful heart,
Betty Lue
A cheerful heart is a good medicine, but a downcast spirit dries up the bones.—
Proverbs 17:22