Thursday, September 25, 2014

Love Works!

Affirmations: Remember to write and say aloud affirmations 20 times daily for 14 days! 
I never quit on Love.
Love works because I never stop loving.
Life is for Loving and for giving Love.
It is safe. fun, and easy to love and be loved.

What works is freeing yourself from judgment.
What works is freeing others from being judged.
What works is trusting yourself to do your best.
What works is trusting others to do their best.

Love is trust, trusting and being trusted.
Love is trusting everything works together for Good.
Love is trusting you are here to learn from everyone.
Love is trusting when we Love we create more Love.

Love is freedom, the freedom to be your true self.
Love is freedom to fully express your authentic self.
Love is freedom to Love without conditions.
Love is freedom to live your life without harm or being harmed.

Love is being safe for yourself and for others.
Love is creating a safe place to be and do as you are called.
Love is recognizing you create safety for others.
Love is undoing everything that is unsafe for you and others.

Love is forgiving.
Love is letting go of fear.
Love is erasing judgment, prejudice and condemnation.
Love is relinquishing all attack.

Love is being peaceful.
Love is extending peace to others.
Love is bringing peace into your world.
Love is being the Peace of God and Good.

Love is being happy.
Love is bringing joy to others.
Love is giving joy with everything you do.
Love is sharing your happiness within your life.

Love is all good things.
Love is no “thing” at all.
Love has no limitations or boundaries.
Love is all one and never alone.

Love works, because Love is the only lasting and REAL Work.
Love who you are and all you do and your Love will come back to you.
Be the Love that lives within and true Love begins again and again.
Love is the way, we remember to say, : “I love You and value You all ways.”

And so it is, I am Always Loving you,
Betty Lue

You can order my book Pocketbook of Affirmations on or get one from me for a contribution.
Blessings of love always and only Love, 
Betty Lue