Friday, January 20, 2012

Forgiving Our Mis–Creations

Awareness without judgment is healing.
We can change all things.
Everything is possible when we trust and access the God, the Divine within.
We are the responsible for everything we experience. we ask for and receive as we have asked.
Therefore it is ours to undo whatever is not true and loving, healed and holy.

A few ways I have easily and quickly forgiven and erased our mis-creations.
Rain and Snow Dance with the Arapaho People
Let the trees talk to me.
In nature I speak and watch how immediately I experience feedback.
Loving myself without condition.
Letting go of fear and placing my attention on faith.
Using the 30 days Enlightenment practice.
I forgive myself for limiting myself.
Stepping away from all fear-based and confusing influences.

Mistakes are opportunities to learn.
Mistakes are made, on purpose so we can get clear about what we really want and value.
Mis-takes are chances to see things differently.
When we judge our mistakes, we are doomed to repeat them.

Our holy and healing work is to clear the mistakes of humanity.
Our forgiveness work is to heal all past generations.
Our vocation is to see things with forgiving eyes.
Our life is a holy opportunity to clear what we do not value.

The only way to heal is to forgive and choose to live with perfect Love.
When we can see beyond the apparency and stop judging what has been, we can choose what is to be.
When we are willing to change our perception from wrong-mindedness to right-mindedness, we can see all things in a positive and helpful way.
When what we have chosen is not the highest and best for everyone, it needs healing.

Mistakes are fun, safe and easy.
Letting go is fun, safe and easy.
I no longer need to judge, justify or vilify mistakes or those who are mistaken.
I now easily let go of all negative positions and trust in the unfolding process of forgiveness and healing.

The work in life is to see all things working together for Good and for Goodness Sake.
The real vocation is to realize trust will settle every problem, dilemma or conflict now.
The healing work is to remember everything always works more exquisitely than we can plan.
The affirmative response to every mistake is to forgive my judgments and see things differently.

The blessings already are, when we let go of everything that is not a blessing.
Live, Love, Laugh and Let Go, and you will know God (Love, Heaven, Goodness) is All that Really Is.
Loving you,  
Betty Lue

Forgiveness is the Key to Happiness and Inner Peace
Every morning and every night, say this prayer:
I forgive everything and everyone, every experience and every memory of the past and present that needs forgiveness.
I forgive positively everyone.

God is Love.
I am forgiven and governed by God’s Love alone.
God’s Love is now harmonizing my life and its problems.
Realizing this, I abide in peace.

I am now forgiven by everything and everyone of the past and present that needs to forgive me.
I know that forgiveness unblocks whatever stands between me and my good.

I am grateful for the power of God’s Word.