Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Are You Listening?

I listen to myself and my own needs and respond with compassion, clarity and love.
I listen to others’ needs and feelings and respond with connection, compassion and Love.
I set aside time to be present with an open heart and willing to facilitate the return to wholeness.
I remember Love and return to Wholeness and Holiness.

Is Anyone Really Listening?

Is your mind open and receptive?
Do you really want to hear and know?
Are you caring about what others are saying to you?
Can you listen with compassion and respect?

Listen to the words.
What are they trying to say?
Listen to the tone of voice.
What is the sound reminding you of?

Listen for the feeling.
Feel their tears and fears.
Listen to the request.
What are they asking from you?

Listen for what is in their heart.
Can you hear deep inside what abides within?
Listen for the connection.
Do you see the way they are reflecting something in you?

Listen for the message to you.
Are you able to hear what the gift is for you?
Listen for your spiritual response.
Can you feel your gentle and heartfelt loving response?

Listen to what is false and what is true.
Do you hear only the surface or can you feel the depth of their truth?
Listen for the Love and the call for Love.
Are you willing to know there is always a way to respond with Love?
Listen for what is trash to be thrown away.
Can you forgive and let go of what is not useful ?
Listen for what is treasure to be cherished and remembered.
Are you open and willing to release the temporary and value the eternal?

If you do not hear the call for Love, you have not listened deeply enough.
Everyone seeks to love and be loved, to be safe and offer safety.
Under all anger, is the desperation of fear, grief, regret and feeling unworthy, useless and alone.
“I don't know what to do, so I express anger, frustration, impatience, desperation and craziness.”

When you love and respect yourself, you respond to your own needs with healing and comfort.
When you do not know who you are and question your worth, you may react to uncertainty with anger.
When you are afraid and cannot find your safe place, you may react with withdrawal and depression.
Our real work is to learn to listen, to care, to be there with our willingness to love no matter what.

Loving you and me by listening within to the call for Loving Reminders for us all,
Betty Lue

When you are upset, listen deeply to yourself to hear and clear the fear and pain, hurt and anger.
If you need to listen to yourself, your thoughts and ideas, feeling and desires, write in a journal daily.
When you listen to any one, you are making a difference to yourself and to everyone!
This is our holy healing work to clear the fear, the pain, separation and lack of love.
Learn to listen deeply, beneath all mind chatter, faulty beliefs and limiting thoughts.
The Truth lies inside.
Listen, Listen, Listen to your heartsong.
I am loving us all.  
It is love that prevails in all things, large and small.
Above all, let us simply remember to love.
Betty Lue