I am happy to be truly helpful.
What is best for me is best for others.
I choose always to share the best I have in thoughts, words and
I give and receive all good and only good.
Everyone Help Themselves!
we are healed, we are not healed alone.
When we help
another, we are helping ourselves.
What we do for
ourselves, we do for others.
What we do for
others, we are doing for ourselves.
universe shows us how to heal.
We are here to heal
all of us.
When we live with
healing in mind, we experience inner peace.
When we share our
peace of mind, we demonstrate healing.
Life experience
shows us what is helpful.
We observe the
results of the help we offer.
We notice what works
and what doesn’t work.
We choose to do what
is truly helpful and all benefit.
is not helpful if it creates fear or resistance.
Help is not helpful
if it disables or weakens the other.
Help is not helpful
if we sacrifice and weaken ourselves.
Help is helpful it
is empowers and creates no judgmental awareness.
A rule of thumb to use:
Wait until you are asked or invited to help.
Create a confidential and private space or help anonymously.
Be clear about the time involved. (Set limits).
Ask specifically what is needed.
Listen within and listen first to the other to see what is
Give only what is asked for and open to be received.
Share what feels positive, encouraging and reassuring.
Ask if there is anything else that is wanted or needed.
Listen to and receive your own counsel and guidance.
10. Do not
share, remind or ask about what you have given.
11. Be
grateful for the opportunity to be of help.
12. Do not
give if there is no appreciation or it makes things worse.
13. There must
be conscious appreciation to be of value.
what is helpful to you may or may not be helpful to another.
What you give is
always a gift to yourself.
To be helpful must
demonstrate your faith and confidence and trust in the other.
Treat and talk with
others as you want to be treated and talked with.
helpfulness is equal, honest and responsible.
True helpfulness is
respectful and kind.
True helpfulness is
direct, specific and without expectation.
Seek only to be
truly helpful for the highest and best outcome.
truly helpful by giving what you would want to receive.
Reminding you with
Betty Lue
When I speak of helping as in A Course in Miracles “Healer’s Prayer” I am
talking about Serving as in the article below.
This may help to clarify the semantic differences.
I am here only to be truly helpful.
I am here to represent the Love that sent me.
I do not have to worry about what to say or do, because the Love that sent
me will direct me.
I am content to be wherever Love wishes, knowing that Love goes with me.
I will be healed, as I let love teach me to heal.
(I will be helped as I let love teach me to be helpful.)