Thursday, November 21, 2013

Two Voices Within You

Affirmations: ( Use these affirmations, written and spoken daily for 14 days, to set you free from limiting beliefs and fearful living.)
I trust in the Goodness within me.
I am willing to listen and follow the Voice of Love within.
I let go of fear and clear my mind to hear the Highest Good.
I release all resistance to quiet my mind and listen within.

One comes from fear.
Fear creates judgment, doubt, confusion, and defensiveness.
One comes from Love.
Love creates forgiveness, confidence, clarity and open-minded ness.

These two voices are often referred to as Ego and Spirit.
Ego is our learned self, based on fear and false beliefs and seeing a world of duality.
Spirit is our natural Self, created in Love as Love for the purpose of Loving in a world of Unity.
These are both available inside of us, useful to manage the world we see as our reality.

How do you tell what to believe?
When you are confused or conflicted, step back and be still.
When you are frightened and in doubt, be quiet and listen within to your heart.
When you feel uncertain and unsafe, stop and do nothing.
When you are judging, hating, hurting and resentful, you are guided by ego.

When you are clear and certain, appreciate your choices.
When you are confident and committed, move forward with joy.
When you are strong and secure, enjoy the good you create.
When you are forgiving, respecting, helping and kind, you are guided by Spirit.

You can listen to whichever inner voice you choose.
When you are conforming and connected with the worldly fears, you most often choose Ego.
When you are quiet and grateful, in prayer or meditation, you most often hear the voice of Spirit.
Some feel Spirit as God, master teachers, Angels, Guides, their elders, Higher Power or intuition.

You will believe and choose whatever you feel is in your best interest.
I encourage you to experiment and seek the answers and guidance that work.
When open and willing, you find with discernment that life works with Spirit.
When closed and unwilling, you find the distortions of egoic emotional reactions.

Now is your time to begin to be willing to learn from forgiveness and love.
Now is your moment to experiment with how listening to the voice of Joy works for you.
Now is your opportunity to step away from judgment and fear and get clear.
Now you can choose to listen within to the highest voice that leads to awareness and healing.

Everyone has this sacred place buried inside.
You see it in those who are innocent and trusting.
You feel it in those who are happy and confident.
You know it in you when you are alive and in love.

Believe in the Love in you.
Believe in forgiving yourself.
Believe you can have the good Life you want.
Believe you will be guided to a fun, safe and easy life.

We are here as Loving Reminders for one another.
I see and know the Love in you, because I know it in me.
Betty Lue

It is Your Choice!
EGO  (Human Personality)........................ SPIRIT (Inner Spiritual Essence)
Separate from God................................... In communion with God ( Good)
Everyone for himself ............................... We’re in this together
Guilt ...................................................... Guiltlessness
Crucifixion.............................................. Resurrection
Penalties & punishment ............................ Salvation
Pain........................................................ Joy
Complexity.............................................. Simplicity
Fear........................................................ Love
Bound .................................................... Free
Unhappy.................................................. Happy
Rejects atonement.................................... Accepts At-One-ment
Conflict................................................... Peace
Vulnerability............................................. Invulnerability
Harm ..................................................... Harmlessness
Makes own decisions for self ................... Decides with Spirit for Highest Good
Defensiveness.......................................... Defenselessness
Suspicion................................................ Trust
Control ................................................... Allowance
Blame...................................................... Responsibility
Victim..................................................... Sovereign
Judgment................................................ Forgiveness
Broken.................................................... Whole
Sinner..................................................... Sinless
Worldly .................................................. Spiritual
Believes world can offer what is wanted .... Knows only Spirit offers what is needed
Led by fear.............................................. Led by Joy
Painful learning........................................ Happy learning
At effect.................................................. At choice
Believes in a punishing God....................... Believes in a loving God and Goodness
Strives to be right..................................... Chooses to be happy
What we see is True................................. Beliefs create perception
Body and emotions lead............................. Follow the Inner Call
Our function follows form........................ Form follows function

Always translate freely those words which are not a part of your belief system.