I appreciate you for reading and living these reminders.
I am super grateful that this is my calling and my gift.
I praise all Good in us all for All We Are and Do with One Another.
I give thanks that gratitude words exquisitely well.
Key to Everything Is Gratitude and Praise.
thanks for all things.
Appreciate all you
have experienced.
Be grateful for what
you know.
Appreciate who you
thanks for what you have.
Give thanks for what
you want.
Give thanks for what
you are not.
Appreciate being
just occurred to me!
My freedom comes
from being grateful.
My abundance comes
from being thankful.
My loving
relationships come from appreciating everyone.
believe the key to all Good is being Grateful for all Good.
I trust the key to
having all is giving all to all.
I see that saying
Thank you is what keeps the good coming to me.
I know that with
appreciation come growth, expansion and increase.
an experiment in your life, your home and workplace.
Say thanks to
everyone for everything.
Start a trend with
those you live and work with daily.
Appreciate openly
every little thing.
your appreciation with words.
Show your
appreciation with smiles.
Give your
appreciation with notes and gifts.
Allow your
appreciation to flow abundantly for everything.
benefits from thankfulness.
Everyone is blessed
with gratitude.
Everyone is filled
with acknowledgment.
Everyone is
encouraged with appreciation.
is increased with our appreciation.
Everything is
sustained with our gratitude
Everything is
bettered by our praise.
Everything is
enriched with our mindful blessing.
ourselves grow in faith, love and happiness when we are grateful.
We are more aware
when we give praise.
We are filled with
more happiness, health and prosperity.
When we give more
appreciation, we have more to be grateful for.
an experiment for 30 days!
Challenge yourself
to say “Thank You to everyone everyday”
Notice the results
in you and around you.
Watch your health,
happiness and prosperity increase.
So very grateful we are friends on the path to true prosperity and
Betty Lue