know myself and my needs best.
am most aware and able to be kind to me.
good to myself creates more goodness for others.
is best for me is best for others.
Those who are
kind to themselves will be kind to others.
Those who are honest
with themselves will be honest with others.
Those who listen to
themselves will be able to listen to others.
Where we go wrong is
when we forget to take care of ourselves first.
When we are kind,
we treat our whole self, our lives with respect.
When we are unkind,
we have neglected to talk impeccable care of us.
When we are kind, we
are hones and listen to ourselves.
When we are unkind,
we deceive ourselves and neglect what we have to say.
When we are good
to ourselves, we are good to others.
When we love
ourselves unconditionally, we know how to love others unconditionally.
When we are
responsible for our choices, we allow others to be responsible for theirs.
When we talk to
ourselves with threats, blame, resentment and guilt, we are prone to do it to
Listen to your
self talk.
Pay attention to
what you do or say when you look in a mirror.
Watch to see what
you do with your day: honor yourself or give it away?
And what do you say
or think or do when you first wake up in the morning?
Do you receive
compliments with a simply gracious THANK YOU?
When asked what
you want to eat, are you honest in your answer?
Do you sacrifice
your time and energy to give it away to others?
Do you always say
YES and forget to say NO when you really want to?
Are you aware
when you need a break or down time?
Do you get cranky
when you have not eaten or slept well?
Do you easily
forgive your mistakes and the mistake of others?
Are you consuming
what you know is best for your body and mind?
Do you give
yourself the time and space you need to do things well?
Are you awake to
your own needs and fill them yourself rather than waiting for others?
Are you
respectful of your emotional and physical needs and make sure you take care of
Do you know how
to get rest and stop the stress when needed>
I encourage each
one of us to love ourselves and the gift of our own life.
I respect those who
are at their best because they do take care of themselves.
I forgive those who
react emotionally because they have not been kind to themselves.
I honor all for
learning how to be good and kind to themselves and to others.
Take the time to
be kind!
Betty Lue
is the key to happiness and health.
forgive everyone everywhere for all time, including myself.
The more I love and respect myself, the more others love and respect me.
The more I love and respect myself, the more I love and respect others.
The more I love and respect myself, the more others love and respect
give myself the very best and all are blessed.