Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Relationship Reminders

I never quit on Love.
I trust, respect and Love myself.
Others trust, respect and Love me.
It is fun, safe and easy to Love everyone.
The key in healthy relationships is How much does this relationship inspire you to be your best Self?

It is natural to love everyone, no matter what.
When relationships  seem to distract, disappoint detour and stop us from loving, they need work!
When you are withholding love (trust and freedom) from anyone, there is healing work to do in you.
Love is our natural state and you are here to recognize and release all blocks to the awareness of Love.

The real questions for each person is: 
Does this relationship support me in actualizing my purpose?
Am I called to teach, to join, to heal, to forgive, to create, to serve, to help?
Will this relationship enhance or distract me from living in integrity with my truth?
Does this partnership encourage me to live my vision, be honest and responsible, and living my best?

There are few relationships that function at this high level.
All relationships are teaching and learning opportunities to discover what is most valuable.
Therefore, no relationship is a mistake, since each is a teaching/learning experience.
Only when we judge the relationship, do we need to take “make up tests” for not learning the lessons.

Here are the keys to a successful, healthy and actualizing relationship.
Evaluate your current readiness or ability to apply each of these to your current relationship. 
Decide what your purpose is in each relationship at this time.
If it is more helpful to not be together, step away, continue to “love” with no need to get anything.
Choose some form of relationship with one another that enhances the learning/teaching experience. 
Be open to learning the lessons for yourself.
What have you learned?
What do you need to learn?
What are you open and willing to learn and live?
What do you regret and are you willing to apologize?
What challenges do you need to master within yourself?
What from your past programming and patterns do you need to heal?
What is your ideal relationship/partnership and how can you be your ideal?
How can you be your best in each relationship you have, especially with yourself?

When a relationship/person brings out the worst in you, Do not blame them!
When someone seems to bring out unusual or negative behavior in you, step away and heal.
When anyone causes upset, drama, negativity, violence or fear in you, move away and choose again.
Love, respect, and trust create gentle, peaceful, positive, healing and kind feelings and behaviors.

When you think, speak or act in unloving ways:
Step away and heal yourself.
Step away and forgive your past.
Step away and seek a better way.
Step away and return to Love.

Loving you in always remembering to Love and returning to Wholeness, 
Betty Lue