live with purpose in everything I do.
is fun, safe and easy when I live with purpose.
trust I am on purpose because I am happy.
know peace and prosperity when I live and give with purpose.
Prosperity comes
with purpose!
Purpose brings
Purpose serves
others well.
Purpose yields
And so it is when
you realize your purpose, you are focused.
When we are without
purpose and direction, we tend to be confused.
Without purpose,
life may feel meaningless and futile.
With no sense of
direction, we may feel stagnant, stuck and sick.
With purpose we
have a clear vision of how to live with intention.
With purpose we know
our life has meaning.
With purpose we feel
satisfied and content with ourselves.
With purpose there
is clarity and peace.
To discover your
purpose, look for what activities give you energy.
Observe when you
feel satisfied at the end of a project or activity.
Feel the inner peace
that comes when you have said or done something.
You will begin to
notice a feeling of fulfillment when you are on purpose.
Life that serves
others has purpose.
Life that opens the
flow of inspiration has purpose.
Life that allows a
deep spiritual connection has purpose.
Life that fulfills
the sense of curiosity and wonder has purpose.
Purpose is not
about a specific job or career path.
Purpose is not
specific to a person or personality.
Purposeful living is
about being and doing your calling.
Purposeful giving
has a deeper meaning and expression of Self.
When on purpose,
life works for us.
When on purpose, we
are fulfilled.
When on purpose, we
experience delight.
When on purpose, we
know Success and true prosperity.
Remember those
experiences throughout life.
Seek more of the
same, no matter what the world says.
Life your life your
way and appreciate your journey.
Give yourself what
is Best for you and it will be best for others.
Living, Loving
and Learning with purpose,
Betty Lue
Give the Gift of Purpose to yourself :
highly recommend Robert’s Life Purpose Readings and/or his Soul’s Awakening Book.
This 60 minute personal CD gives you years of inspiration and guidance for
your life purpose.
Purpose Readings
inspired, channeled material using a synthesis of ancient symbolic and
intuitive arts with vital information regarding your part in our rapidly
changing reality.
Learn about:
What you have come into this life to teach and learn.
Your Soul's ultimate purpose.
The gifts you bring and which are here for you.
Where you are in your personal program Now.
Universal energies at work now, affecting you and
Your relationship to the world—physical, mental,
emotional, creative.
How your 10 Spiritual Bodies serve you.
Past soul connections and current lifetime challenges
with significant people in your life.
How to stay on purpose (or get back on when you're
Personal and interpersonal integration.
Balancing your life for highest Spiritual expression.
Coming to fully live your magnificence and actualize
your potential..
Suggested donation is $149.
will always do a CD for someone who has financial challenges.
offer a donation from your heart .
Info I need from you:
Your full birth name (even if you have never used it in that form).
Your birth date (month, day and year).
The first name, birth date and relationship of anyone who is significant
in your life and you would like to know any patterns of soul connection which
are being called upon. (No more than 8 please.)
Symbology and Spiritual Numerology
"Truth For Insightful
M. Waldon, N.D., Ph.D., 1990
personal workbook is designed to allow you the greatest possible freedom to discover
your own highest truth. From your own personal experiences and deep inner
knowing, you will bring to this work precisely the meaning which will have the
greatest significance to you as you travel along your path.
by step guidance in filling out your own personal worksheet that represents
your road map on your journey through this workbook.
work is designed to be free from external interpretation and focuses on the
possibilities and potential within each of us.
Experience clarity, energy, enthusiasm, vitality and a
greater sense of balance and purpose in all areas of your life.
What you have come into this life to teach and learn.
Your Soul’s ultimate purpose.
The gifts you bring that are here for you.
Where you are in your personal program now.
Universal energies at work now, affecting you and everyone.
Your relationship to the world—physical, mental, emotional, creative.
Past soul connections and current lifetime challenges with individuals.
How to stay on purpose (or get back on when youÕre off).
Balancing your life for highest spiritual expression.
Fully live your magnificence and actualize your potential.
pages $18 plus tax & shipping.
from Reunion Ministries.
(800) 919-2392
Dare to live your true purpose.
True prosperity comes from purposeful living and giving.