Saturday, November 10, 2012

Do You Know?

Do you know that I am here for you?
I am here for you on the phone or skype, via email or in person.
I am here for you at my office, your home or business, too.
I am here with you in love and prayer, positive thought and always with creative solutions.

Do you know we have a Retreat Home for your rest and renewal? 
The Hermitage is just across the street from our Lake House in Hidden Valley Lake, CA
This home offers quiet beauty for individuals, couples and families to heal and reconnect.
It is open to everyone seeking time to relax, get clarity and vision for a better life.

Do you know while on your own independent retreat or with a group, we are available to you?
Since we live here, we easily offer our services by appointment at our Positive Living Center.
You can stay at the Hermitage any time of year. Visit < <> > for application.
You can contribute what is right and fair for you for all our services.

Do you know we offer individualized programs for individuals, relationships and families?
Betty Lue specializes in optimum relationships, effective communication and life purpose success. 
Robert specializes in financial freedom, clearing energy blocks in body and mind and whole life health.
Together we are “on call” for Good and listen within for guidance about how and where to give. 

Do you know we facilitate group retreats here at the Lake House and Hermitage?
It is inspiring to experience a small group with shared goals, focus and direction. 
We share information, inspiration, education and nourishment which will energize you.
We participate together as a healthy functional family with everyone cooperating.

Do you realize a healing and inspiring connection can take just a few moments?
Some folks listen to my voicemail and feel inspired and reminded.
Some folks just need a 5 minute response on email or phone or text.
Some folks want an encouraging affirmation or helpful process emailed to them.

Do you know that we have three offices for counseling, classes and community events?
Reunion Center is in Pleasant Hill. CA. < <> > 
Unity Center for Inspired Living is in Brentwood, CA. < > 
Positive Living Center is in Hidden Valley Lake, CA. <> 

Do you know that most workshops and Unity talks can be accessed on line? <
You can ask to receive CDs in the mail or go on line for the education/inspiration we give.
We offer everything by contribution, so there is no limitation for those sincerely interested.
Counseling/coaching, retreats, workshops, groups and Unity services are available to everyone.

Do you know we facilitate a Living Ministry Program for those desiring inspired service?
Even when you are long distance, we invite you to join us in learning to minister to others.
We do not teach dogma, religions or what to believe.
We facilitate/teach living in integrity, speaking/teaching, healing/counseling and success in business.

Do you know that every time you make your life better it is a blessing for all.
When you ask Robert and I for help, we respond in the most empowering ways we know. 
We use your contributions to fund all that we do without the need for outside funding.
Every donation or freewill offering for services is used to continue benefitting all who ask.

Thanks you for caring and giving and receiving.
Your best Self benefits everyone on the planet.
Loving us all as One,
Betty Lue and Robert

Personal note:
I give because it is more fun to share than to keep it for myself.
I give because it is much more fun to live with happy people on a peaceful planet.
I give because I love and loving is the happiest and most powerful way to live.

Do you receive and/or read my daily Loving Reminders? (See
(Most of the past reminders are all available there.)
I write and send one each morning since 1999 sharing my own inner guidance.
They are written to be shared with those who may benefit.
I send them to thousands who may value the inspiration and guidance, if they ask.
Please feel free to share.

Almost forgot to let you know I have a Relationship Reminders book, available through or from me.
There will be 3 more books in the coming months (when I have time to do the final editing).
If people do not have funds, I am happy to send the book on request.
Healing Reminders, Family Reminders, Healthy Reminders

Loving you,
Betty Lue