use my time for Love.
take my time to connect and communicate Love.
am efficient in my use of time by focusing on what matters.
easily complete what is important to me in the time I have.
About Time
you aware of how you use your time?
Do you notice
your utilization of time?
Time can we
effective, valuable, disregarded or wasted.
Time is given to us
as a commodity for our use.
We may
miss time and what is important.
We may disregard
time and simply careless.
We may be focused
and lose tract of time.
We may just waste
time doing what is meaningless.
We may
ignore time and keep on doing what matters.
We may use the
precious time we have to live consciously.
We may take our time
to say and do what is valuable.
We may make time to
focus on what is meaningful.
well spent is fulfilling.
Time poorly used may
be regretted.
Respecting time can
be important.
Time can be measured
and accounted for.
time is so valuable for some, to disrespect others’ time can be frustrating.
For those who lose
track of time, reminders are important.
With the many
distractions in life, we often need to be selective in our use of time.
When we honor the
time we have, we treat every minute as significant.
To use
time well is to be efficient.
To use time wisely
is to be conscious.
To use time
meaningfully, is to be inspired.
To use time with
gratitude, is to be awake.
how well you use your time each day.
Take the time to
review what has been and will be.
Understand how to
focus your time for each activity.
Establish a simply
question to remember your intention.
does this use of time support my intention?
Am I aware of
what I am doing and why it is important to me?
Is there anything
more valuable to be doing right now?
Is my time
important to me?
love using every minute to love unconditionally, serve from the heart and
remember God and Good.
you keep track of time?
you use time efficiently of waste time?
you manage your time well?
you get things done on time?
you happy with what you do with time?
will tell you about you.