I walk in peace.
I think and talk with peace.
I extend peace to all brothers and sisters and to myself.
There is no need to deny the Love in me; I Am free.
Peace Day
Attack begets
Judgment comes from
When we are fearful,
we need to know we are safe.
When we are judged,
we feel afraid.
To attack, judge,
condemn or hurt another creates a counter attack, unless we bring peace.
T extend Peace, we
must clear our minds of fear.
To extend Peace we
must forgive ourselves for our condemnation and judgment.
To extend Peace we
must believe peace and forgiveness work.
When we believe
that one wrong act deserves another, we will attack or threaten attack.
When we think that
our anger, violence, threats and hurtfulness will keep us safe, we are
When we make up we
can defend ourselves by threatening others, we learn fear doesn’t bring peace.
If peace and harmony
are our goals, we must seek a better way.
Find your own way
to be at peace.
Create a safe place
in your mind and home.
Let go of
resentment, criticism, bullying and judging.
Give up doing harm
to others with your thoughts, words and actions.
Whenever anyone
feels bullied, threatened, hurt or abused, they hold fear, resentment and
Whenever anyone
feels heard, believed, forgiven and forgiving, they begin to trust.
When the trust is
considered as helpful to create more safety and peace, people begin to trust.
When people trust
they are safe, they feel content, peaceful, open-minded and trusting.
Whenever you can
stop the drama.
Step away and see to
respond with Love.
Wherever you can,
say “I am sorry” and Forgive.
Pause and breathe
deep before reacting with more drama.
However you can
stop the violence.
Remember thoughts
create, so stop thinking about hurting anyone.
Whenever you can
eliminate angry words and actions.
Stop watching
violent actions and speaking violent words.
This is the time
to bring peace to your mind.
Bring peace to your
Bring peace to your
Be the Peace you
want to see.
Thank you for
bringing peace to our world.
Betty Lue
Betty Lue Lieber’s Peaceful Reminders are
for sale at
I have set up a
special website for all of our books.( <>
) One page is specifically for downloading free PDF copies of each book. Here
is the link.
I trust this will
serve you well.
12 Principles of Attitudinal Healing
By Jerry Jampolsky, MD and ACIM
The essence of our being is love.
Health is inner peace, healing is letting
go of fear.
Giving and receiving are the same.
We can let go of the past and of the
Now is the only time there is, and each
instant is for giving.
We can learn to love ourselves and others
by forgiving rather than by judging.
We can become love finders rather than
fault finders.
We can choose and direct ourselves to be
peaceful inside, regardless of what is happening outside.
We are students and teachers to each other.
We can focus on the whole of life, rather than the fragments.
Since love is eternal, change need not be viewed as fearful.
We can always perceive others as either extending love or
giving a call for help.
affirms that we are responsible for our thoughts and whatever feelings we
encourages us to re-examine our relationships, bringing them into the present
by releasing past judgments and grievances.
reminds us that perception is a mirror of what is in our mind.