Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Call to Joy!

I choose to be happy and free.
I choose to see all things differently.
I choose to go the way of Love.
I choose to follow the path of delight.

What Path Do You Follow?

This morning in my writing, my inner guidance, I was reminded to Follow the Path of Joy!

“Go where you experience joy and light.
Enter into the house of love and peace,
Lift up your voice to laughter and singing.
When life takes you down, look up.

Life is your calling—Live well and prosper.
Take time to celebrate and innovate.
Be free in Spirit and full of Gratitude.
Allow grace to guide you as you look into the face of God.

Your holy work is healing work.
To be healing, you must make happy and bring peace.

Give Love and let it show.
Give Love and let it grow.
Give Love and you will know,
Doing what comes naturally.”
(A song I wrote yrs ago. Substitute Joy and peace.)

It takes so little to give ourselves the love and light we really want.
When we are aware, we can step away from fear and darkness.
As we consciously choose the joyful ways to live, we remember.
As we consistently choose loving ways to give, we enjoy our lives.

We each and all deserve a life of all good and only good.
We need not stay in the dark and hope for the light to come.
We need not try to change others ways to be happy and free.
We can come to our own choice and raise our own voice.

Life choices are made individually.
We can choose our own path to follow.
We can sing our own song and happy way.
We can live our own lives following the light within us.

When we contemplate staying where we are, ask what is our highest calling?
When we listen within to the inner child, the innocent one, what does he or she really want?
When we long for love and light, a peaceful and restful night, where do we go?
When we set ourselves free, how can we see things differently and live our own truth?

Life is our choice everyday.
We can choose the happy way of love or the unhappy ways of fear.
We can choose to free ourselves to move or get mired in fear and dependence.
We can let go and allow only Goodness or hang on and wait for winning the lottery.

Be free.
Be happy.
Choose wisely.
Live in Love.
Betty Lue

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