I plant in my mind what is good and whole and loving.
I sow within my life what is mine to contribute.
I do the work that is mine to do with gratitude and joy.
I appreciate who I Am, all I have and what I do.
What is it you
are planting?
Seeds of beauty?
Seeds of creative
Seeds of faith?
Seeds of
Seeds of
Seeds of
Seeks of wisdom?
Seeds of highest
Seed of respect?
Seeds of Joy?
Seeds of
Seeds of wealth?
Seeds of purpose?
Seeds of family?
Seeks of romance?
Seeds of
Seeds of healing?
Seeds of prayer?
Seeds of
The world is your
What do you want
to instill in the mind of human consciousness?
By your words and
actions, you are the gardener.
You are choosing
what you want to grow in the fertile Soul of Being.
Begin with your
own mind and life.
Start by asking what
you want to be and how you want to live.
When you know your
own need for nourishment, you know what you need to harvest.
When you know what
you needs and want, you know what you need to sow and reap.
As the gardener,
you must know you need to till the soil.
Loosen your thoughts
and beliefs with no fixed opinions.
As an organic
gardener, you know you need to stop doing harm.
Create a happy and
healthy place to choose what you really need to have.
When you see what
you need, it is yours to envision, to plant, to nurture and cultivate.
This is your
calling, your purpose and functions.
When you live with
your part to play, everyday is guided and provided.
You are in the flow
of living and giving, allowing and trusting what is to be through you.
We can try to
grow what others grow or do what others do.
But the higher
truth is there is only One unique and significant YOU!
You have a way to
live and seeds to give and much to share from your harvest.
You have your own
calling and garden and wisdom and appreciation.
Get to work
It is almost spring.
Let go of the
complexity and confusion.
You will come to the
conclusion, you are simply to sow the best you have.
What is good for
you will grow.
We are to let the
rest go without regret.
Move on and sow the
best in you today.
Life is really good
when we let it play easily and gently through us.
Loving you,
Betty Lue