Friday, March 06, 2015


I value my everyday lifestyle and healthy habits.
I benefit from my daily spiritual practice.
I am grounded in what creates healthy thoughts, words and actions.
I center myself with what is highest and best for me personally.

Consistency Creates Security!

Routine stabilizes emotions.
In a world of change, humans needs some stability.
With so much unknown, we need to rely on what is known.
When everything seems chaotic, we need to create order.

When we are consistent, we feel secure.
When we have routine, we find our center.
When we are centered, we feel safe.
When we are safe, we know Love.

Often the human mind is filled with complication and confusion.
When we fill ourselves with random information, it leads to random thoughts.
When we fill ourselves with focused information, we experience focused thinking.
Perhaps the bad dreams, anxious feelings and attention difficulties come from our chaotic lifestyles.

Consider, we are here to feed our bodies familiar and consistent healthy foods.
Consider, to be healthy, we need to eat healthy, live healthy, learn healthy and think healthy.
Consider, we are habituated to ingesting a variety of thoughts, foods, information and experiences.
Consider, random thoughts, foods, info and experiences lead to random or unfocused  lives.

Where is our focus?
To what are we allegiant?
How do we choose?
How much variety do we need?

Some avoid familiarity.
Some want diversity.
Some fear being bored.
Some abhor routine.

Have we gone too far in changing times?
Have we lost our center and our peace?
Are you addicted to the adrenalin of fear?
Have we stepped away from basic goodness?

When traditions are good, let’s preserve them in our lives.
When certain habits are healthy, let us continue them.
When our lifestyle provides security, let’s maintain it.
When we feel safe, happy and whole, let us appreciate what we have.

Bodies digest better what is known.
Minds learn better what is familiar.
Relationship last better with tradition.
Life works better with routine.

There is no harm in having the basics in life continue.
There is no loss in having our relationships be preserved with respect.
There is no fear that comes from giving ourselves and our children structure.
There is nothing wrong with continuing basic good and healthy ways of life.

Loving us all as we learn what is highest and best for each one.
Betty Lue

Ten Keys to a Good Life:

Be Responsible for the entirety of your life.
Be Open to learn from everything and everyone.
Be Forgiving of all mistakes, yours and others.
Be Truly helpful by thinking, speaking and giving your best.
Be Impeccable in caring for your body, relationships, home, work, finances.
Be Willing to live with moderation in all things.
Be Aware of the Gift of Love and the Call for Love.
Be Exact with your thoughts and words; they create your life.
Be Hard-working with wisdom, gratitude and joy.
Be Good.  See Good. Think Good. Speak Good. Give Good.

Keys to Health & Vitality

Ingest the best and forget the rest.  Take into your body, mind and spirit only that which supports, sustains and inspires the BEST in you.

Life is flow. To move with the flow is healthy. To resist is stressful. Move with the natural inner movement physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, etc.

To breathe in (inhale) fully life energy, Spirit, Prana, inspiration, is to expand our awareness to open to an enlightened mind.  To exhale fully is to truly release what is no longer needed.

Reaching out with Love and respect for each other opens our bodies and beings to trust in the gentleness we all deserve to experience.

Choose for those thoughts which heal and free you to be unlimited in health and wholeness. Forgive (erase) the beliefs which are limiting or false.

Carry with you an attitude of gratitude and love for yourself and others.  Allow yourself to see all things work together for good.

Moderation in all things will bring your life into harmony.  As we give ourselves what is really best for us, the extremes are gently released.

What you perceive in others and the world you strengthen in your Self.  Focus on illness, disease and weakness and you actually weaken yourself.  See only health and wholeness and you move yourself in the direction you are looking.

To clear out toxins and purify the system requires a willingness to eliminate toxic thoughts, activities, relationships as well as foods from your system.  Flushing the system clean is aided with water, fresh air, gentle movement and forgiveness.

To rest and relax your mind and body are invaluable to being refreshed and revitalized. Each person has unique methods of relaxation - meditation, music, being in nature, focused simple activity.