I take impeccable care of myself and my life.
I give my best to others because I care.
I receive what I give with gratitude and joy.
I show that I care and share my love and respect daily.
Share Our Best!
Have you learned to share?
3 & 4 year olds
learn to share in preschool.
Some adults never
have learned to share.
When we focus only
on ourselves, we sometimes forget to share.
we are busy trying to be first, we may not notice the ones behind us.
When we are trying
to get all we can, we may not notice the need to give.
When we get attached
to our own problems, we may not care about others.
When we are
self-involved, we may forget or neglect the call for love in those around us.
to take care of yourself.
Handle your own
basic needs.
Start your day in a
positive way.
Be respectful and
kind to you.
we have not managed our own basic needs, we have no ability to really care for
basics you may need to learn.
· Go to bed
and getting up at a regular time.
· Eat the
best foods at regular mealtimes.
· Clean
up after yourself in the kitchen.
· Personal
care done daily with self respect.
· Make
your bed and clean your room.
· Spend
money wisely with appreciation.
· Use you
time well for education, information, helpfulness.
· Give
yourself really good rest, good food, good friends, good play and work.
· Everyday
engage in something meaningful, helpful and creative.
tempted to get lazy in your life, you will see your self esteem, health and
happiness go down.
The more we do what
is good for us, the more we feel good about ourselves and our wellbeing.
Value yourself and
how you live and love and give.
You matter in
everything you think and say and do.
Loving you and
sharing the best I know,
Betty Lue