is my teacher.
listen with an open mind and learn from everyone and everything.
am willing and able to respond to all things with respect and kindness.
forgive all misunderstanding, ignorance, prejudice or wanting my way.
for seekers to find a better way!”
you want to be happy, do not make others unhappy.
you want to be healthy, do not do or say or think unhealthy thoughts.
you want to be faithful. be confident and true to your own values.
you want to make a difference, clean up your own life.
Life works best
from inside out.
When we do our own
work, it changes the world around us.
When we are happy,
healthy, faith-filled and true to our selves, we are conscious and committed.
When we want to see
a change, we must create change within ourselves.
Stop wasting time
condemning, complaining, criticizing and correcting others.
Focus on your own
You begin to
recognize all your judgments and justifications, excuses and explanations are
Listen to your own
projections onto others and apply them to yourself.
What we see in
others lives within us. (or we could not see it.)
When we clean out
our closets of archived history, we begin to see clearly.
Do to other what you
want others to do to you.
Do not expect,
compare or judge yourself or others for what is done or left undone.
Everyone is in
their own stage of awareness and application.
Each person has
their own unique path, purpose, lessons to learn and timing.
Week not to
interfere with others life journey or process until you are complete with
All of us are
learning our lessons, finding our way as we awaken when we are good and ready.
Answer questions
when asked, but no need to waste advice on those who do not seek.
Listen when you talk
to others to see what you need to hear.
For many speaking is
the way to awaken to ourselves.
Be aware that you
are always talking to you and for you and your own point of view.
Seek to
understand, before seeking to be understood.
Often others answer
their own questions and needs when given the time to be heard.
Listen with your
heart to what others say to find the inner truth, the call for love and being
Be patient and
peaceful, when you listen to others, seeking only for their need or call for
Being quiet is a
gift for you and for the world.
Talking fills the
space, but often doesn’t fill the heart.
Talking may be a distraction,
because people don’t know what to say or do to express their Love.
Allowing yourself
and others to have quality time in silence is a gift.
Remember everyone
is different than you.
Each person has
different desires, ways of being and relating, lessons to learn and ways to
feel loved.
When we come to see
and understand, accept and appreciate the differences, we will know great
Allow each person to
be who they are by respecting their unique process of living.
Take care of the
best in you and let the rest go.
Ingest the best from
others and forgive the rest.
Discern what works
and what doesn’t work.
Choose wisely and
well for what is Good for All.
Loving our learning,
Betty Lue
Betty Lue