How do you remember trust in times of doubt?
How do you feel safe when you are afraid?
How do you feel peace when you don’t understand?
How do you find joy when you are in pain?
What is spiritual practice for, except to get ready for the difficulties?
What are the life challenges that are meant to be overcome?
What are the lessons you are here to learn?
How are you here to serve and help others?
What does it take for you to find peace in the midst of chaos?
What can you do to take away pain and suffering?
How do you cope with apparent tragedy, loss and injustice?
Where do you go when you want to remember, renew and rest?
Each one of us has a different prescription for wholeness.
Each one has their own path for perfect trust.
Each one goes to their individual healing and helpful Presence.
Each one must listen to their own inner voice.
Those with rituals and traditions must remember them in time of trial and tribulation.
Those with spiritual guides, teachers and resources must use what they count on in difficult times.
Those with an inner method of prayer, meditation and Praise must use what they practice.
What we believe in wholeheartedly must be a total committment to achieve perfect results.
Personally I often go to the silence and simply ask for guidance from within, the Highest View I know.
Sometimes I have used affirmations, clearing with forgiveness and full appreciation for all I have and know.
I have a friend in nature, a place for clearing and reassurance of Love from the Earth Gods or trees.
The most important response for me is to forgive all lack of trust, and love myself totally just as I AM.
It would be wonderful to take a pill or wave a magic feather or do a reading that answers all questions.
It would be great if some external power cleared our minds and bodies of everything unwanted.
It would be interesting if we recognized we are not victimized by anything and assumed full responsibility.
It would be helpful if we began to change our minds, both conscious and unconscious stuff, by our choice.
I do believe that we can change all things once we accept full responsibility.
I do trust that sometimes we have no awareness of the choices we have made.
I do know that everything can be reversed, when we love and accept it all.
I do see the powerful and immediate influence of forgiveness, affirmation and gratitude.
Loving us all in finding our own way, our own truth, our own path in the midst of many.
Betty Lue
As much as possible I step away from all fearful influences and listen to the highest Good from all.