I fill myself with Divine Love and freely share Love with all.
I forgive myself for rejecting or abandoning those needing love.
I release the fear of love and those who are needy or dependent.
I trust Love within me to guide me to love without creating dependency.
Falling in Love with Love!
We are attracted to something or someone where we can learn or be inspired
We are equally repelled by where we have something to learn or heal.
Relationships give us many opportunities to heal what is missing or wounded or incomplete.
Where we love, we long to see and be what we love in another or something outside ourselves.
Love holds opportunities to learn.
Love gives us chances to forgive.
Love shows us what is missing in ourselves.
Love is the way we can walk closer to God.
Divine Love or Agape Love is unconditional.
Eros Love is human and conditional, based on feelings and needs.
When we are conflicted by love, we know we are in fear.
Life teaches us to Love everyone all the time to be at peace.
Love-Hate relationships are full of conditions to get love we want.
Truly Loving relationship hold no grievances and Love no matter what.
Affairs or infatuations are simply seeking to reclaim a feeling or experience of being “in Love”.
Going from one relationship to another is usually a call to find the true and lasting Love we seek.
True and lasting, unconditional Love is found within ourselves.
This Love is patient and kind, giving and forgiving.
When we seek for Love, we often seek to fill ourselves with what is missing.
When we want to know Love, we find the love we give within ourselves.
Conditional Love seeks to find Love, get Love, feel Love and fill with another’s love.
Unconditional Love seeks only to give Love and share the Love we have with others.
There is only Love freely given, asking nothing and the lack of love, asking or needing love.
When we love, we joyfully share this love for all creations.
Those who seek for Love have lost their inner connection with the Divine Love within.
Those who are demanding Love have forgotten their innocence and self-worth.
Those who are longing for Love have been caught in the human need to have closeness and connection.
Those who are addicted to Love feel abandoned, betrayed, forsaken or bereft of Love.
We are born to Love and be Love, as our natural state.
In giving Love, we receive the Love we are.
When we remove all obstacles to the Presence of Love we are fulfilled, happy and at peace.
When we feel guilty, angry, hurt or afraid, we call for Love to remember the Love within.
Love is a gift of healing and grace.
Forgiveness is a gift to be given to heal.
Remember to forgive yourself for forgetting You Are Love.
Love is the way to live and give with Gratitude.
Loving you always,
Betty Lue
What can you do to heal the fear in yourself, in your community and in the world?
Fear contracts. Love expands.
Fear withholds. Love shares.
Fear defends. Love is open.
Fear judges. Love appreciates.
Fear condemns. Love forgives.
Fear separates. Love joins.
Fear acts out. Love responds.
Fear withdraws. Love reaches out.
Fear shuts down. Love opens up.
Fear argues. Love listens.
Fear excludes. Love includes.
Fear worries. Love blesses.
Fear justifies. Love trusts.
Fear is stingy. Love is generous.
Fear is pushy. Love is patient.
Fear can be cruel. Love is kind.
Fear is suspicious. Love trusts.
Fear demands. Love guides.
Fear cowers. Love is courageous.
Fear takes care of its own. Love is helpful to all.
Fear distorts our thinking. Love sees clearly.
Fear speaks of wrongs. Love speaks of value.
Often fear makes us sick at heart and sick in body.
Often fear shuts down our ability to think, feel and act for Good.
Often fear limits our healthy appropriate responses.
Each of us is called to manage, forgive, heal and release the fear in our lives.
What can you do to handle your fear and to help others with theirs?