Child of the Great Creator, Creative Power, Great Mystery, Almighty, Higher Power and All That Is.
You are here to create.
When you love your creations and know they benefit All That Is, You will believe in your creation.
When you judge your creations and believe they have done harm, You will withhold your creativity.
We have learned to diminish ourselves, belittle and blame external sources for our plight.
We tend to exalt what is outside ourselves and then doubt or hate Authority. (the author of our world)
When we judge what is the Origin, the Author of Life, the Source of our current state, we judge ourselves.
When we praise the Origin, the Source and Author of our lives, we take on the qualities of creation.
What do you really want?
Much of life seems to be sorting what is valuable to us.
We ask, make and attach to what we say we want, only to throw it away and demand more.
What could our lives be if we gracefully and gratefully appreciated the smorgasbord of possibility?
Since the mid 70”s I have been aware of my creations.
I take responsibility for the choices I make and the experiences I have.
To do and undo whatever is not good for everyone is always my choice.
I quickly and easily erase, forgive myself and release my mis-creations.
I am learning. We are learning.
Just like a school child, erasing whatever is not perfected until the paper is rubbed through.
There I find a new world, empty and open and free.
When all is done and undone, is it possible there is nothing we want…….
Perhaps we already are what we want?
Perhaps we already have what we need?
Perhaps we already do what we are here to do?
Perhaps our holy work is to undo?
I recognize each one is in their own stage of spiritual development.
The unfolding of our awareness comes through experiences, not from these words.
When we discover “we are in a place just right, we will be in the valley of love and delight.”
As I follow my heart, listening within, each day has its own magic, because love lives within.
And so it is…..
My vision is heaven on earth.
My faith is in the letting go of what is not.
My desire is for all to be happy and grateful to be.
My commitment is to be all that IAM.
My plan is to listen to all guidance from Love.
My work is to trust and be free.
My gratitude is for All That Is.
This is what I really want, and therefore it is that which I AM.
So be it, always in gratitude and joy,
Betty Lue