I am playing my part and learning to Love more.
I live in the awareness I am You and You are me.
Learning is fun, safe and easy, when we stop judging.
Life is my University and I am always a student.
In One
are One.
And yet you are
You are created in
Love as Love to be loving.
And you may not see
yourself as always Loving.
So what of these various personality expressions?
Sometimes angry,
judgmental, impatient and easily frustrated?
apologetic, compassionate, caring and accepting?
fearful, forgetting, uncertain and full of doubt?
And do you remember what is true about you?
Are you aware of
how to clear the emotional changes?
Has hunger,
fatigue and pain affected your emotional reactions?
How do you change
from emotional reaction to loving response?
Are there many personalities in you?
Or are there
aspects of self you have learned?
Have you
incorporated what is expected?
Can you sort out
the essential essence of Who You Truly Are?
have the choice to be what is familiar and acceptable..
We can choose the
part we play on each stage of life.
Some behave mature
when they are young
behave childlike when they are older.
may find in certain settings you take on different personalities.
You may play
different parts at home with family vs. when seen in public
Personality changes
and emotional reactions are a choice when self-aware.
And we can alter
what parts we show as preferred to serve our needs.
play many parts of humanity.
I can see my mother
and father, my child self and my wise elder.
I can choose to be a
fair witness to the ways I am expressing and emoting.
When I get lost
in my part as does an actor, I may totally forget who I Am.
are all actors on the stage of life.
We reveal ourselves
when we feel safe.
As we heal past
wounds, we awaken.
As we awaken, we are
able to choose and change.
learn as we go, allowing ourselves to forgive and accept many differences.
As we see and feel
things differently, we openly feel more accepting and allowing.
In our tolerance,
patience and open0mindedness we trust more in Love within us all.
Let us make way for
what is revealing and healing and showing more acceptance for all.
learning to see more truly and love more dearly and be the Love I Am.
Betty Lue