I remember to remember to love.
Love is the way I am heard.
I know Love works because it works with me.
Love is the only Power that is Good for All.
Only Love
More Fears please!
No more Tears
No more anger, for
goodness sake.
What do we really
say we want Love.
We say we want
We say we want to
get along.
We say it, but
what do we do?
say we want Peace.
We say we want
We say we want
Do we teach and
demonstrate only Love?
may say we want peace and harmony.
Teachers say we want
respect and cooperation.
Leaders say we want
people to stop criticizing us.
Are we setting
the example and showing how?
how people, young and old, want to be treated.
Consider what
inspires children to do well with learning.
Consider how people
follow their leaders with dedication.
How are we
teaching and leading and parenting others?
If parents, teachers and elders are not living what they teach. what do we
all learn?
If there is fear,
threats and intimidation what do we all learn?
If there is
punishment, hurting and pain, what do people feel?
If there is
anger, violence and attack, what do the people want?
is Our time to clean up our own behavior.
Let us learn to stop
bullying in our speech..
Let us give up
violent talk, media and criticism.
Let us stop causing
fears and tears and angry behavior.
we see we have caused fear and hurt, anger and pain, stop and apologize.
There is always a
better way to teach.
When we recognize we
have bullied and demanded, shamed and blamed, it is time to stop.
There is a kind,
respectful, gentle, and patient way to share and teach and lead everyone.
is the most powerful and effective way to teach love, respect, responsibility
and cooperation.
Teach only Love.
This applies to our
children, our parents, our neighbors, our students.
The works when we
remember to teach only Love to ourselves.
to learn when I am loved.
Loving to teach when
I remember to Love,
Betty Lue
The only mistake we ever make is when we forget to Love.