I am open for positive change.
I am willing to be fully responsible for my life.
I can and will change my mind to seek and find the Good.
I trust and live by the highest values and most effective choices.
Do you care for
Do you remember what
you need?
Do you manage your
Do you manage your
Do you give
yourself enough rest?
Do you give yourself
the right nutrition?
Do you relate to
good people and places?
Do you keep your
agreements with yourself and others?
Are you
responsible for your words and behavior 24/7?
Are you respectful
of yourself, even when you make mistakes?
Do you talk to and
treat your life as a precious gift?
Do you give
appreciation and kindness to yourself consistently?
Do you respect
your word?
Do you respect your
home and possessions?
Do you respect your
money and spending?
Do you respect your
Are you capable
of finding a better way?
Are you cable of
being a better friend and partner?
Are you capable of
doing better at work and at home?
Are you cable of
being a better listener, neighbor, role model?
Are you willing
to stop blaming others?
Are you willing to
stop complaining and criticizing?
Are you willing to
speak positively and practically with reason?
Are you willing to
step up when helpful and step away when hurtful?
Are you open to
learning how to live more consciously?
Are you open to
treating those you encounter with more respect?
Are you open to see
the gest in others and appreciating they?
Are you open to
creating better relationships in your life?
Why does it
always have to be about me?
Why am I the one
to take responsibility?
Why do I have to
It always begins
with You, if you are the one asking the questions and seeking something better.
If you want to
have a better life, be willing to learn.
If you want to be
a better person, be willing to change.
If you want to
have better relationships, be willing to respond with kindness and respect.
If you want to
help others find a better way, begin with yourself.
If you still
blame and complain, whine and wait, judge and criticize, this is your wakeup
Life is too short
to wait for someone else to fix it and make it better.
Life is too
important to pretend you have no responsibility.
Life is too precious
to waste your energy on sorry and self pity.
Life is too good to
give it away to being sick, sad and silent.
Grow up and speak
up with best Self.
Take charge by
changing what you can.
Live in integrity
with your own values.
Treat everyone,
including yourself, with the best you know.
Loving and
living, learning and letting go everyday!
Betty Lue