The more I respect myself, the more I am respected.
I see what I choose to see.
When I see the best, I encourage the best for myself and others.
I encourage us to see what is good, whole and beautiful.
If you want respect, give respect to yourself and others.
What you want, you must first give.
What you see will be what you look for.
So look with respect on yourself and others.
I choose to see you new each day.
People change daily, even moment by moment.
It is only our judgments and projections that keep things stuck and the same.
When you are willing to see yourself new daily, you will see the evidence of change.
When you look in the mirror, look for what you value.
Stop looking for what you judge.
Start seeing yourself with a new perspective.
You need to notice the light in your eyes and the love in your face.
When you are seeing and respecting what is new in you, you will see the new in others.
What you look for, you will see.
When you seek to see the Good, you will not only see the Good, but you will Be The Good.
Your choice is to see the best in everyone, including yourself.
I wake up with a different body and mind each day.
I see my husband new each day.
I stop assuming what was yesterday will be today.
I let go of my projections and predictions of what will be.
I know we are all changing.
The world is changing.
People may try to stay the same to be comfortable.
People may want to be better to feel better.
Our perspective is our choice.
I choose to see positive change.
I want to be the positive change.
I prefer to wonder and celebrate the changes for good.
Respect is defined as a willingness to “look again”.
When we look deeper, we see more.
When we look for the beauty and perfection, we can see it coming through.
What we seek to see, we are choosing what we find.
It is true that what we conceive and believe, we will achieve.
It is true we encourage, facilitate and even create what we want to see and be.
It is true our attitude toward others will seem to appear as we choose.
It is true our respect, trust and appreciation is our way of creating what is good.
Blessings for seeking what is highest and best for all concerned.
Betty Lue