I love my life and my life loves me.
I choose to treat my whole life with respect and appreciation.
The more I value and appreciate my life, the more meaning I experience.
I give meaning and value to everything I think, say and do.
What do you
What is important
to you?
Where do you contribute?
How do you give?
Purpose gives
Meaning inspires
Life energy feels
What is valuable
sustains us.
And so it is to
live with meaning is essential to all life.
Do you live to
survive or thrive?
Do you live to
defend or feel safe?
Do you live to
get by or prosper?
When we know what
we value, we can find meaning.
We can give
everything we do and say the meaning we give it.
We give meaning to
what we value.
When we do not value
ourselves and our lives, life is meaningless.
Connect with
people who have found meaning in life.
Notice the
compassion they have for those around them.
Feel the passion
they feel for being helpful and caring.
Be aware of how they
spend their rime, money and energy.
Take time to
clarify what you value.
Pay attention to the
people, places and things you value most.
Give more of
yourself to what you value.
When you contribute,
you find more meaning in life.
Give to your
health if you value health.
Give to your family,
if you value family.
Invest in your
financial future if you value abundance.
Give to your
environment, if you value the earth and its bounty.
Where you give,
you will receive the benefit.
When you give, your
life has meaning.
How you give, you
feel the passion.
Contribution is how
we find and receive meaning.
When life is
meaningless, you feel empty, disconnected and alone.
When your life is
meaningful, you feel fulfilled, connected and at one.
Bless yourself by
contributing to a meaningful and purposeful life.
Value your life and
you will know your are valuable.
Valuing you in all
you are and do,
Betty Lue
Everything I do is a gift to me and you!
give meaning, purpose and value my life.